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About azmblanc1824

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/24/1980

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  • Location
    Chandler, Az

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  1. azmblanc1824

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    July 20th @10:34 AM
  2. azmblanc1824

    More Great Work From Mogollon Taxidery

    Very nice!
  3. azmblanc1824

    Recent Big Blacktail Kills....Must See!!!

    Im originally from norcal and we've got a cabin up north on the lake and blacktails are are all over.. so basically that's what I grew up hunting.
  4. azmblanc1824

    First Big Velvet Blackie

    +1... he was probably pissed when i suprised him and shot him in the chest, and even more pissed when he went head on into a tree 20 yards from where I shot him...
  5. azmblanc1824

    3C Mule Deer Sucess!

    Great looking buck!
  6. azmblanc1824


    very nice!
  7. azmblanc1824

    Recent Big Blacktail Kills....Must See!!!

    They all came from Northern California
  8. azmblanc1824

    Big Blacktail on my wall!

    This is my first 4x4 blacktail... I took him in 2008 with a rifle!
  9. azmblanc1824

    First Big Velvet Blackie

    I've gotten a number of Blacktails in Northern Cali but this one is my first trophy with a bow!
  10. Got these two in 2008 after an all day rain storm.. It cleared up about an hour before dark and we found these two along with a little forken horn in a cutblock. Got the bigger of the two mounted and hanging on my wall! Got this one right by our cabin. We had him surrounded on a corner of a ridge and he ended up running right to me and I shot him @ 20 yards! He is also hanging on my wall! Brother and I got the two of these last season as they were standing on a ridge together.. I dropped mine and he dropped his seconds later! Dad shot this one last year
  11. azmblanc1824

    Not a coues but still a whitetail

    Very nice
  12. azmblanc1824

    1st archery coues!

    Nice Work!
  13. azmblanc1824

    my first deer with a bow

    Nice Work!