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Chief Barry

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About Chief Barry

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  1. Chief Barry

    Your Answer

    There is no hidden agenda, I don't need anything, I didn't know anything about this site until someone told me to go on line with the photo's. This spot was as you know over a couple miles off the main road. I have spent many of days with in yards of that area and never met another hunter or hiker. May be some people are not involved with the tampering of my cam. the facts are I have many photo's of game and then these people come by and over 70 photo's later it's back to taken photo's of game. Maybe everyone throught they where missing or playing a joke with a friends cam. Maybe someone is playing a joke on me. But these photo's are real and maybe we all have learned to just stay away from other people stuff. This will be my last message on this subject. I can hold my head up with pride and also knowing that maybe my cam will safe from them in the future.
  2. Chief Barry

    Catching a camera thief on camera

    I have photo's of two trying to steal one of my cams. Only one photo uploaded here but these two know each other, lets see if anyone knows one of these. I will try to put the photo of the other on next message. They spent over 30 minutes trying to remove my cam, but my covertll was locked in is box with master lock. They failed but I would like to know why they went from scouting game to trying to steal my cam.
  3. Chief Barry

    Trail Cam Thiefs

    I've got photo's of two trail cam thiefs trying to remove one of my cams yet had no sucess, how do I put their mugs on line for everone to see.