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36A Feen

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Everything posted by 36A Feen

  1. 36A Feen

    My first shed!!

    Nice one!
  2. 36A Feen


    Breaking News,I just heard that the U of A kicker (Zendejas) tried to hang himself last night after the game, but kept missing the chair when he tried to kick it out from under himself..... ouch, to soon?
  3. 36A Feen


    killed this one today 64 degrees
  4. 36A Feen

    Elk Regs. for 2011

    Hey guys, anyone know when the hunting Regs for next year usually come out? I have tried finding out but have been unsuccessful. Thanx in advance!
  5. 36A Feen

    STOLEN JEEP!!!!!!

    Do you have a description of his gear? so we can keep a lookout on CL and backpage.
  6. 36A Feen

    Elk Regs. for 2011

    thank guys...
  7. 36A Feen

    WTB 250cc Dirtbike

    Sorry guys i guess i should have specified. looking to spend around 1500(hopefully less) thats why im lookin for an older one..Pete ill take yours for 1500. thats a sweet bike man
  8. 36A Feen

    WTB 250cc Dirtbike

    Hi guys, Im looking for an older(96 or newer) 250cc, two stroke, dirt bike. I have cash in hand. If anyone knows of one please let me know. Thanx
  9. 36A Feen

    WTB 250cc Dirtbike

    youngbuck, thanx(nice bike btw) but im lookin for a bigger bike. 250cc two stroke or a 450 four stroke, as im going about 240lbs
  10. 36A? looks just like a buck ive been watchin for a wile!!!! Good luck