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Everything posted by khaller

  1. khaller

    Coues Gunz!

    300 WBY mag, I can hit them in the toe and the shock wave alone kills them LOL!
  2. khaller

    Dead Head

    Nice find! Looks like a lion kill
  3. Excellent bucks congrats and thanks for sharing!
  4. khaller

    U29 seeking general info

    Work your way south towards Emergrant Pass, it has a creek running through it, the canyons and draws to the South from this point hold good pockets of vegetation and cover. This is a great unit but no access from the south side, you pretty much have to pack in from the North side. Good luck!
  5. Great G-2's and love the ear positioning!
  6. khaller

    Monday Monster

    Fantastic buck! They don't get that big from being stupid! It paid off big time all the time you spent in the field! Congrats!
  7. My sons and I were enjoying scouting when I spotted the sun bleeched antlers sticking up out of the grass, I knew the moment I picked up the skull that this was one heck of a nice buck! To bad he couldn't escape the lion! He taped out at 105"
  8. khaller

    Jr Hunt...

    Great Buck, Nice Job!
  9. khaller

    Redington Pass coues Whitetail

    Fantastic Buck! Congradulations!
  10. "This buck was with in 600 yards from were we had spotted him the previous year" I was amazed to see that he had survived so many hunts through the year on public land! However I was not surprised to find him with in the same proximity of were he had given us the slip last season. I am a firm believer as to how territorial Coues white tail deer really are! We had the early October hunt and only had a couple of days to get it done due to work and school schedules. We had three tags and a short time to hunt, I knew it would be a challenge to fill three tags in such a short time and compete with all the hunters that would be in this area. Years ago when we first discovered this particular area of canyons we named it after one of our competitive hunting cousins whom we never shared hunting hot spots with, "Donny Don’t Know Canyon" Now we just call it, "Every Body Knows Canyon" Except for Donny LOL! The first day we arrived at the entrance to the set of canyons we were planning to hunt the two days only to find that no matter how early we would have got up, it wouldn’t have been early enough to get ahead of the other hunters. We had a group on the trail right in front of us; we spotted a hunter already up the ridge to the North of us, and a camp with hunters up the canyon hunting the ridges to the South of us! I would have been really discouraged if I wasn’t already expecting this. But keeping a positive attitude and knowing the area quite well the hunters that were in ahead of us had made one crucial mistake, they over looked what I call the middle canyons and we had them to our selves! So we quickly geared up and started up the canyon, immediately we started glassing up deer, mostly does with fawns which I was glad to see a good out crop of fawns knowing that there must be a good buck in the area that was impregnating all these does with fawns we were seeing. Later that after noon after passing up on a few spikes we had also seen, my oldest son Austin spotted this nice little two point that he decided to take. I quickly ranged him at 308 yards and Austin from shooting sticks drilled him! Austin with his buck Day two we hunted up the next canyon over and figured it hadn’t been buggered up yet, we weren’t seeing the deer we saw the first day and were already a quarter of the way up. We decided to sit and eat a little snack. As we rested I glassed up ahead near the top along the sky line and low and behold “There he was” bedded under the left side of a juniper! Alls I could see was the top half of his head and antlers. Thanks to my trusty 18 power Canon Image Stabilizers, I love those things! I ranged him at 879 yards and quickly started to put a plan together as to how we could manage to cut the distance more than half. We picked our shooting spot that happen to be a juniper tree slightly down and across a draw on the opposite ridge he was on. Buck is bedded under the juniper on the sky line We had made our stock to our desired shooting location with out being detected and got set up for the shot; Austin who had already tagged out was on the left of me on the binoculars ready to call out the bullet placement. Jesse was on the right of me and set up on his sticks and ready to take the shot. I was in the middle and the plan was when the buck stood up, Jesse was going to take the shot. Now the time of day was nearing 3pm and sitting in the shady side of the tree we were under waiting for the buck to stand up seemed to be for ever, as we could still only see the top of his head and antlers we studied him closely and did determine he was indeed the same buck that gave us the slip last year! My experience in the past has been that if I didn’t have the buck on the ground and cleaned and on my back headed down the ridge by this late in the day, we would be coming out in the dark with head lights! Not my favorite thing to do. We were starting to shiver a little sitting in the shade and I decided we had better try and take him while bedded. A couple of times he reached back and groomed him self painting a picture of what direction his body was lying. Jesse was packing his 25-06 with a 3 x 9 variable scope. I was packing my 7 mag with a 4.5 x 14 variable scope and felt confident that I could make the shot. Only because I believe I could see him better in my higher powered scope. So here we go I said, as I started to squeeze the trigger I quickly let off due to I noticed the cross hairs slightly bouncing with the beat of my heart LOL! Took aim again this time controlling my breathing and heart rate, BOOM said the sound of my 7 mag! I quickly jacked another round into the chamber expecting to have to take another shot when simultaneously both Austin and Jesse said “YOU SMOKED HIM” The bullet found its way right through a perfect heart and lung shot! I'll take some credit for knowing my gun and scope along with a whole lot of luck and help from the Lord above! This was one of the best times spent with my two sons and I want to thank both of them for a hunt that I will never forget. These Two Young Bucks Even Packed Him Out For Me
  11. khaller

    First deer for a great friend...

    Nice write up and very nice buck! Thanks for sharing, congratulations!
  12. khaller

    Last Chance Buck

    Very nice buck, congratulations!
  13. khaller

    The Humbling Buck

    Way to hang in there and stick it out, your efforts were rewarded with a very nice buck, Congratulations!
  14. khaller

    Antelope Down

    My first speed goat and hopefully not my last! Thanks to my uncle Rick for allowing me to put in with him sharing his 21 bonus points along with my 7 bonus points gave me an extra 7 bonus points The hunt was fun exciting and successful. We had a great time scouting and hunting these amazing animals. We had seen some bigger bucks and I even made a stock on a nice heard buck that was with about 75 does and smaller bucks only to have them bust out on me before I could get set up for the shot when another hunter came in and bugered them up on me Oh well, he who hesitates right! Later that after noon I decided out of fustration to take one of the pilot bucks that was not with so many eyes that I was able to stock in on and get the shot. Even though he wasn't the one I wanted I was happy enough with him to drop the hammer! My uncle and I poke fun at each other some times with the size of the animals we harvest, his famous saying is "One in the hand is worth ten in the bush and you can't eat the horns" My reply to that is, "True, but you cant hang the meat on the wall" My Buck Uncle Ricks Buck
  15. khaller

    The 2009 100" post

    102 5/8"
  16. khaller

    how many points do you have?

    Between my uncle and me 34 bonus points and finally this year drew 2 of the unit 1 rifle tags out of 20! Finally!!!
  17. khaller

    Another Scarbrough Kiss

    I like it!!!
  18. khaller

    Adrianna's first coues

    Very nice!
  19. khaller

    Payson's Monster Coues

    Wow! What a Toad! I love how heavy based he is! Great job congrats!
  20. khaller

    4A youth cow tag

    Thats alot of elk burgers! Great job!
  21. khaller

    Junior once in a life time buck

    Fantastic job, congrats on a great buck!
  22. khaller

    Cameron's awesome coues buck!

    Now thats a great looking buck that has it all! Nice job and congrats on a fantastic coues!
  23. khaller

    "One for the wall"

    After an all day attempt to stalk bucks on a high ridge spotted earlier, worn out and beat up from fighting spanish daggers and rock hopping with no success of cathing up to the bucks. We decided to head back to the quads to go to a different area, about an hour before dark we jumped a buck out of the bottom of the canyon, as it ran up the ridge Jesse got set up for the shot on shooting sticks, while my uncle and myself glassed him up, we got Jesse on him and he was ranged at 220 yards standing broadside. Jesse put the crosshairs of his provin 25-06 on the killzone and squeezed off the shot. After the shot he had stood there like nothing had happened and then headed for thick cover and out of sight. My uncle and I werent sure if it was a hit, but knew we had to go up and take a look. My uncle stayed down and glassed the last area he was seen, while Jesse and I went up to take a look. On the way we kept hopeing that he was down and we would find him. My uncle talked us on the radio right to his location and there he was piled up dead with a one shot kill. Well here he is finally made it to the wall. Just got him back from the taxidermy couldn't be happier!!
  24. khaller

    Shoot or Don't shoot?

    My trigger finger would of been in auto mode for sure!!!