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IA Born

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Everything posted by IA Born

  1. IA Born

    Surplus Cold Weather Gear

    I almost forgot about these two jackets until I was moving stuff in the garage this weekend. I still have the two small-regular jackets. $40/each or package deal. Should be good for youth/small framed hunters this fall.
  2. IA Born

    Surplus Cold Weather Gear

    My brother in law recently gave me a bunch of his cold weather gear that he was issued in Afghanistan. He never needed it, so its never been worn. Everything but one jacket still has the tag on it. I don't need it, so I want to make someone a good deal. Jackets are cold weather parkas in desert camo. I currently have two jackets in each size, but trying to decide if I'm going to keep a pair for family or not. There are two pairs Polypro thermals (tops and bottoms), and an ECWCS Polartec fleece bibs bottom. ECWCS bibs were taken out of packge for photo only. Plastic on one pair of thermals was opened for verification of size. I did a quick search to see what they are selling for. Willing to ship, but buyer pays. Can deliver to valley next time I'm there for soccer (30 Jan and 19-20 Feb). Will consider package deal for buyer-takes-all. Jackets (Lg-reg and Sm-reg): $50/each. Ploypro thermals (Lg): $30/pair (2 pair) ECWCS Fleece bibs (Lg-sm/reg; 41-45" chest, up to 71" tall): $30
  3. IA Born

    Where to eat in tucson

    I can't believe nobody mentioned Taqueria Juanito's on Grant, just east of I-10. LOVED that place when we lived there. Magpie's has great local pizza, too. Too bad El Cubanito burned down. Great Cuban BBQ!
  4. Pretty sure my screen name answers that one! Some people... And no, I've never been on a midnight train going anywhere!
  5. Did I win yet? As long as you believe, anything is possible. I had a really good response to that and then I realized it would put a Journey song in my head. I can't have that ear bug all day long!
  6. IA Born

    Hunter Ed field day

    I know there will be one in Flagstaff in September, but that's a long way from Tucson and it might be after the 90-day period in which you're supposed to get your field day completed after taking the online portion. The other drawback for you being in Tucson is that the final test will be Friday evening and the field day will be on Sunday. We're putting on a class in early August up here, too. Not sure yet if it will be a 3-day camp out, a classroom class, or a hybrid of both.
  7. IA Born

    A year for a camera, pic heavy

    Great pics! Love the bear pics, especially the cubs!
  8. IA Born

    Few pics

    Very nice! It slays me to see those javelina in the Ponderosa pines!
  9. IA Born

    Online App

    So, I'm still alive! This is the conversation that took place tonight: LW= My lovely wife. Me= Me LW: I got an email about bighorn sheep today. Is it that time? Me: Yes. I bought you a bonus point as usual. I got us all applied for/bonus points bought. LW: You didn't put me in for a hunt? Me: No. Just a bonus point, as usual. LW: You should have put me in for a hunt. Me: You're right. I screwed up. I'll get it next year. LW: Yes. You need to start doing that. Me: Yes, dear!
  10. IA Born

    Turkey Set up for Youth

    In my next life, I'm coming back as Cramer's daughter!
  11. IA Born


    Last year, a drone was used by a local citizen to get some aerial footage of a wildfire in the PNW. That one drone shut down (grounded) all aircraft on the fire until it could be removed. The fire happened to grow immensely that day and there was at least one fatality I can remember on that fire and a couple of serious burnovers. As far as I remember, there was no direct link to the drone and the fatality and other injuries (therefore, no charges filed), but everyone around there knew it was more than a coincidence. Just be smart about what you do and how you use it.
  12. IA Born

    Online App

    I bought a deer point because there is no way I can make a deer hunt work if my daughter gets one of the tags she's hoping for. If she got her first choice, I'd be ok (wife's even ok with me missing our anniversary if were to get drawn). If she gets her second choice, there is no way I could make a hunt work for me and she's my priority right now. She said "Buck or nothing this year, dad!" I settle for a bighorn tag if I'm lucky enough (the only thing I applied for)!
  13. IA Born

    Online App

    Thanks for the heads up! I just bought the associated bonus points and applied for the various hunts for me, my daughter, and my wife. My head freaking hurts now. But I still can't wait until next year when I'm applying for my son, too! Also, be on the lookout for a plume in Flagstaff. This is the time of year, every year, that my wife forgets about this particular moment and then craps when she sees all the credit card charges from applying for all the different hunts/bonus point purchases. If I don't sign in tomorrow, she may have finally killed me! Someone here that knows me personally should probably check on me to see...
  14. IA Born

    Turkey Set up for Youth

    Exactly. The 870 and 1187 youth models were too heavy for my daughter at 9 and 10 years old. 870s are a great option if youth have the upper body strength and reach (it was also too long in the pump for her).
  15. IA Born

    Turkey Set up for Youth

    Bought my daughter the Mossberg 500 Superbantam. It shoots up to 3" shells and has a 22" barrel. She loves it and has grown right into since she was 9. I put fiber optic turkey (rifle style) sights on it (https://www.truglo.com/firearms-turkey/tru-bead-turkey-universal-dual-color.asp) and an extra full turkey choke and she loves it. She shoots the HeviShot Magnum Blend (#5, #6, #7 shot). With her set up and the way she's practiced, I'd have no problem with her taking a 50 yard shot at a tom. The 500 Superbantam has spacers for the shotgun to grow with her. She's already said she doesn't want a new shotgun, even though I've offered to get her a semiauto now that she's stronger. My son turns 10 December 2017 and I'll be getting him that same set up or the larger 500 Bantam (24" barrel).
  16. IA Born

    Yeti Cooler Raffle

    It just dawned on me to post that up on our chapter's Facebook page to help you promote it. Sorry it took me so long to figure that out. You've probably figured out I can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes!
  17. IA Born

    Sums it up

    Can you send me that "Individuality" clip, Tim? That's awesome!
  18. IA Born

    Dear Game and Fish. . .

    I was referring to those two idiots, too! I've been following that herd since I moved up here. Some great bucks running around up there.
  19. IA Born

    New Fishing Partner

    Nemo, Frozen, whatever works to get them interested! The selection is amazing these days. It was Cars for my son when he turned two. He caught an Apache trout on it before I could get one on my fly rod! We must be from different generations (or my dad was a hard-a$$) because I was handed a full-length rod as soon as I was old enough to fish. I always kinda felt cheated out of the Snoopy pole experience!
  20. IA Born

    Yeti Cooler Raffle

    Let's bump this back up for a great cause and two hard-working people committed to conservation. I bought my 3/$25 the other day. Let's get these tickets sold out!
  21. IA Born

    New Fishing Partner

    Is that a Nemo fishing pole? Because that's exactly what we got our daughter for her 2nd birthday and she's loved fishing ever since. I'm taking her on her first real fly fishing trip at the end of this month. Way to go, dad!
  22. IA Born

    Dear Game and Fish. . .

    It has a lot to do with the number of people who come up out of the heat to chase deer in 11M in the early season on top of the "hunters" who have disregarded the relatively new (2 or 3 years old now) urban archery rule and hunt in and around neighborhoods within the city limits, including some of the urban parks. We always teach in hunter ed about the 10% die hard hunters, 10% ant-hunters, and the 80% of folks who don't really care, but are swayed by how we act as hunters. The hunters shooting deer in neighborhoods affected the 80% and contributed to the decision to make 11M a draw this year, sadly. I used to love getting up early and heading out closer to home or getting a couple of hours in after work.
  23. IA Born

    19A Turkey Success

    Our daughter was born on April 25th, 12 years ago. It makes planning turkey hunts interesting, but she always comes first. Congrats on your new daughter and your bird! That picture of mom, daughter, and your son (big thumbs up) is AWESOME!