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IA Born

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Everything posted by IA Born

  1. IA Born

    Spring Draw Results Pending

    Same here. With my luck, 19 points for turkey still wont' get me my Goulds tag. I've said it before when it comes to me getting my Goulds tag: I could fall into a barrel of boobs and still come out sucking my thumb!
  2. IA Born

    Inner Fire Re-Lit

    As I was helping my daughter on her first buck tag this year, I had the same rekindling. Its part of what motivated me to upgrade her scope and then sell my Zeiss for a different option on my '06. I may have to hang my bow up for a season and get back behind a rifle. Congrats on a great hunt and finding it again!
  3. Its part of what helps me maintain some faith in humanity! I've always done it on my own after being taught when I was younger, but I've never used professional-type tools. I figure its time to start. This will also be the catalyst to help me convince my wife to let me get my own set of these! And a huge thanks to both Bryce Canyon and Red Rabbit for stepping up and being trusting! Its not something I take lightly!
  4. IA Born

    New Elk Rifle

    Don't know if you're set up for reloading, but I load for my '06 and work with TSX (165) and TTSX (168). You are welcome to come use my bench sometime, especially since you are loaning me your scope mounting tools! Great looking rifle, too!
  5. I can meet you tomorrow or Friday if you don't mind. I can work on my son's rifle (all 1") Friday and get it back to you this weekend.
  6. This weekend would work perfectly. Her scope won't get here until Friday and then I have to have her new rings cerakoted (maybe next week at the earliest) after I get the right size. If you're willing to let me borrow it for a week or two, I'll figure out how to pay you back!
  7. IA Born

    Brittany's first bull

    Great video! I had the pleasure of meeting Brittany and her kids on the youth deer hunt in 19A. She was helping her family on a cow elk hunt and I was helping my daughter try and fill her first buck tag. We chatted a bit and went on our ways. A while later, she came driving up to tell me about some bucks she glassed. We ended up chasing a different group, but somewhere in there, we exchanged phone numbers (with her husband's approval) and she ended up guiding us into another buck opportunity. It didn't work out, but it was great to meet another compassionate hunter. I got to hear the story of this particular elk hunt, so its great to see the video! Congrats, Brittany and thanks again! I hope our paths cross again and I can thank your husband in person!
  8. IA Born

    Short and Sweet Desert Mule Deer Hunt

    Congratulations to you both! My hope is that, in 20 years, my kids are posting the same stuff you are!
  9. IA Born

    2 weeks until they start charging cards

    Its the cards again! They (State Chapter) gave us our deck of cards early!
  10. IA Born

    2 weeks until they start charging cards

    We've got the Commissioner's tags already for the 2017-2018 365 day hunt!
  11. IA Born

    2 weeks until they start charging cards

    I know the feeling! I'm starting to think I have a chance with 19 points this year, but I'm trying to stay grounded in reality!
  12. Question for those of you more knowledgeable than I in the rings department. I recently decided to upgrade my daughter's scope now that she's more serious about hunting. I'm going to be getting her a 30mm tube scope (Vortex Viper if it matters), so I bought new Dual Dove Tail rings for it. I bought the 30mm medium rings, thinking the height would be similar to the 1" medium rings I've always used. I had everything cerakoted for her as part of her upgrade/"being a good kid" present and, as I was mounting the rings last night, I put the original 1" scope in there just to see how it would look with the blue titanium cerakote (it looked awesome, btw). That's when I noticed that the Leuopold 30mm medium DD rings are shorter than her old 1" DD rings. Both the objective and occular bells on the scope were touching the barrel and receiver, respectively. I thought maybe Leupold screwed up and packaged low rings in a medium package, but when I looked at a pair at Sportsman's during lunch, they are definitely shorter. I picked up the 30mm DD rings at Sportsman's took them home to test them before cerakoting them (I do learn sometimes) and the objective bell sits just high enough, but the magnification dial on the ocular barely scratches the top of the receiver. Why are 30mm and 1" DD rings so different in height? I'm a complete rookie with 30mm-tube scopes, so bare with me. Are the objectives and oculars on 30mm scopes that much smaller that you don't need the extra height? I'm not a rocket scientist, but a 50mm objective is a 50mm objective, no matter the main tube diameter. Is there a difference in the ocular bells of a 30mm vs 1" tube scope? What am I missing? Am I just going to have to get the 30mm Super High DD rings? Thanks! P.S. I'm about to post a killer deal on a set of blue titanium 30mm Leupold DD rings in the classifieds. Can't return them since they've been cerakoted! D'oh!
  13. Thanks, Mattys! I'm obviously ignorant to 30mm scopes since I've been using 1" scopes my whole life. I think the take away message from your post is to quit using the old 1" scope to try and figure out clearance on 30mm rings! I ordered her new scope this morning. Old and new are Vortex, so I'm hoping there will be consistency across engineering! I'll be using the scope to get the shortest rings I can possibly get for the very reason you mention! This will be my learning curve so I can get it figured out better for the next 30mm scope!
  14. In the process of ordering new rings for my daughter's soon-to-be-new 30mm scope, I ordered the medium height 30mm rings, thinking they were the same height as the 1" DD medium rings she currently has. I didn't think to compare them side by side. I had them cerakoted to match the barrel and action as part of her upgrade. As I was installing them last night, I went to put the old 1" scope in them just to see what the blue titanium cerakote looks like with the black scope. That's when I noticed the huge height difference. There is no way these medium height 30mm rings are going to work unless there is something I'm missing regarding 30mm scopes (quite possible). Of course, because I had them cerakoted, I can't return them. I'm pretty sure Cabela's might notice the difference. My error is your gain if you're interested in blue titanium rings or are willing to have them done into another color. This is what they look like on a rifle: https://www.cerakoteguncoatings.com/gallery/detail/17808/Cerakote-custom-mix-of-h185-blue-titanium-with-h146-graphite-black/ $25 takes them.
  15. IA Born

    What kind of snake is this?

    I've been bitten by more kingsnakes than any other species of snakes I've handled. And, yes, its a kingsnake. Ask any pet owner, yeah they will bite. And when they bite, they hold on and chew their way forward.
  16. IA Born

    What kind of snake is this?

    I've been bitten by more kingsnakes than any other species of snakes I've handled. And, yes, its a kingsnake. I do not have your experience here but have experienced the exact opposite. Racers on the other hand... Maticophis (racers/whipsnakes) and kingsnakes are the top two that have drawn the most blood from me. I have several colleagues/friends who have been bitten by kingsnakes.
  17. IA Born

    What kind of snake is this?

    I've been bitten by more kingsnakes than any other species of snakes I've handled. And, yes, its a kingsnake.
  18. IA Born

    This is why some people don't deserve to hunt

    This is exactly why we emphasize wildlife identification in the hunter ed classes I teach. When I teach the wildlife conservation/management section and then talk about wildlife ID, I show a couple of pics of muleys and whitetail standing side by side so they can see that both species inhabit the same areas. I share a couple of stories of guys I know who have made the honest mistake of shooting the wrong one because, when smaller, they can look alike, especially where they cohabitate. One of them, even the AGFD LEO had a hard time telling them apart and let the guy go with a written warning because he turned himself in. This one could have been prevented by simply taking the time to know the difference. I'm sure someone will turn them in and I foresee a monetary fine on this one.
  19. IA Born

    Happy Birthday IA Born

    She's 12 and working on helluva career as a goalie! You should see her keeper jersey! I love those times!
  20. IA Born

    Happy Birthday IA Born

    Thanks, all! Birthdays have always been tough for me because I spent most of them trying to keep my dad together due to major PTSD-related issues surrounding Oct 22, 1967 in Vietnam. I quit celebrating and acknowledging them when I was about 12 or 13 because keeping my dad alive was more important to me. I'm still prone to horrible anxiety attacks this time of year. Yesterday was my first birthday without my mom, which made it tougher, but I got to spend it with my kids, watching my daughter play a tough game of soccer. The calls and texts from my wife in between flights and rental cars on her business trip certainly helped, too. And then I see this today. Thank you!!
  21. When that first snowfall hits here in Flag, there will be plenty of people up north, and they drive just as horrible. Every single weekend until the ski slopes close. Its just as bad. We were driving north from a soccer tournament and saw the aftermath of the semi wreck. I was very thankful that we were heading north and not south. I genuinely felt bad for those stuck southbound. Then, just south of Flagstaff, there was another one, with a truck laying on its side in the median. It didn't look good. I touched the Rosary Beads my wife has hanging from her review mirror and said a quick "Thank you!" for our safety.
  22. IA Born

    Colt 1911 Made in 1917

    If only! That would go great with my 1918 Springfield 1903! Good luck with the sale. I've been able to hold an original (no replacements) 1911 from earlier than yours and they are SWEET!!
  23. IA Born

    Govt changes minimum age to 18 to hunt

    Its fake. The part where it mentions a guy from U.S. Fish and Wildlife service is only part of what threw it for me. I can guarantee that the USFWS does not have that authority. And, as a hunter ed instructor and biologist for USFWS, I would have heard about this long ago from both USFWS and AGFD. As false as false can be.
  24. IA Born

    Dodge Dakota Tonneau Cover

    Grey Leer 700 tonneau cover for 2002 Dodge Dakota with 5'3" bed. I"m pretty sure this fits multiple years of Dakotas Latch needs fixed and rear weather shield needs replaced, but in otherwise great condition and fully functional. $200 obo. You pick up. Will help remove it when you buy it. I may have it in the Valley when we drive down for soccer (Tempe Sports Complex) Oct 22-23. I have the original receipt from when my parents put it on their truck back in 2002. $700 brand new back then. Looks like their $1100+ now, from I could research. Asking $200 OBO.