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IA Born

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Everything posted by IA Born

  1. IA Born

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    Haven't seen the PM yet, but I'll mark you down!
  2. IA Born

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    Got it!
  3. IA Born

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    Ok, I didn't expect the 22 cards to go this fast! You guys are awesome! I'm having another deck sent to me. In a couple of days, I'll have another full deck of 52 cards available. 'Twas Yotebuster that put me over the edge. Thanks for that one!
  4. IA Born

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    I'm getting a whole other deck from our Tucson chapter. I'll set five aside for you from that! Do you have my info from last year, still? Thanks!
  5. IA Born

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    You got it, Steve! If you want more, I can arrange for more from another chapter.
  6. IA Born

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    Aso of right now, there are 4 cards left. I'm emailing back and forth with TRKHNTR, so you have to beat him to the draw!
  7. IA Born

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    15 of the 22 cards are SPF already! Thanks to those of you who have PMd me! 7 left to grab!
  8. IA Born

    'Filmed in AZ' favorites...

    Weren't you in one of the first talking movie filmed in Arizona, too, Tim? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry, friend. I'll go to time out now!
  9. IA Born

    'Filmed in AZ' favorites...

    Others I can't believe you've missed so far: The Outlaw Josey Wales The Postman National Lampoon's Vacation (can't go to the Grand Canyon without thinking of that) Sasquatch Mountain Mars Attacks! Piranha 3D 3:10 to Yuma (original)
  10. IA Born

    'Filmed in AZ' favorites...

    Beat me to it! CLASSIC 80s!
  11. IA Born

    *Updated W/Pics *My Son Wants to Clean Your Skulls

    I think I still have my javelina head from 3 years ago in the freezer. My first archery javelina and its tiny. I'd love to have the skull done, but can't justify the cost. I'm willing to let him experiment on that one. It needs completely skinned/boiled, but if he wants it, I'll let him work on it. I'm in Flagstaff, but should be coming to the valley Sunday for two soccer games. If he wants to experiment with it and we can meet up close to one of the soccer fields, I'll throw it in. I won't know where we're playing and what time until later tonight and I'm in UT for a meeting Weds-Fri night, but I'll have access to the internet. PM is the best way to reach me.
  12. IA Born

    Been awhile...

    Congrats, Mike! Glad to see you are able to get out, but I bet you rushed home to your new little boy!
  13. IA Born

    Happy Jack Youth Camp

    Will do! Sure hope to see you back again!
  14. IA Born

    YOU - Huntress Success

    That's awesome! Addie was one of my hunter ed students a couple of years ago. She's a great kid and fun to be around. Your daughter looks familiar, too. Congrats to both young ladies!
  15. There's still room. Our banquet is this Saturday and we'd love to see you up here!
  16. Sorry for getting this out so late, but our annual Hunting Heritage fundraising banquet will be in 3.5 weeks, on Saturday, February 25th. Doors open at 5pm and we have tons of great stuff, and will highlight our youth again this year. We have new table options and raffle ticket packages this year, after hearing requests from some of our past attendees. We'd love to have you be there. My phone number is on the flyer if you have any questions about the banquet. Banquet Flier 2017.pdf
  17. IA Born

    NWTF JAKES Kansas Hunt Winner

    She'll be hunting turkeys, silly! The area around El Dorado is mostly the hybrids, if you can really call subspecies a hybrid. We've talked about it and she really doesn't care. She just wants to get a turkey. I have a friend in Pratt and we have an open invitation to go hunt Rios there anytime. That's been a backup for both of us. I considered turning my Gould's tag over to her, but I only considered for about 10 seconds. She knows why I wont and she fully supports me keeping it. Besides, we've been banking points for my wife and she should get drawn soon, too. That tag goes to Syd. We're both after our Royal Slam and may take you up on your offer for help with an Osceola. I have access to so many family/friends' farms in Iowa for Eastern birds, its unreal.
  18. IA Born

    NWTF JAKES Kansas Hunt Winner

    Thanks for all of the replies and support so far. This has been such an overwhelming, whirlwind, humbling experience for both of us. Janet, from the Kansas program did tell us Thursday that the gun Syd gets arrived in her shop in KS, but wouldn't tell us what it is. She just said "Its a really nice gun!" At breakfast Friday morning, Syd tried to sneak the question in, hoping to catch Janet off guard. All she said was "Nice try, but you're going to have to wait!" Less than two months and we'll be there! I've already made arrangements to ship any wings back to a friend in Iowa to have a custom wingbone call made for Sydney and donate the rest of the wings for whatever he needs. Two short months away...is it too early to start packing?
  19. IA Born

    NWTF JAKES Kansas Hunt Winner

    I meant to include that, but forgot. Thanks for reminding me! Yes, Syd is the first winner from Arizona and she's the youngest ever. As Brenda Valentine pointed out to Syd Thursday night, most of the winners are 15-16 year old boys from out east/southeast. Brenda was so excited for Syd!
  20. IA Born

    NWTF JAKES Kansas Hunt Winner

    We got back from the Convention yesterday evening and we're still working on getting caught up on rest. I thought I'd use my current insomnia to get some pics and as much of the story as I can remember up for you all to read. I know Bill is anxious to hear everything, at least by the frequency of texts I'm getting! We drove down Wednesday night and stayed in a hotel near the airport. Our 5 am flight Thursday morning required a 3am alarm to take the 3:30 shuttle to the airport. Syd did great for all of the anxiety of getting things ready, my forgotten backpack, and her nerves, in general. We arrived in Nashville and went to catch our prearranged shuttle to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. That right there should have been an omen. We weren't on the reservation list. Fortunately, I pulled up the email stating we were supposed to be on that list. I even used the "She's the NWTF JAKES national essay contest winner. She's kind of a big deal!" approach and the lady went ahead and comped us on the shuttle list. Once at the hotel, the program director for the Kansas One Shot Governor's Turkey Hunt met us and whisked us off to the rehearsal we were supposed to be at. To say we were overwhelmed at the sheer size of that place and the size of the banquet room is an understatement. Poor Syd was so nervous, but she maintained her composure well. We also got to meet Dr. James Earl Kennamer, one of the original founders of the NWTF. I thanked him for his science-based approach to everything he's done and told him that was why I've stuck with NWTF for so long. After rehearsal we went to get our registration packets and credentials. Yep, not in the system. Supposedly, this is common, but I started thinking about the shuttle-thing. While the gal was trying to track down our credentials, our KS contact took us to the front desk to get checked into our rooms. Yep, you guessed it; not in the system. I pulled up emails showing that NWTF booked our room, but I didn't have a confirmation number. I gave the gal at the counter every single known misspelling of our last name that's ever shown up in hotel registrations, but we got nothing. Of course, our NWTF contact was in meetings all day and not answering her phone! It ended up being a good thing because we got to spend quite a bit more time than planned with the KS turkey hunt rep and her husband. AWESOME people and we can't wait to go hunt. We finally found somebody with NWTF, who turned out to be the VP of Communications, and she made a couple of phone calls. Turns out, we were listed under the general NWTF corporate reservation. We got situated into our rooms and met back up for the welcome dinner. Our tickets said "Seat assignment at the door" so we had to figure out where we were sitting for the dinner. Oh boy, here we go again! We were on the list for needing two seats, but we had no table assignment. Everyone thought it made sense for us to be at the same table as the KS program, but there was no confirmation. The best the could do was to put us at the table right next to them. While we were waiting, I looked up and Brenda Valentine was standing two feet away. I very subtly pointed her out to Syd and then re-introduced myself to her and asked if I could introduce my daughter, explaining why Syd was there. Brenda stopped everything she was doing and stood there talking to Sydney for several minutes. She congratulated her and encouraged her to keep being a strong gal in our sport. It was truly amazing to stand back and watch and listen. Blessed is an understatement. Shortly after we got to our seats, the NWTF seating gal walked up to us, looked at Syd, and said "I didn't realize I was talking to a VIP. I"m so sorry. You're sitting at table X, with the rest of the VIPs." Syd and I looked at each other dumbfounded, but followed her to our seats. We were sitting with some of the program directors of the NWTF and we had a blast catching up and talking. It turns out there is a newly hired person at NWTF who was supposed to make all of our arrangements, but dropped the ball. Based on the reactions of the NWTF staff we were with, I'm guessing there was a serious butt chewing. We took it all in stride, just happy to be there. We ended up bailing early from the welcome dinner because Syd was so tired from our trip. We got up the next morning and headed to the formal breakfast sponsored by Federal. It was great to see Syd's picture flash through the powerpoint slide show. I was able to get a picture of her standing in front of her slide. Its one of my favorite pics from her first elk hunt in 2014. Her presentation was rather quick, but it was just amazing and awe-inspiring to sit there (taking pics and video) and listen to them talk about her. After it was over, Brenda came back up to her, congratulated her, offered more encouragement, and told Syd that she was so used to seeing boys up there win that contest that she was super proud of Sydney! Then she asked for a picture, which I was very happy to oblige. After that, we were introduced to the NWTF CEO, George Thornton. He was taken in by how young and determined Syd was, too, and we took some pictures. That was probably my favorite part. George is an entomologist, so we talked wildlife management for quite a bit. Its nice to be on the same page with folks when it comes to science-based management! In the middle of all that, I happened to look over and see Syd getting her picture taken with Michael Waddell. I've never been one to get starstruck, and I didn't then, but it was great to see these celebrities approach her, congratulate her, and then ask to have their picture taken with her. As soon as we were done there, we went to our room, changed clothes, and relaxed before heading down to the trade show part. We had some booths to hit, including HS Strut (from my home state) and the one by Albert Paul, who makes amazing custom calls (Paul's Calls). Seeing Mr. Paul was a result of Syd getting lessons using TRKHNTR's call last May when we hunted with him. I'm still surprised that my wife didn't kill me when I finally told her today that I ordered Sydney her own custom call and carry case for $240! We should have it right before the youth turkey hunt here in Arizona! The trade show was huge, but we covered as much as we could/felt like. Just about everywhere we went, we got stopped with "Hey, aren't you the JAKES essay winner? Congratulations!" I was simply "the winner's dad", but that's ok. This trip was all about her and I was very proud of all the compliments we received about our beautiful daughter! Sydney is one of very few girls to ever win, she's the first JAKES member from Arizona, and she's officially the youngest winner ever! Saturday was a long day traveling home and, thank God for small blessings. All of that rain ended up calling for her soccer games in Phoenix to be cancelled! We were supposed to meet up with her team for the second game, but it was rained out. That ended up being a good thing because we were so bloody tired, even after napping on the plane! Sorry for the long-winded post, but there was so much to tell. That hotel is HUGE and we're still overwhelmed at how big it was. I definitely highly recommend the NWTF convention sometime. Here are some pics of the weekend. Its very pic heavy, but I hope you enjoy. It was definitely a proud dad moment! Rehearsal Off to The Welcome Dinner Federal Breakfast, Receiving Award Video of Syd Receiving Her Award http://i1071.photobucket.com/albums/u515/bwooldridge/2016_2017%20Journal/th_20170217_081758_zpsh2l7cfxu.mp4 Walking around the trade show Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paul of Paul's Calls Michael and Nick both remembered her and gave her huge hugs in front of everyone! Then she got her hat autographed and, like a great big sister, asked for one for her little brother! Then she got the chance to hold a great horned owl and a red-tailed hawk. And this picture was taken 10 minutes after our plane took off from Nashville at 6am Saturday morning.
  21. IA Born

    Snow report up North?

    More of a drizzle than a rain right now.
  22. IA Born

    Snow report up North?

    Same here. Rather unimpressive so far.
  23. IA Born

    Happy Jack Youth Camp

    Thanks! We need to make sure and meet up.
  24. IA Born

    Happy Jack Youth Camp

    I remember you guys! Hope to see you back!
  25. IA Born

    NWTF JAKES Kansas Hunt Winner

    I'm not surprised and expected no less! I'll try to take a picture of Syd's face when I tell her you don't really care to see her play soccer!