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IA Born

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Everything posted by IA Born

  1. IA Born

    Mossberg 500 20ga FS

    I can't get the idea of having an original 1963 1100 out of my head. After my grandma died, things changed between me and my grandpa, but everyone was right. I'd probably never forgive myself for selling that shotgun. That's why this Mossberg is the one to go to help fund my son's build!
  2. IA Born

    Fall on the Peaks

    Those are amazing, Doug! Thanks for capturing the beauty of our home!
  3. IA Born

    Youth 243

    I have a friend here in Flagstaff who is thinking about selling his son's youth .243 now that he's outgrown it.
  4. IA Born

    Spring results

    And congrats, too!
  5. IA Born

    Spring results

    Imagine that. What doesn't she win/get drawn for? Luckiest person I know! 😃 Congrats, Kathi! Daughter and I have archery pig tags and my son has his youth pig tag!
  6. IA Born

    Scope and Rangefinder FS (Scope Sold)

    I hadn't thought about the rings, but I'd let the rings go. How about $150 for the scope and rings? The bases stay, though. I love the DD bases and can get new rings easy enough when I get the new scope. PM me when you get back and we'll coordinate the meet. My office is on the south side of NAU campus, I live in University Hts, but can meet you just about anywhere.
  7. IA Born

    Thoughts On A Shotgun: Keep or Sell?

    Thanks for the perspectives, fellas. I've been a huge fan of 1100s most of my life, so that, along with it being a 1963 original, are why I'm hesitant to get rid of it. The more my son gets into hunting, the more I think he'll appreciate what that shotgun is. I'll try to get some pics of it this weekend. The action isn't sloppy, but its not as tight as my 1100 from the mid-80s. My guess is that its a result of the original spring being in there and it being 55 years old. I definitely remember my grandpa hunting pheasant with it the few times I went out with him. I think my biggest problem is that, even though I probably spent the most time with my grandpa hunting and fishing, he favored my cousin (uncle's son), who had the same last name and was named, in part, for our grandpa. It always bothered me that he never acknowledged any of my accomplishments or asked me about anything I was doing but, every time we were together, I always had my cousin thrown in my face. I also get what you all are saying about family heirlooms. One of my most-prized shotguns is an H&R Topper 152 single shot .410 that was my paternal grandpa's. He gave it to my dad for me to start hunting with when I was about 10ish. Its the first gun I ever hunted pheasants with. After my grandpa died, my dad's stepmom asked for it back so she could give it to her new husband. Dad reluctantly did, but was so angry and hurt. About 9 years ago, or so, I learned that my dad's sisters were having an estate sale since their stepmom (mom to them) had Alzheimers and her husband died of cancer a year or two prior. I called my dad's oldest of his two younger sisters and asked about that shotgun. She said their younger sister had it, so I called her and plead my case. That phone call didn't go well and my greedy aunt wasn't pleased that I called her. Long story short, I got the shotgun back against dad's younger sister's wishes, thanks to my other aunt. Something along the lines of "You will give him that shotgun. Its his birthright!" I'll figure out another way to finance that rifle build, I guess!
  8. IA Born

    Crispi Hunting Boots

    I'm right there with Hoss. I went the cheap route once and bought the first run of Danner Pronghorns back in 2004, not realizing they couldn't be resoled. Every other boot since then are recraftable for the very same reason Hoss says. My wife barely bats an eye now when I ether get new boots or have to have a pair resoled because she knows I take care of them and they last for years. My only other suggestion is to make sure and take care of them. Treat them with beeswax or other non-animal products. Mink oil will wear out the leather and cause the stitching to rot. I learned that (not the hard way) when I got my first pair of boots for wildfire work. I had a seasoned firefighter/mentor pull me aside and tell me that because he learned the hard way. I've heard nothing but good about the Crispi boots. If I didn't have three pairs of Danners and my custom-fit Whites Smokejumpers, I'd get a pair of Crispi boots. As it is, I'm about to send my 10-year old pair of Whites in to get resoled. $140 for a pair of $400+ boots that are my absolute favorite boots in the world. I don't fight wildfire anymore, but I use them for all of my spring/summer/early fall hiking hunting.
  9. IA Born

    Barnes VOR-TX .243: SOLD

    Ammo is SPF
  10. IA Born

    Barnes VOR-TX .243: SOLD

    They want be hard to find, but I'll work with you!
  11. IA Born

    Barnes VOR-TX .243: SOLD

    Need em? Might cut you a deal if you can remember the importance of ATP!
  12. IA Born

    Scope and Rangefinder FS (Scope Sold)

    $130 for scope and $130 for rangefinder.
  13. IA Born

    Barnes 270 WSSM Ammo: SOLD

    A friend of mine accidentally grabbed two boxes of 270WSM ammo for his wife's elk hunt instead of the 270Win he needed. He can't return them, so he asked me to help him unload them at a fair enough price. His words: "I screwed up, so I might as well make someone a great deal." Two unopened boxes of Barnes VOR-TX 270 WSM 140gr TSX BT for sale. He paid $43/box and asked me to sell them both for $50. His loss is your gain! Up in Flagstaff. Prefer not to ship, but can make it work. My wife and daughter will be near McDowell Mt Park this weekend (19-21) for a mountain bike race and we'll all be near the White Tanks in two weeks (Nov 2-4) for her last mountain bike race of the season. Can meet face to face on either of those trips, if I can talk my wife into helping this weekend.
  14. IA Born

    Barnes 270 WSSM Ammo: SOLD

    Ammo is sold. Thanks, everyone!
  15. IA Born

    Barnes 270 WSSM Ammo: SOLD

    I hate you!🤣 You know I dont own a .270!
  16. IA Born

    Filling RV Water in Flagstaff?

    A couple of the RV places may let you. Check out Kit Carson and Woody Mountain RV parks on the west side of town.
  17. IA Born

    Barnes 270 WSSM Ammo: SOLD

    Ammo is SPF, but I'll let you know if it falls through.
  18. IA Born

    Ladder treestand on a saguaro??

    I was looking info up for work and remembered these links to the AZ Native Plant Law information, which reminded me of this thread: General info: https://agriculture.az.gov/plantsproduce/native-plants Actual protected categories (starts on page 44 of the document). Saguaros have the top-level of protection: https://agriculture.az.gov/sites/default/files/Native Plant Rules - AZ Dept of Ag.pdf
  19. IA Born

    Chinook Salmon

    I caught one 35-40lb chinook in Alaska in 2003. That was fun. Can't imagine your way. Congrats! Technically, I didn't catch it since it broke the line right at the boat...
  20. IA Born

    Hunter's First

    What a great read and story! I've been following Hunter's trials off and on and he (both of you) earned every bit of that deer. Congrats. And, I would be remiss to not say thank you for "He helped get it gutted back at camp (since we were using lead ammo)". As both a hunter and a biologist who works with condors, I can't thank you enough for taking the time and contributing to the recovery of these beautiful birds. The lesson you taught Hunter is amazing!
  21. IA Born

    Daughter's First Elk

    Congratulations, Jack and Gabbi. Its been fun following her journey and she sure is tough as nails!
  22. IA Born

    My Little Princess's First Kill

    When that time comes, I and my highly trained GSDs will be there with you to make sure all is handled accordingly so that future guy knows what's at stake!
  23. IA Born

    My Little Princess's First Kill

    Congrats to your daughter and I saw what Draysen did on IG, too. Way cool! And, while we're at it, lets all take a moment and give thanks that your daughter looks like her mom! 😁