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IA Born

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Everything posted by IA Born

  1. IA Born

    Mossberg 500 20ga FS

    We're looking at coming down to Phx Sunday. Will PM you.
  2. IA Born

    Rocky Point Fishing

    Thanks, Travis. I'll check them out!
  3. IA Born

    Merry Christmas

    11 years ago tomorrow, I received the best Christmas present ever. At 0831 on December 24, 2011, our son, Jacob, was born. I can't thank you all enough for the support you have given him on his black belt journey. I also appreciate those of you who allow me to spew my scientific and regulatory knowledge to help clarify issues and discussions here. I also appreciate the help and offers for help I've received from total strangers on here. I'm proud to call many of you my friends and I'm proud to know many more of you! Merry Christmas from my family to yours!
  4. IA Born

    Mega ammo blowout sale

    You rock! As soon as we get this stupid shutdown figured out and my paychecks hit the bank, I'll holler at you! Merry Christmas, Tim!
  5. IA Born

    Moving cost

    I don't remember who moved us from Tucson to Flagstaff 11 years ago, but it was around $13,000. It was all government contract, so we did nothing other than move our own firearms. Most moving companies won't touch that. Holler when you're up here!
  6. IA Born

    Mega ammo blowout sale

    Just texted you!
  7. IA Born

    Mega ammo blowout sale

    If you're going to add any mags, let me know. I still have your number in my cell, so you can text me if you still have mine.
  8. IA Born

    Mossberg 500 20ga FS

    Will do for sure!
  9. IA Born

    Mossberg 500 20ga FS

    Not sure yet. I'm sure my wife will want to make a Trader Joe's run after the holidays. If we fill our pig tags early, we might be able to head down sooner than later. Can definitely keep you posted.
  10. IA Born

    Mossberg 500 20ga FS

    Holiday bump. Reasonable offers entertained
  11. IA Born

    FS: Savage 11 Youth 243: SOLD

    It has not. If you're interested, I can put you in touch with my friend. He's in his office today.
  12. IA Born

    Custom Gunstocks

    Randy Lawson (Harry's son) is, hands down, one of the best there is. He was my go-to when I lived in Tucson and I still had him do some work when I moved up here to Flag. Well worth the trip and out of town coordination. He has some of the best high-grade walnut, but if you really want something fancy, check out his tiger maple.
  13. I did some reaching out. You'll hunt the same property and have the same guide as Sydney did. Stay low in the field before going high on the top first. You'll see more turkeys in an hour than you have in however many years you've been chasing them in AZ. And ask Melinda (your guide) to douse Draysen's clothes in permethrin before you get there, if she doesn't offer it up first. She's great and giver her a hug from us! They have crazy tick issues over there, including the one that causes red meat allergies (Lone Star tick).
  14. IA Born

    Youth lefty?

    If you're not sure if he's going to stick with it, the Savage Axis II in lefty is a great starter rifle. I started my daughter with the original Axis in 7-08. She loves it and loves hunting. I had to replace the original trigger because that Axis didn't have the accutrigger. The main reason I didn't get my son an Axis II was I couldn't find one in 7-08 with the accutrigger that wasn't Muddy Girl Camo. I ended up getting him the 11 Trophy Hunter Compact in 7-08. Both of my kids' Savages (Axis and 11 youth) have at least four different loads that are sub-1" groups with handloads. Hard to beat that!
  15. IA Born

    Youth lefty?

    You really can't go wrong with this rifle. I bought my son the right handed version and its lights out one of the best I've shot. Get the lefty version and never look back. Savage gives you the option to get an adult size stock when they outgrow the youth stock.
  16. IA Born

    Top selling toy 1964

    Every day and I also check under the tree to be sure!
  17. I can't even tell you how excited I am for you and Draysen, especially after our conversation last night. I'll be reaching out to my contacts over there with the One Shot Hunt soon. Our conversation brought back so many memories. Yes, I'm a little jealous, but I'm super excited for you both!
  18. IA Born

    Top selling toy 1964

    How did you get my Christmas wish list, Tim? You're awesome, buddy!
  19. If you don't want to travel to Flagstaff to get the safe or can't, we can arrange to get you a gift card to Sportsman's Warehouse for the value (our cost).
  20. IA Born

    Ramshot Big Game

    Another bump for this...
  21. Wonderful news, Sean! I won't lie, I was excited to read "..another Arizona winner..."! It brings back so many amazing memories. You two will have an absolute blast on both trips and you'll meet some of the best people! I stay in touch with the organizer of the KS One Shot, so I'll drop her a note to bust your chops pretty hard!
  22. IA Born

    Late Kaibab and Strip

    A buddy of mine's son shot a 186" mainframe 3x3 on the 12BW late hunt, after passing a 184" 4x4 and a 190" 4x4 that was too narrow and tall for their liking. A couple of days later, a 230" buck was taken. Have pics of both, but they're not mine to share. I got to hold the antlers of my buddy's son's 186" 3x3 and it is an impressive buck! Its a mainframe 3x3 with all kinds of awesome trash and junk!
  23. IA Born

    Spring Tags

    All of our tags got here today, too!
  24. IA Born

    Barbie Dream House and Barbies

    He says its the kids joking, but deep down, he actually wants it! Sorry, Bigorange, that was just too good of an opening!