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IA Born

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Everything posted by IA Born

  1. Got it and answered. Yours to take.
  2. Things fell through with deals last year and I forgot about this. Bumping back up since we'll be in the west valley April 23-24. Can bring stuff with me.
  3. IA Born


    You should get it for me! I promise no man-buns, no flat-billed hats, and I won't say "bro"!
  4. IA Born

    Favorite Westerns

    My son's name was inspired by Big Jake, my favorite John Wayne movie. I tried to convince my wife to let me name him Jacob McCandles Wooldridge, but that was shot down quickly. Jacob Robert (my dad) is what we ended up with. I'm still a fan of Silverado, but I liked Open Range, too. Pale Rider is hard to beat, as is Unforgiven. Outlaw Josey Wales is another all-time favorite.
  5. IA Born


    I'm in Flagstaff, but have a friend in Tucson that could meet you and take that H1000 from you on my behalf if the price is right. I also have a mostly full bottle of Varget that my daughter's 7-08 didn't like. Has like 12 rounds worth of 7-08 missing. Otherwise, mostly full.
  6. IA Born

    6b north archery pronghorn

    Shoot me a pm with the full unit boundaries. 6B is my backyard and I've spent quite a bit of time in it over the years. I can point you to some areas that I've seen pronghorn regularly if I'm thinking its your area.
  7. IA Born

    Hunter Safety

    I took my HE way back in the 80s in Iowa when the classes were first offered and required for anyone born 1969 and later. I inquired years ago when I first moved to Iowa and, no, it doesn't count towards AZ bonus point. It has reciprocity as being a valid course, but you have to take an AZ course to get it. I know HE staff are offering the Bonus Point Field Day for adults in Phoenix. Its an hour-long self-guided course intended for hunters who have been hunting at least 4 years (close to that time frame). You show up, do some demonstrations, shoot a .22, and take the test. If you pass, you'll get your bonus point for the AZ draw. We need to start doing that in Flagstaff, so we can save class space for the kids who really need the in-person learning when we get back to that point. We're hoping by this summer to be back teaching.
  8. IA Born

    7mm-08 Pet Load Data

    Both of my kids have 7mm-08s and both rifles have 4-5 loads each that are under 1-inch. I only load Barnes, specifically the 140gr TTSX, but both are at ~2700fps MV. Loads include RL15, IMR 4064 (son's), IMR 4895 (daughter's) and H380 (both). Hunting loads are with IMR 4064 (son's) with 0.48" group and IMR 4895 (daughter's) with a 0.58" group. My daughter's 7-08 also shoots Hornady 139gr GMX factory loads sub 1-inch. That doesn't help much with your heavy bullets, but its another perspective.
  9. IA Born

    Shock gobble year round?

    I've had a different perspective. I've heard them gobble year round, including shock gobbling. Shock gobbling is less about breeding and more a natural reaction to noises, in general.
  10. IA Born

    Fish habitat plants

    I sure hope this was taken before it froze! 😜
  11. IA Born

    Youth 7-08 Lefty?

    Helping a friend get a left-handed youth 7-08 for her son. He turns 10 in May. I've seen some on here from time to time, so hoping someone has one or knows of one. Let me know if you have anything you're parting with and I'll get her in touch with you. He was supposed to be in one of our HE classes up here last summer, but that was canceled and I train in Taekwondo with him. He's a great kid and I want to help him out. Many thanks!
  12. IA Born

    Youth 7-08 Lefty?

    Thanks! I didn't even think of the single shot options. I'll send it along.
  13. IA Born

    Youth 7-08 Lefty?

    Thanks, but the kid is way too small for a 300WM.
  14. IA Born

    Aoudad 2021

    If you make it to El Paso, stop by a Chico's Tacos and order a double!
  15. IA Born

    New for 2021 the 6.8 Western

    EXACTLY!!! I wish they'd standardize this stupid wildcat that I've grown to love!
  16. IA Born

    $$$ A REAL one of a kind

    That's a great print! Growing up in Iowa, my parents had several Maynard Reece prints on the walls. I still have some of his pheasant and quail prints. I was fortunate to meet him once and he was a great guy and great artist! Hope this sells for you!
  17. In addition to the calendar raffle that is ongoing, we have tickets for the annual 31-Day Gun Raffle. Lots of great firearms are available and NWTF in AZ be giving away one every day for 31 days starting November 24th. We're working on getting chances available on our website, but you can contact us directly to get your chances. As always, there are 3,000 tickets statewide. If you purchase multiple tickets and win, your remaining tickets stay in the hopper. I know three people who have won twice during the drawing. After the early bird drawing, all of those entries are put in the hopper for the gun raffle. The Calendar raffle is another great one among the western states. NWTF is also giving away a gun per week for 52 weeks. 2021 calendars are $50 each and include an annual membership ($35 value). I personally know several folks who have won over the last 3 years we've been doing this. Our chapter in Flagstaff is working on an incentive bonus drawing, where everyone who buys a calendar from us will get entered into a chance for either a firearm, Canyon Cooler, or optics. We haven't made that final decision on what, exactly, but there will be a bonus incentive drawing for purchasing a calendar through us. Every chapter has incentives to sell, so I'd appreciate you supporting our chapter up here. If you have my cell, shoot me a text. Otherwise, PM me and we'll make it all happen. Help support a great NWTF cause!
  18. Found it easy enough. Still not seeing either of our names on here! Early Bird Winner- Liberty Centurion 24 Gun Safe: Nick Adamson 11/24 Winner-Remington 700 VMT 22-250: Rodger Brubaker 11/25 Winner-Ruger 10/22 with Scope 22LR: Todd Duke 11/26 Winner-Ruger 36 357: Rachel Mulcaire 11/27 Winner-Winchester SXP Hybrid Hunter: Gerald Kahl 11/28 Winner-Ruger American Go Wild 308 Win: Cookie Nicoson 11/29 Winner-Savage 116 Th XP 338 Win: Glen Dickens 11/30 Winner-Rock Island Baby 380ACP: John Grantham 12/1 Winner-Heritage Rough Rider 22LR: Peter de Blanc 12/2 Winner-Benelli Nova Pump 12 Gauge: Ryan Marquez 12/3 Winner-Howa 243 Win: Jim Bingle 12/4 Winner-Henry Golden Boy 22 Mag: Ryan Edwards 12/5 Winner-Sig P365 9mm: Peter de Blanc 12/6 Winner-Tristar Raptor Silverwood 12 Gauge: James Klemski 12/7 Winner-Savage Axis II XP 7mm-08: Jessica Cumblidge 12/8 Winner-Franchi Momentum 300 Win: Kristopher Kelly 12/9 Winner-Stoeger STR 9mm: John Grantham 12/10 Winner-Winchester SXP Hybrid 12 Gauge: Dennis Haworth 12/11 Winner-Kimber Custom II 10mm: Jeremy Hahn 12/12 Winner-Tikka T3X Lite 270 Win: Christopher Liebe 12/13 Winner-Ruger 57 Pistol 5.7×28: Crystal Charette 12/14 Winner-Stoeger P3500 Max-5 12 Gauge: Bonnie Jones 12/15 Winner-Diamondback DB15 M-Lock 223/5.56: Jonathan Casillas
  19. Thanks for the reminder. Since our Regional Director quit, chapter presidents no longer get an email with a running list of winners. I'll get one together for everyone soon.
  20. IA Born

    FYI --New Log-In For AGFD Portal

    Got in and got mine changed. It doesn't have any records of my hunting license, though.
  21. IA Born

    Recovered Hornady bullets from 2 bucks

    Managed to recover one bullet from my daughter's bull back in 2017. 140gr Barnes TTSX from her 7mm-08. Recovery weight was 139.9, but my scale kept bouncing between 139.9 and 140.
  22. I've had the Kilo 2200 for two years this month and never had any issues. Same for me first time hearing about any battery issue. Absolutely love mine!
  23. Just got a note from a friend originally from Iowa. He was down here hunting Coues in SE AZ, tagged out, went to the Grand Canyon, met a guy with a 9 tag that he ended up helping, then stopped to help a guy change a tire last night. If you've seen or grabbed Josh's pack, let me know and I'll get you in touch with him. "I know it’s a long shot but I accidentally left my pack on the side of the road after helping someone fix their tire in Unit 9 in Arizona around 35.92189, -111.83767 last night around 7pm and it’s gone now. I had some Precision Hunter ELD-X 200gr 300 Winchester Mag ammo in there, a first aid kit, my havalon, and some trash I picked up the other day in the hills from there (glass bottles). It’s a Hybrid X pack, the pack is REALLY worn out but I’d like to have it back and the 300 Win Mag ammo because I can’t find it anywhere anymore."
  24. IA Born

    Friend Lost His Pack in Unit 9

    Good Call. Old Cameron Road, right off the highway. No mile marker, just the GPS coords. Trying to get more detailed info of where along the highway.