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Everything posted by jcarter

  1. jcarter

    fire restriction question

    We wanted to go camping this weekend. I looked online and it looks like all of the white mountains have fire restrictions. Am i seeing this right?. is there anywere with elivation that is not restricted? Thanks.
  2. jcarter

    Fire restriction question

    Goodmornin! We want to go camping this weekend. I looked online it seems there are fire restrictions everywhere in the white mountains. Am i seeing this corectly? Is there anywere in elivation that doesnt have restrictions? Thanks
  3. jcarter

    PSE X-Force Loaded

    Pm sent
  4. they always seem to be available for 2 or 3 days after the mail in's. 36b is fun!
  5. Have the WT in southern units droped yet?
  6. Do you have to be present for the raffle
  7. I have 80 pieces of once fired 7mm mag brass. they are federal brass. looking to trade for .270 brass. I also have 20 pieces of .308 Thanx Andy
  8. jcarter

    WTT 7mm rem Mag brass 80 pieces.

    Cool man. Were u at?
  9. jcarter

    WTT 7mm rem Mag brass 80 pieces.

    Ya straight trade is fine as long as its once fired. what brand is it?
  10. jcarter

    Have the WT in southern units droped yet?

    Thanks Becker
  11. I have found so much conflicting info about what kind of bullets to use, or not use .I have never reloaded rifle rounds before so I would like some recommendations on what kind of bullets to try in a Ruger .270. Ill be using imr4350, federal brass and CCI primers . rounds will be used on Coues less than 550 yards . Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  12. So you fellows that shoot BT, no problems with fragmentation/ meat loss?
  13. jcarter

    WTB: H4350

    I called back talked to the same kid. Told him I had a buddy that saw yhe powder there, he apologized and went to look again. Came back with the corect amounts and said he must have overlooked them.
  14. jcarter

    WTB: H4350

    Oh i believed you scoutm,
  15. jcarter

    WTB: H4350

    I called earlyer today and they told me they sidnt have any 4350.......interesting
  16. jcarter

    Anyone else draw a 22 early archery bull tag?

    I would be down to meet up mid hunt fir dinner or something......
  17. jcarter

    WTT brick of 1k Federal 210 primers

    So not interested in the 22 then?
  18. jcarter

    WTT brick of 1k Federal 210 primers

    22 lr rounds?
  19. jcarter

    Anyone else draw a 22 early archery bull tag?

    I have the late archery tag in North...
  20. jcarter

    End Bonus Points!!

    Plang so did i pm inbound!
  21. jcarter

    Live Band?

    Toby Kieth's by the Tucson mall , they have live music and a dance floor
  22. jcarter

    Powder and Primers

    i would take ether, prefer imr....
  23. jcarter

    Powder and Primers

    Anyone got any 4350? Im getting desperate
  24. jcarter

    This is our future

    Lol. I just spit some beer out snapshot...well played sir