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Everything posted by hookedoncoues

  1. hookedoncoues

    Is the rut here?

    heading out in the morning in 33. going to be out there for four days. I'll let ya know how it goes when I get back. Wish me luck. looks like some weather is coming in tonight, should help.
  2. hookedoncoues

    Who Sells Coues Sheds?

    I have been building stuff with some of my coues sheds and ran out. I was wondering if anyone out there is selling sheds or knows someone that does. Thanks in advance Brent
  3. hookedoncoues

    I quit

    3 missed shots? Thats not bad. I would say just work on your arrow placement.
  4. hookedoncoues

    Easy Meals while camping?

    Taco Bell burrito's work good to if you dont mind cold beans.
  5. I've never seen anyone skinny dipping, but i did see a lady sneak behind a bush and relieve herself. He, He. does that make me a voyer?
  6. hookedoncoues

    E-Call Recommendation

    I have used the Wildlife Tech call for about ten years. I love it!!!! It is kind of pricey but well worth it if you ask me.
  7. hookedoncoues

    Binocular Reviews

    I have a pare of Vortex Kaibabs and i love them. Although a tripod is a must.
  8. hookedoncoues

    It has been bugging me…

    Good topic, but it is true the people that have no business making those shoots are probably also the ones shooting the sign post on the side of that road and are not able to read.
  9. hookedoncoues

    Magazines or books to read

    Not sure if you have read any of CJ Box? He writes about a game warden in Wyoming by the name of Joe Picket. If you like Louis Lamor style books you'll like his books.
  10. hookedoncoues


    It was a few years ago, (acutally about 26 years ago) but I was up on Kiabab for the archery deer hunt. Young at the time and not knowing too much about deer hunting. I seen some deer moving up theis draw in the morning. I decided to sit that the draw the next morning. I got up there early and was sitting next to a large pine tree. I thought that I was doing good just sitting in front a large pine tree. I didnt even constuct a blind of any sort. A lot of critters came up that draw that morning but nothing worth shooting. I was thinking about getting up and moving to another area when another hunter started up theis draw. He was in full camo and just walking up in my direction. He was an older gentleman ( I could see some gray on the sides). anyways, as he got closer to me it appeared as though he seen me and started toward me. He walked up and set his bow down on the ground and leaned against the tree that I was sitting sgainst. he then started to sit down next to me. It was then that it happened..... I asked him how he was doing. Wrong thing to do!!!!!!! It was at that point that I realized that he had NO idea that anyone was within miles of him. He jumped up and startd to run,,,,, then turned around and started to call me every name in the book!!!!!!! Told me that it was not nice to scare the @#$% out of people. He then picked his bow up and his hat and stomped back down in the direction that he came. I often wonder what stories he has had to tell about that day. Who knows he might read this and have a reply.
  11. hookedoncoues

    whats in your pack?

    Lots of good items. I also like to keep those breath mints that have caffine in them just in case.
  12. hookedoncoues

    balistic calculator of the droid

    I downloaded one on my droid. It is called Shooter. I think when I figure it out it will be nice. but its not free, it was 9.99.
  13. hookedoncoues

    New Long Range Rifle 1000yrds +

  14. hookedoncoues


    It scares me to think that there are people that hunt and own guns that think that OB is not a threat to our right to own guns! I Have heard alot of people that say that they will not vote because neither one of the candidates are worth a ##$#! People have died in this country so that we would have the rights and the freedoms that we do. One of them is the right to vote. I'm not a political person, but I think that it is important to excersice your right to vote or it could be gone!! There are people in this world that would die to be able to vote, and there alot of people in this country that take it for granted. I dont think that McCain is going to be the best but he is the lesser of two evils.
  15. That was very well said, Coues "n" Sheep. I agree.
  16. hookedoncoues

    Neat little creature

    As is true for other large, "ugly" arthropods (e.g. solfugids), there are a number of folk tales regarding Jerusalem crickets which are simply untrue; first and foremost, they are not venomous. However, they can emit a foul smell and are capable of inflicting a painful bite - but neither is lethal, as some of the tales would suggest. They also do not cry like children, nor rub their legs together to make sounds. I got this off of Wikipedia.com Brent
  17. hookedoncoues

    Put one on the ground!!!

  18. hookedoncoues

    First Archery Coues!

    Good Job, Troy!!!!
  19. hookedoncoues

    Sarah Palin

    I really dont know anything about Palin, but if what I read here is right I like her alot!!!
  20. hookedoncoues

    preserving velvet

    Putting them in the freezer for a couple of months is what I have done in the past and it works very well.
  21. hookedoncoues

    Predator Hunting Contest

    Count me in. Where the hunt is and when might be an issue, but I will be there if I can. I'm not sure about the lose half a point for fur damage either. I think having a kitty is a good idea. It will add some importance other that brag'en rights.
  22. hookedoncoues

    First hunt(s)

    I grew up in Holbbrook and spent alot of time hunting deer, elk and coyotes with my dad in 4A and 4B. I spend most of my time hunting coues and varmits now. I'm still trying to get a big coues to hang on my wall next to my mule deer. I love all of the memories that were created from thise times with my dad and I. Now I have a son and have been taking him out since you was old enough to go. (Well,,,, since my wife would let him go) I hope that one day my son will do the same with his kids. Brent
  23. hookedoncoues

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    put me down for one praire large and one praire xl
  24. hookedoncoues


    That is way too funny!!!!! some people have alot of nerve
  25. hookedoncoues

    What would you do? (hunting etiquette)

    You showed great restraint, I think that I would have let all of the air out of their tires!!!!! Not really. I cant believe that there are people in the work like that!!