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Everything posted by CraigK

  1. CraigK

    rock creek 284 barrel

    I might be interested. What’s the length? Do you know what number of sporter contour it is? I looked in their website and looks like there are several (#1-6). Thanks, Kurt
  2. CraigK

    Big eye comparison

    Dang. The clarity looks insane, can’t imagine what it looks like not through a camera. Bet they are worth every penny.
  3. CraigK

    Bruno’s has lots of powder.

    I’m right there with you, I’d be pretty tempted to pay Bruno’s prices just have have powder available. Sportsman’s sucks here in Tucson for powder.
  4. CraigK

    New 15s.... looking for some input

    The HDs are definitely better, but does it justify the extra cost... I’m not sure. I’ve actually debated selling my swaro HD’s and getting a used pair of Meopta 15’s at one point so I could have some extra cash towards a spotter. We will see what the future brings. Out of all three, I don’t think there’s a bad choice. Even the older slcs you have are great glass. Good luck making a decision, I know it can be hard. Kurt
  5. CraigK

    Score Guesses???

    I’d guess him right around 108, he has a good frame...pretty buck. Bet it was a fun hunt! Do you have a pic of the buck your buddy ended up killing?
  6. CraigK

    FS Old Jeep Project

    Looks like a fun project. Good luck with the sale. Is it a 304? I have a 1980 cj 5 with a 304 AMC. Wish I had more time/money to put into it... maybe some day.
  7. CraigK

    Gunsmith Recommendations in Tucson or Phoenix

    Craigs Custom Rifles in Oro Valley
  8. CraigK

    WTS Tikka T3 7mm Mag - $400 Tack Driver

    Dang. That was a good deal.
  9. CraigK

    Scheels has Berger 6.5 156 bullets in stock

    That didn’t last long
  10. CraigK


    Dang! Not sure if I was first in line, but I’ll have to pass. Not going that direction any time soon unfortunately.
  11. CraigK


    Are you in Tucson? I’m interested in h1000
  12. CraigK


    Dang... Tucson sure sucks for powder. Bruno’s seems to be getting some good shipments in. Might need to use a sick day from work and go get some powder.
  13. CraigK

    Any lab pups?

    I recently posted about looking for an Aussie. I may have found one, but my son is sure wanting a lab. I don’t blame him, I grew up with them and they sure are hard to resist. We may end up getting two dogs... Anyone know of any leads to some lab pups? I’m not partial on chocolate, black, or yellow, just looking for a good pup. Thanks in advance CW! Kurt
  14. CraigK

    H1000 at Bruno’s

    Yup, Tucson is no good for powder availability.
  15. Thank you all for the advice.
  16. Looking to buy a new rest... Anyone have experience with either the Ripcord or QAD LD or HDX? Any input is greatly appreciated. Kurt
  17. CraigK

    Bruno’s has lots of powder.

    Wish I lived closer!
  18. CraigK

    Any lab pups?

    I recently posted about looking for an Aussie. I may have found one, but my son is sure wanting a lab. I don’t blame him, I grew up with them and they sure are hard to resist. We may end up getting two dogs... Anyone know of any leads to some lab pups? I’m not partial on chocolate, black, or yellow, just looking for a good pup. Thanks in advance CW! Kurt
  19. Thanks for the responses. Which model are you guys using?
  20. CraigK

    Any lab pups?

    Keep me posted if things work out. If I haven’t found one by then I’ll let you know.
  21. Anyone have Aussie pups or Aussie/healer mix? We lost our dog recently and finally feel like we are ready for another pup. Thanks, Kurt
  22. CraigK

    Looking for Aussie pups or Aussie mixes

    Thanks Sir. It is definitely hard. Didn’t think I’d want another so soon, but the house different without a dog in it.
  23. CraigK

    Looking for Aussie pups or Aussie mixes

    Corgis are pretty dang funny dogs. I really enjoy them, my mother has them. I will own one or two in my lifetime I’m sure. I’ve had a few leads on some pups. Thanks in advance to everyone.
  24. CraigK

    6mm Creedmoor

  25. CraigK

    Recovered Hornady bullets from 2 bucks

    I’ve shot the 162 sst on deer prior to switching to the 180 hybrids out of my 7mm mag. I’ve never had an issue with them on game that I shot from 200-600. never recovered a bullet though, they have all been pass through. I agree, they are a great bullet and a great price.