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Everything posted by CraigK

  1. What part of the valley are you in?
  2. CraigK


    I've had a Joyner before, them things are like mules! They will go anywhere!
  3. CraigK


    Never mind on the previous post, I thought you were selling one... I got too excited!
  4. CraigK


    How much are you wanting for it?
  5. CraigK

    2012 Coues

    Congrats Mike! That's a really nice buck! +1 on craigs custom rifles... I absolutely love my gun and what Kyle was able to do to it. -Kurt
  6. This is a pretty cool starter gun for a kiddo. It's a single shot bolt action. The gun has a few minor dings on the stock but other than that its in great shape. I'm asking $60. I can post pictures later if anyone is interested.
  7. CraigK

    WTB: Ruger M77 30MM Scope Rings

    Pm sent.... I forgot to mention that they are high rings not medium sorry didn't read that until I went to write this message.
  8. CraigK


    Craig's customs is awesome, Kyle does fantastic work at a great price. Just google Craig's custom rifles and the link to his page will show up. - Kurt
  9. This gun boot is brand new, the box has never been opened. I paid $89.99 + tax for it at Sportsmans, but waited too long to return. I would like to get $60 for it. I'm located in Tucson. Thanks for looking. -Kurt
  10. Paid around $85 for them, but put scope on a different rifle so they are no use to me right now. If interested make me an offer. Thanks, Kurt
  11. CraigK


    Do you know what year this bow is and if it has the original string? Thanks
  12. Bet it's a nice rifle! How much you asking?
  13. CraigK


    Pm me if the previous reply doesn't go through... Great deal!!
  14. CraigK

    Encore Buttstock

    Sorry got it, didn't scroll down enough
  15. CraigK

    Encore Buttstock

    What cal. And how much for the handgun dies?
  16. CraigK

    Brand new 300 Win Mag

    Is it a wood or synthetic stock? Any pics?
  17. CraigK

    AKC Yellow Lab - free to good home

    So you're saying she's high energy? How is she on chewing things?
  18. CraigK

    Docter binoculars

    I'm Interested in the hd glass, but I'll look into some info on the ones you have and get back to you. Thanks for responding.
  19. CraigK

    Docter binoculars

    They Are the hd's right?
  20. CraigK

    Docter binoculars

    How much for the vipers?... If you decide to sale.
  21. CraigK

    FS- 12 ft. alum. fishing boat/ dogbox

    Is the boat sold?
  22. CraigK

    WTS Remington 30-06 with vortex scope

    Would you be interested in selling the scope separate?
  23. CraigK

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    113 5/8 cool buck!
  24. CraigK

    Guess the score contest - April 2011

    Nice Buck! 141 1/8