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Everything posted by CraigK

  1. CraigK

    Nikon Monarch 4-16x42 Mildot side focus

    Ok perfect I'll let him know.
  2. CraigK

    Nikon Monarch 4-16x42 Mildot side focus

    Where are you located? Rings included? I will pass this on to my brother, he is looking for a new scope. Thanks
  3. This is mighty kind of you to do this!
  4. CraigK

    Elk Season Finale Rifle Hunt

    Great bull! Looks like one my father in law had at 80 yards last Saturday but couldn't get him in his scope. Congrats to all involved!!!
  5. CraigK

    Elk Season Part I (pic heavy)

    Wow! Thanks for sharing!
  6. Thanks! I'm trying to work up a load for my step dads .308. I'll have to look for some of that powder! Nice shooting.
  7. That's an awesome group! Gun looks great in that stock too. What powder are you using if you don't mind me asking?
  8. CraigK

    Wts reloading supplies

    May be interested in rl 15, where are you located and how much are you asking?
  9. CraigK

    wtb m77 scope rings

    1 inch or 30mm tube?
  10. I finally received my box of Bergers, but I am deciding to stick with my current load. I would like to trade for powder or sell. I paid $66 dollars after taxes and shipping. I'll sell for $60. I need some h1000 and varget, 2lbs or a lb and cash will also work. Thanks.
  11. CraigK

    New Products

    Look pretty awesome!
  12. What is the furthest you have been able to range with the Leica 900?
  13. CraigK

    WTB 7mm Berger 180vld hunting

    I think you can back order from cabelas. Who knows how long it takes them to compete the order though. I have some 180 hybrids that I've been waiting a couple months to for now.
  14. CraigK

    Got my buck back!

    Heck of a buck! Mount looks great!
  15. CraigK

    Anyone need some .38 Super +P Ammo

    Where you located and how much? I may be interested.
  16. CraigK

    WTB barrel blanks

    Just read a bunch about the straight jacket, pretty interesting! Will this be your first with that system or do you currently use one? They look pretty promising. Kurt
  17. CraigK

    Eberlestock JP9 Blue Widow Pack:

    My brother maybe interested in the 22. Tucson by chance?
  18. CraigK

    Hand Guns for Sale

    Does she know the round count through the kahr?
  19. CraigK

    1000 Rounds of 223

    Holy cow! Nice bucks!!
  20. Anyone have an idea what they are worth? I know the new Forster co-ax goes for $300 new. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  21. I'm looking for the .284 162gr I imagine they will be hard to get for a while.
  22. Thanks. Sorry to bug you with the questions but do you plan on getting any hornady a-max in? I believe they started making them again?