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Everything posted by CraigK

  1. CraigK


    A buddy of mine said he heard bannister had a minor injury in his forearm, but that he would most likely not pitch again in the cws. He throws a dang good game So it's unfortunate he's out. Go cats!
  2. CraigK

    .284 168 gr bullets

  3. CraigK

    .284 168 gr bullets

    52 count Berger classic hunter 64 count Nosler Accubond LR $25 for both. located in Tucson
  4. CraigK

    New Reloader Questions

    I shoot the 180gr Berger hybrids now, But out of a 1/8 twist barrel. I shot the lrabs, berger 168 classic hunters, and 162 Hornady sst with the sst being the easiest to load for with the bergers close behind. Some people really like the lrabs and have had great success on game.
  5. CraigK

    New Reloader Questions

    Those aren't bad groups by any means. Top group is a little over 1/2 moa. I had best results at .030 off the lands with h1000. Personally I'd try the top group load out to 300 or 400yards and see if it holds moa or better. I also seemed to always have a little flier with the lrabs not too sure why.
  6. CraigK

    Things That Make Me Happy

    My wife and kids Seeing my dad drop a buck as I watch through the binos Hunting with my friend Rudy Horses Amazing groups during load development Shooting/reloading Reading and learning about more about reloading/shooting The list could go way on... I'm so blessed!
  7. .243 AI with Berger 105 hybrids would be pretty sweet!
  8. CraigK

    Epic First Hunt!

    Such an incredible buck! Mount came out awesome!
  9. CraigK

    168 SST

    162's then? Where are you located?
  10. CraigK

    .284 168 gr bullets

    Price drop $25
  11. CraigK

    He's home

    That's a great buck!!! Beautiful mount
  12. CraigK

    New 7mm Rem Mag Load Development

    Heck of a right up! Thanks for going through all the detail.
  13. Anyone have powder recommendations for this combo?
  14. CraigK

    Rifle Stock Painting

    That came out really nice!
  15. Also seems rl22 is the easiest of the powders to find so I may go that route
  16. Yea I hear you, I'm not going to load for max, I'm loading for my brother in law so I'm going to keep it mild. If I come across 4350 or 4831sc I'll give them a try. I may try h1000 too, as I've got plenty of that. Just curious what others recommend and are using.
  17. Dang Casey that's impressive velocity. Do you remember the charge on that?
  18. CraigK

    Desert sheep taxidermy habitat

    Sorry to get off subject... that Ram mount is beautiful!
  19. CraigK

    Ever hunted in Pagosa Springs CO?

    Absolutely beautiful area.
  20. CraigK

    Left hand bowtech Heartbreaker

    What is the poundage adjustable to, and where are you located?
  21. CraigK

    Semi-Custom Long Range Rifle

    I'll buy it from you. Can it be shipped? My daughters gonna be four in a couple months I've been thinking about getting one.
  22. CraigK

    70% off badlands

    What website is this from?
  23. CraigK

    WTB .243 Brass

    Shoot, I'm in Tucson I have a set of rcbs dies that I probably won't use anymore.