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Everything posted by CraigK

  1. I have a vanguard tripod with the flat plate that the adapter would be on. Looks like the low might be even more restricted with my tripod head than the pan head in the picture. I might just have to go with the high just to play it safe.
  2. Awesome!! Thank you guys for the quick response!
  3. CraigK

    FS Swaro 15x56 non-hd

    Are these sold? My brother is interested.
  4. CraigK

    Shout out to Lance

    Nice rifles! What are the specs? I bet he's got them tuned in for sure!
  5. CraigK

    Sig Rifle Brass?

    Just looked this brass up. Definitely a great price, I couldn't find very much info at all though. I think I might order some just to try it out.
  6. CraigK

    Lets see your best

    Here's my best... Got him in 2012-thanks to my hunting buddy!
  7. CraigK

    Lets see your best

    Both incredible bucks!
  8. CraigK

    Lets see your best

    Nice bucks creed! What year did you kill that first buck, and what did he score if you don't mind me asking. Beautiful symmetrical 3!
  9. CraigK

    Lets see your best

    Holy crap wish2hunt! Those are some incredible, unique bucks! Lots of huge bucks posted, gets the blood pumping for sure!
  10. CraigK

    RV Rental Wanted

    Check out RVshare.com my wife and I recently rented off the site, it was great!
  11. CraigK

    tough year

    I can't imagine how hard that would be. I do know my dad has tried to stop several times without any success. Keep up the good work!
  12. CraigK

    H1000 powder sold

    That's a good deal!
  13. CraigK

    Marriage Retreat this weekend

    Funny how everyone has their opinions and how much they differ. Catfishkev, strong work! Glad you went and hope you gain what you need to out of it. God bless!
  14. CraigK

    Family - horses - Mountains

    Tomgobbler, thanks for the kind offer. My mom has a few but they are pretty sour. I've taken my daughter a few times but have just had bad luck with finding good horse for her. the one she rode the most is just getting too old and trips quite often so she hasn't ridden in about a year. I want to some day be able to take off with the kids and ride to beautiful places like the picture you posted. I may be interested in one of your horses if you really have a few for sale.
  15. CraigK

    Family - horses - Mountains

    Nothing makes me smile more than seeing youngsters on horseback. I dream of it for my kids. Looks like a great time and neat picture! Thanks for sharing.
  16. CraigK

    Another wood project

    That looks fantastic! Nice bucks too!
  17. Nice!!! Thanks for sharing. That's one heck of a set up!
  18. CraigK

    Outdoorsmans Pistol Grip Head and accessories

    Dang. Can you let me know if it falls through?
  19. CraigK

    Outdoorsmans Pistol Grip Head and accessories

    Where are you located I'm interested in the tripod adapter. Is it the tall or short?
  20. Well shot mine today... pretty disappointing! I shot horrible, but none the less had fun doing it. Not sure why I felt so nervous. Ended up shooting my best 200 yard group on a target that didn't count... go figure. Thanks again Lance for doing this.
  21. Looking forward to seeing this post and what's to come. Bet you'll turn it into a shooter!
  22. I shoot 175gr matchkings and it shoots lights out with RL 15. I can't remember charge at this time, but shoots .5moa out of a factory tikka. My brother killed a few bucks with that bullet and it performed great.