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Everything posted by CraigK

  1. CraigK


    I saw a ton of mearns down south last year while deer hunting, but didn't see one bird this year in the same area. Let us know how you do. I always think about chasin them birds, just never have the time to do it. Good luck if you go!
  2. CraigK

    2017 rifle coues biggest buck to date

    That buck is a beast! Congrats
  3. CraigK

    Spain & Russia 2017

    Truly incredible! Thanks for sharing
  4. Vld's are seating depth sensitive. You can look up info on bergers recommendations for seating depth. They shoot great touching the lands or .005 off for me, but seems like others get them to shoot seated much deeper. I bet lancekenyon would have some good insight on this. Good luck. They are awesome bullets once they get honed in.
  5. CraigK

    Got a drop tine deer

    Wow, cool buck!! Congrats!
  6. CraigK

    Bubba's last Jr hunt

  7. CraigK

    Grab bag of stuff for sale

    Can you let me know if the brass falls through?
  8. CraigK

    Clara's Mulie

    Way to go!! I can't wait to see my little girl shoot her first deer!
  9. CraigK

    23 youth got it done.

    Congrats to you guys!! Awesome!
  10. CraigK


    Thumbs up to Sean. My brother just bought some binocs from him and got a smoking deal! Super easy to work with as well.
  11. CraigK

    Berger bullets on Coues...

    Just saw my buddies son smoke a coues yesterday at 380yards quartering slightly. It punched right behind the shoulder and came out the front of the opposite shoulder with about a 2-1/2" exit wound. The lungs and aorta were demolished. He shoots a 6.5 x 284 with 140vld @ a little over 2800 Fps. Hard to judge bullet characteristics with this shot though because with the placement, I'm sure any bullet would have done a number, but I definitely liked the result. All the deer I've seen killed with bergers have been great.
  12. CraigK

    Swarvoski 15 x 56 HD new

    Are these still available? I know someone that might be interested?
  13. CraigK

    Archery NM Barbary Sheep

    You are an incredible bow hunter. I can only dream about some of the hunts you've written about. My hats off to you! Thanks for sharing all of your stories.
  14. CraigK

    Free beginners Fly Fishing Clinic

    I'd go!
  15. I have a badlands clutch that I got a smoking deal on. I like it, but think if I did it again I'd go with the 2200.
  16. CraigK

    7E Bull

    Nice bull! Congrats! Sounds like a heck of a shot too. Were you happy with the performance of the hybrid?
  17. CraigK

    Wtb binocular chest harness

    Those look nice, guessing they don't fit 15's though?
  18. CraigK

    Rugged tri-fold hard bed cover F-150 6.5' bed

    Where are you located?
  19. CraigK

    Watch where you're stepping..

    I'm pretty sure my shorts would need a good cleaning if it were me. Holy cow! good job getting rid of them.
  20. CraigK

    What to do after snake bite?

    I've taken care of a pt with a snake bite while working in the ICU. Pretty interesting to see what happens after a bite and how awesome antivenom is. I hate snakes and often think about what I'd do if I were to get bit. I think each case is different and in any circumstance can go south fast, therefore getting to the hospital as quick as possible is key. I just pray I don't ever have to know the feeling of getting bit!
  21. What are you guys with swaro 15's using for the adapter height? I'm going to buy one but not sure which height to get. Thanks for any input.
  22. Wow, thanks everyone! The pictures are super helpful. Brought back memories of my kids kicking their piano playset deal like the one in the picture. Those were the easy days, before they were running around like crazy!