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az rancher

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About az rancher

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  1. az rancher

    SxS multi gun case

    I will buy this if you can ship. Happy to pay shipping. Let me know please fred
  2. az rancher


    Sure glad you got yours back unmolested. They stole my 2000 f350 crew cab 4x4 lariat stake bed on a Saturday night from the old Pima county jail and totaled it Sunday morning. The home owner that they crashed into held them for the cops. The detective told me he already had warrants out on him and he would spend time in jail. He has paid no restitution and the judge gave him probation. I figure I lost close to ten thousand on what the insurance paid and what a replacement cost. Fred
  3. az rancher

    WTS REI Magma 850 Down Hoodie XL

    Does it have pit zippers ?
  4. az rancher

    Estate attorney suggestion? Tucson

    Mark Valentine
  5. az rancher

    ATV tires

    My 2008 ranger has almost the same but 26/9/14 & 26/11/14. If the 27’s won’t cause problems I’ll take them. Ill send a pm with my #.
  6. az rancher

    Want to rent / borrow wall tent for a weekend

    I’ve got an 8x10 you can use but no wood stove.
  7. az rancher

    Kimber Montana 270 WSM $950.00 "SOLD"

    Any interest in trading on a Sako 7mag thats 95+%. Built between 69&72.
  8. az rancher

    More ltems For Sale

    I’ll take the 44 dies if you can take PayPal and ship them to me.
  9. az rancher

    Custom AZ state plaque

    Very nice!!!!!
  10. az rancher


    Pm. Sent
  11. az rancher

    Tools, one last push

    I will take the two six foot fiberglass step ladders. If you’ll pm your phone number I’ll give you a call when I’m coming to SV. I live east of Tombstone but somebody in the family gets over there at least twice a week. Fred
  12. az rancher

    Wtb Contender action or barrel

    How about a super 14, 6 mm Tcu with Redding dies and some formed brass. Great shooting contender. $475.
  13. az rancher

    Sitka ascent pants, 30mm rings

    I will take the Leupold scope. Text sent. Thanks, Fred