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About Dbllung

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  1. Dbllung

    Reloading Powder: IMR8133

    If you are coming to Tucson any time soon, I'll take a pound of H1000. Can meet around tangerine and I-10. John
  2. Dbllung

    Moose hunt in Canada 2023

  3. Thanks for the clarification. John
  4. There is only one general cow hunt in 4A.. Only two bull elk archery hunts in 4A and both have leftover tags. I must be missing something. The leftover tags don't have the dates and have weird hunt numbers. John
  5. I know of two guys that put in for tags in units that have leftover tags. One friend put in 4A cow general hunt and didn't draw. Another friend same unit but bull archery. These friends were not rejected, but unsuccessful in the draw. On the game and fish website the list of leftover tags includes those units. Did anyone else have this happen to them? John
  6. Dbllung


    Nice deer! Why didn't you mount that big buck? Also, why are your mounts on the floor and not the wall? Can you give me a hoo-rah?!! LOL You the man! Dbllung