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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Kill shot video

    Awesome video - thanks for posting!
  2. Coach

    Cool Javelina hunt

    Congrats on another fun Javelina hunt! Your stories are always enjoyable - thanks for posting.
  3. Coach

    Last day buck

    Very cool, congrats!
  4. Coach

    Junior javelina 2025

    Always fun to see you guys' piggie hunts! Congrats!
  5. Coach

    Prayers for my Dad Bill

    So sorry to hear about your dad. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.
  6. Coach

    Rut activity

    Dandy buck, STWslinger! Congrats. I would love to hear the story.
  7. Coach

    Deer Toes

    Look under their feathers
  8. Coach

    2024 Archery mule deer

    So glad the health scare passed! Congrats on an absolute stud buck!
  9. Coach

    3 hour hunt for 2025.

    Nice job! Gotta love the easy ones!
  10. Coach

    Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

    Merry Christmas!!!
  11. Fantastic buck - congratulations!
  12. Coach

    Savage 110 FP 25-06

    First $500 takes it. Good shooter with reloading dies, lots of brass and handloads. I'll add details about the scope - Cabela's Alaskan Guide 50mm. I think it's 4-18. Light Accutrigger. I have $475 in the gun and $375 in the scope. More in the brass and bullets. Just don't use it - it's about 12 pounds but shoots great.
  13. Coach

    Savage 110 FP 25-06

    I've decided to hang on to it for one of my sons. Thanks for the interest.
  14. Coach

    Codyhuntsaz aka Cody Smith has passed away

    So sad. Condolences and prayers for the family.
  15. Coach

    NM youth hunts

    Awesome job, Kyl. The kiddos are killing it AGAIN! Congrats
  16. Great looking bear! I'd love to hear more of the story. Congrats on a real bruiser!
  17. Coach

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    Congrats Nash! Great job everyone who went out to help. Awesome thread!
  18. Coach

    Late Archery Bull

    Nice job! Gotta echo the "great shot" comment. Can't go too far with a big hole in your heart haha. Congrats!
  19. Coach

    Cabelas XXl Outfitter Cots

    If you still have any available next weekend I'll take one (maybe 2 if still available). I'm in Lakeside but will be in Scottsdale the weekend of the 14th.
  20. Coach

    Daughters first bull

    That's awesome, Fred. Congrats to you and your daughter.
  21. Coach

    Sig 229

    Man I can't believe nobody has jumped on this - excellent price on a great gun.
  22. Coach

    Filled my tag

    Good job! Congrats man.
  23. Coach

    RV on cold hunt question

    I'm kind of in the same boat, but I won't be away from mine for extended periods. You might look into a couple solar panels to recharge your batteries during the day and keep the heater on but low. Also open up all the cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom to let that warmth in. Running multiple batteries in parallel will make them last longer, but will take longer to charge. Good luck, and let us know what you find out.
  24. Coach

    2024 Oct Coues hunt

    Great job, guys. Really nice bucks!
  25. Coach

    NonVoter Shame

    While I'm super happy about the Presidential election, AZ just proved to be an absolute Sh!t show. Gallego, murder as a human right, and oh yeah, we can't count. C'mon AZ we can do better.