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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Happy Birthday Mt Cat

    Hey Mt. Cat, bumped into you some time back around Timber Mesa. Hope you had a great day.
  2. Coach

    Mogollon does it again!

    Fantastic work.
  3. Coach

    2008 Starcraft 13 RT

    Bump for a Great setup. Getting the whole family out, for my family, meant getting a good RV. We started with a small 5th wheel, and moved up to a bigger camp trailer. You can't beat comfortable camping to get the family together.
  4. Coach

    24A Spring Turkey 1 for 2

    Nice job, Clay. 24A is not the easiest place around to find turkey, as I'm sure you know. Way to get it done with your dad.
  5. Coach

    Memorial Day

    Huge "Thank You" to all of our veterans and active duty personnel. You guys and gals are the back bone of this nation.
  6. Coach

    Large Steel Tube For Sale

    Hey, Thanks, BC. Jack, shoot me a PM and let's work something out.
  7. Coach

    Happy Birthday elkhunter!

    Happy Birthday - another Gemini! I hope it was a great day.
  8. Coach

    Happy Birthday Coach

    Thanks everyone! It was a very nice day.
  9. Coach

    Happy Birthday Coach

    Thanks Bonecollector! Much appreciated!
  10. Ya know, I love this forum. Right about now we're all involved with family and sports and business, just making ends meet. Just wanted to toss this one out there for a good laugh. FWIW, this is an old video, and Congressman Johnson is still a member of Congress. He's concerned that too many U.S. troops will make the Island of Guam tip over. You simply can't script it any better, even on SLN.
  11. Coach

    New price increases from G&F?!?!

    $13 application fee is absurd. The others are robbery, but you only feel that his if/when you are drawn. Putting in for a family of 5 and getting hit $13 for every family member, every species is ridiculous. This is just the "pay-to-play" above buying family hunt/fish license every year. While I agree they usually ignore our input, it's time to take a stand. It's getting to the point that illegal hunting costs less than legal hunting, and that hurts all of us law-abiding hunters.
  12. Coach

    Large Steel Tube For Sale

    Bump, somebody bring me a bengi or a few 30 packs of bud and they are yours. Otherwise, I'm gonna end up welding them into a smoker, and that sounds like a lot of work.
  13. More prayers for his recovery. Be safe out there ladies and gents.
  14. Coach

    Colorado boycott

    We'll be vacationing in Utah and AZ this year. Good news is it looks like 55 sheriffs have now joined the law suit. That's saying something. The problem with CO is an identity crisis - it's half big city, CA transplant liberals and half small town "fly-over" ranching and hunting. On one hand they are legalizing pot against the federal drug laws, and on the other they are enacting super-strict gun laws.
  15. Coach

    Would You Shoot (2) ? - Video

    Yeah, for sure that first bull that steps out then turns around. He looks really wide, great 3rds too.
  16. Coach

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    And does anyone here think they honestly give a rat's backside what we think?
  17. Coach

    WTB AK-74

    Go to Gunbroker.com if nothing is available at a local pawn shop or gun dealer. Don't pay more than $475 for a Romanian.
  18. Coach

    Peg scores on a nice tom

    That's awesome TJ. Huge congrats to Peg, and nice job on the write-up. Now we need some pictures!!!
  19. Coach

    Panic shoppers relax

    Thanks for posting this. I, too am hoping people will lay off the "panic buying". AR lowers are starting to get realistic again, but you can't buy a box of .22 LR.
  20. Dang it, Brian! As soon as I was ready to give up you have to go and say that! I've been chasing toms all over that unit and was ready to eat the tag. Now I'm gonna have to get up early yet again and try one more time before work. Here's the tom I got my first archery shot at a couple weeks ago. I hit low as I thought he was about 25 yards but he was 32 when I stepped it off. Sliced a couple feathers, but watched him run off a little confused but unharmed. I was shooting through a gap in the trees out of a blind and didn't have my rangefinder. I sure wish I could "mulligan" that shot.
  21. Bump for a super nice Benelli, but I can't stop drooling over the Citori.
  22. Coach

    Black River & Salt River now open...

    I fished it yesterday and today. Where we fished there were LOTS of fish, but mostly small. I stayed in one spot yesterday and literally caught fish on almost every cast for about half an hour - but almost all were in the 1/2 pound to 3/4 pound range. I would say conservatively I caught over 70 fish yesterday and my buddy caught around 40 - but mostly small. Today I fished with the family and we caught quite a few in the same area, - a couple in the pound-and-half range, but none of the 2-3 pounders. When the wind let down and the water was calm, it was really fun to get them to come up and hit on the surface. I'd throw a Rebel Craw at the opposite bank and just let if float - usually it would get hit floating within a couple seconds. If not as soon as I started reeling, it would usually get hit. Looks like there is less silt and ash too, which is good. Lots of crayfish, and for the first time in a long time, I'm not seeing any of the seed-looking parasitic worms that are usually in the meat of the fish.
  23. I wish they were in unit 1 . Got my back side kicked in 1. These were out on Bonito Prairie, coming back from fishing on the Black River.