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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    KAIBAB Unit 12 Bucks!

    Wow, those are some awesome deer. Great job on getting these hunters on some amazing bucks.
  2. My guess is, he's not going after anyone, even though he has every right to do so. He probably just wants to try to get to some semblance of a "normal life" whatever that might be. It's going to be a long, uphill battle for him now. My prayers go out to him tonight. Justice was served, but his struggle is far from over.
  3. Wow, with the judge he got saddled with and the jury, I thought they would find some way to come to a conviction. But if you've been following this case at all, you know how the real evidence and truth showed there was no grounds for even a trial. I'm glad he was acquitted, I hope there is no rioting, but I'm sure he'll be brought up on civil grounds next. Good job so far, but his legal woes are far from over.
  4. Coach

    Back from Utah

    Thanks all, it's a little extreme for some family fun, but believe it or not, it's my wife that keeps seeking out harder and harder canyons to tackle. She's already got some real challenging treks lined up, and I'm going to have to get more in shape and better trained. If anyone knows of a good canyoneering course around Payson or Prescott, please let me know. Some of the canyons we want to get into require some technical skills and equipment. I need to find a good class to move us up to the next level.
  5. Coach

    Back from Utah

    We are back from another Utah adventure. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. We did Negro Bill/Morning Glory, The Corona arch, Little Wild Horse and Ding and Dang. Can't wait to get back to Upper Chute, Babtist and lower Chute and Crack.
  6. Another rat diving off a sinking ship...
  7. Coach

    What Church do you attend?

    TJ, I like your church, and happen to be a silent member. God Bless my friend.
  8. Coach

    PMAG 30 rd - GEN M3 - BNIB black - $18.00

    I think I have about 20 - 30 of these now. Great mag, and very glad to see someone not trying to sell them for $50-70 each. Bump for an ethical seller.
  9. Coach

    Can anyone confirm?

    Yeah, I heard about this today too. Right about the time we're going on vacation and right in our back yard...yikes. I hope they jump on this quick and the winds subside. A little rain would go a long way right about now.
  10. Coach

    Commission recommendations

    Wow - just to apply for the main hunts for myself and my 3 sons is going to cost $260 per year... on top of license fees...I think the doubled application fee stinks.
  11. Coach

    Arizona Cell Phone Coverage

    I borrowed one of these from a friend while hunting on the strip. http://www.amazon.com/Wilson-Electronics-Wireless-Booster-Vehicle/dp/B0011GI94Q This thing was great. From a spot where you normally get no service, I was able to drive up a small hill and text or call home and give updates. It basically adds one or two bars from wherever you are.
  12. Coach

    Beretta 92 9mm

    Yeah Hoghntr, I remember Mel Gibson shooting a smiley face with his at some insane range. I'm sure that scene played a role in my decision to get one. Back then, Jensen's did an "accurizing" job where they would tack weld little stubs on the barrel to reduce play. Definitely a super nice gun, capable of shooting better than most handgunners.
  13. Coach

    Bear broad head advice

    Slick Tricks, G5 Strikers, Magnus Stinger Buzzcut. All very good heads. Honestly, the head you are shooting, 3 blade Muzzy 100 gr., is my go-to broadhead. If they shoot well out of your bow, I would stick with them. Here are a few critters that I've taken with the standard Muzzy 100 Gr. All died within sight.
  14. Coach

    4x4 S-10 for sale. Sold. Thanks everyone.

    Couple years off for my middle son, and the oldest has a truck his grandpa gave him. Sure looks like a nice rig, just not the right timing for me. Bump for a clean, well-maintained truck at a good price.
  15. Coach


    I borrowed a couple Yeti coolers for my extended hunt last year and they were fantastic. Knowing I could be out for 2 weeks, I filled one with food and some frozen water/juice bottles, the other with frozen milk jugs and 2 liter soda bottles. My hunt ended earlier than I expected, but I'm sure I could have gone at least 10 days before running out of ice. No experience with the other brands mentioned here.
  16. Coach

    Kids Bow

    My two oldest boys started out with Diamond Razor Edge bows. Even the lower poundage limbs might be too much for a 5-6 year old, but these bows definitely grow with an 11-15 year old archer. When my oldest turned 16 we got him a Mathews Switchback, (used, on this forum), and he handed his Razor down to his youngest brother. Probably the "next step up" for your boys, but they sure are great bows for growing shooters.
  17. Coach

    Sad find today while checking trail cameras

    Bummer - I have a huge soft spot for any baby bird, and owls in general. Probably just nature being what it is, but I'd sure like to see them at least leave the nest. Cool horned toad too - another one of my favorites.
  18. Coach

    GPS's for sale

    Nice meeting you today.
  19. Coach

    Happy Father's Day

    We sure had fun. Father's day at our house is a little more like Mother's day since she gets overlooked all year. I spent the day cooking, cleaning the kitchen and shooting bows with the kids. Good ol' Southern breakfast of biscuits and gravy, sausage, hash browns, scrambled eggs cooked in the sausage skillet with all the "leavins". Shot and tuned bows with the boys, a little yard work, then cooked up my famous hot wings and elk burgers from my middle son's last elk. Both the elk burger and wing recipes are simple but always a hit. A few cold ones and a cigar I've been saving top it off. Living the dream, lol.
  20. Coach

    Carp on the Fly Rod!

    Great thread. Carp are one of the most under-utilized fish in this state. My family used to spend spring break at San Carlos, trying to catch bass, crappie and cats, but mostly reeling in carp. You get half a dozen kids reeling in 5-7 pound fish every 5 minutes, it's all good times. Hooking into a good carp with light fly tackle has to be a great rush. While they are commonly thought of as "bottom feeders" you see these big schools slurping the surface and have to wonder how it would feel to put something light out in the middle of the school without spooking them and hold on tight to your 3 weight rod and 2x tippet. Kind of like "hillbilly tarpon fishing". LOL.
  21. My last bow had a Spot Hogg SDP which I really liked. My current setup uses an Axcel Armortech. Having owned both, I prefer the Axcel. Solid build, easy, no-tool adjustments. As others have mentioned, I wish I would have gone with .10 pins instead of .19, but that's just personal preference.
  22. Coach

    Beretta 92 9mm

    I've got the same gun in blue finish - similar (Hogue) grips. Really like it, and the grips are great. When I bought mine (a long time ago) it was $450 new. That was cheap even back then. Jensen's in Tucson had ordered a whole bunch for the Tucson PD, and going from memory, the PD decided to switch to Glock around that time, so Jensen's sold a bunch of them really cheap. A quick scan on gunbroker, looks like around $475-$600 for blue, standard grips, depending on condition. This one looks nice, good holster. IMO a little over-priced, but hey, may as well start with what you would like to get out of it, and go from there. Agree with Ross about the reliability. I've had mine a long time, and don't shoot it all that often but I don't recall any failures, even with cheap ammo.
  23. Coach

    Happy birthday bonecollector!

    Happy birthday, Shelvin! And happy father's day too. I hope you get to do something fun today.
  24. Coach

    Sedona muley

    Nice, that's a stud buck for sure. Thanks for sharing the pix.