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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Who do you side with

    According to my current political beliefs, I side with a billionaire who got his wealth basically by a fluke in fixing some holes in software, then went on to create several failed companies and eventually became an alcoholic living in Belize, suspected of murdering his neighbor. Somehow I agree more this this dip-wad than anyone we have seriously running. Either I'm totally off the rails or we are choosing between really bad, and really, really bad. Quote from Full Metal Jacket, "it's a crap sandwich and we're all gonna take a bite".
  2. Coach


    I wonder if an actual lawyer is taking his case or if he's filing it himself. Seems like career suicide.
  3. Coach

    Who do you side with

    Looks like I don't agree with any of them, ha ha...
  4. Coach

    Huge cat on the Navajo?

    A buddy of mine just told me he saw a giant cat killed on the Navajo posted on Facebook. I am Facebook-illiterate so was wondering if anyone had seen it.
  5. Coach

    Is this illegal?

    I think it's illegal to transport them live.
  6. Coach

    Truck work rack - fits Toyota Pickup

    Bump, make an offer.
  7. Coach

    Pending New Record Archery Coues

    I've hunted the San Carlos twice, and came home empty handed both times. I did miss a really nice buck on one of those hunts. For anyone thinking the San Carlos is an easy hunt - it isn't. All those sunny slopes feeding into the Black and Salt from the North are countered by super thick oak country hills on the SC. It's a perfect place for bucks to grow old with little pressure. It's extremely hard to glass, loaded with lions (and bears). This notion of roids or whatever has been floating around a long time - sheer nonsense. The San Carlos grows huge bulls, huge deer, huge bear, great turkey populations because it has the perfect habitat and limited pressure.
  8. Coach

    Decoy question

    Good to know Brian, my next setup will be turkey porn, lol.
  9. Coach

    2008 Jeep Wrangler JK Unlimited Rubicon 4DR

    Awesome rig. Hard to let that one go!
  10. Coach

    General Forum Question

    I used to get emailed whenever someone sent me a PM, but that's not happening anymore. Can someone point me to where I can set this in my profile. Thanks.
  11. Coach

    Lake Bartlett help

    I used to fish just below Bartlett, watched a couple guys pull in several really big flatheads, then one really, really giant one. Below the dam there is an eddy too far out to cast from shore. These guys had a bass boat out there and had to come up river, but right there on that crescent eddy of river rock, the cats were stacked in. Best of luck.
  12. Coach

    Need A Longer Pole...

    Lots more where that came from.
  13. Coach

    Need A Longer Pole...

    Gotta love the Guy on the Buffalo...
  14. Coach

    *SOLD* Two Champion Generators for Sale

    Nice generators - bump. Someone's going to get a great deal.
  15. Coach

    General Forum Question

    No, sorry Amanda, I didn't get that either.
  16. Wow - some awesome bucks! You guys all did fantastic. Huge congrats!
  17. Coach

    Will I have any friends ?

    Chalk me up as a friend. My wife and I both graduated from UofA back in the 90's but we're not ASU haters either. Huge congrats to your daughter - keep her FAR from the frat boys.
  18. Coach

    Best wearable bino case

    +1 on the Badlands. They aren't the cheapest option but they work very well and their customer service is fantastic if you ever have an issue.
  19. Coach

    My Wife's Buck

    That is a super buck. Huge congrats to you and Crystal.
  20. Coach

    Savage 110 long action

    Just a word of caution on the .204 - my buddy built one from a savage .243 and it has been impossible to find an internal box magazine for.
  21. Coach

    Savage 110 long action

    Something in 6.5. I love my 6.5 x 284 Norma, but there's a ton of great options. Creedmore, Swede, Grendel, on and on.
  22. Coach

    Need A Longer Pole...

    My favorite line, right at the beginning, "The scary part is once he's out". Talk about understatement, ha ha. He might go the other way or he might just turn into a buzz saw.