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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Happy BirthDay Amanda

    Happy Birthday, Amanda. I hope that t's a great one.
  2. Coach

    Any youth 23 bucks down yet?

    Heading down tomorrow to get set up and scouting - wish us luck.
  3. Coach

    Girl power 3 for 3

    That's awesome! Great job young ladies.
  4. I've had my ranger for several years now and it's always run great. Today I took it out on a scouting trip for my son's upcoming youth hunt and it was running really rough (seemed to be missing?) at lower speeds and even backfired when it would miss/lag. By mid-day it seemed to be back to running smoothly. Any ideas on what could cause this?
  5. Coach

    Youth Javelina 2017 is in the Books

    Very cool - congrats!
  6. Coach

    Polaris ranger question - rough, backfire

    Mine's a 2006 also but 700 XP, fuel injected.How big of job was it to replace the pump? BTW, just an update. I replaced the spark plugs today and ran some Marvel's Miracle Oil (couldn't resist) and it's running great.
  7. Coach

    Polaris ranger question - rough, backfire

    AzDiamondHeat, I'll have to look into that, but the name conjures up the snake-oil salesman from Josey Wales, lol.
  8. Coach

    Polaris ranger question - rough, backfire

    Thanks for the replies. I've definitely got something to go on now. We checked the air filter and it was clean, the gas was fresh, and the same we ran later in the day. Sounding more like spark plug or wiring to it. I did a quick google search and it also sounds like it could be a dirty injector and folks recommended running some sea-foam - never used that before. Anyway, I really appreciate the responses.
  9. Coach

    Junior tag filled!

    Nice buck and great shooting! Huge congrats to the young hunter and thanks for getting him out there!
  10. Coach

    Classic Looking Scope For CZ 550FS?

    Can't wait to see your pix. I'm a huge fan of the Mannlicher style stock. I've got a 10/22 in stainless with what they called the "International" stock. I'm sure I'm just picky, but I've always liked a gun with a little style. Never owned a Ruger #1, but it's on my short list for just that reason. Almost bought a Remington 1187 with a straight (English) stock almost 30 years ago. Wish I had, but I was a kid with future plans and every dime accounted for. Looked like this one...
  11. Coach

    Elk Heart

    Gotta say, between my sons and I, lots of elk, deer, etc. Haven't eaten a heart but next time I'll try it. Liver - no way. I know mine alone would kill half of Cambodia.
  12. Coach


    I have no idea whether this guy had guns modified to full auto. I don't know anything about some of these bump-stock things, but I did see this posted and it actually does make a semi fire like full auto. https://youtu.be/dvLt8-Wf7r0
  13. Coach


    No way to know yet for sure what happened other than a lunatic with a death wish killing dozens of people for no apparent reason. My heart and prayers go out to the families who lost mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters...and that's just immediate family. Let's all just pray for those lost and the unbearable pain their families are going through.
  14. Coach


    Happy Birthday!
  15. Coach

    Cheater, Cheater - WILDCAT NATION

    Someone else makes $$ off of your work, even if you are compensated an agreed amount = slave. We are all slaves, lol.
  16. Coach

    7E Bull

    What a tease - I'm referring to the midget. Can't wait to see the bull pix.
  17. Coach

    Need help finding the owner!!!

    Hopefully he'll have pix of the jerk. Sorry to hear about your camera. Thieves suck.
  18. Coach

    Cheater, Cheater - WILDCAT NATION

    They may as well put their cheerleaders out on the field - and this coming from a UofA grad. At least I'm not asking "would you like fries with that?" like most ASU alum! JK, my son's girlfriend goes there and my youngest probably will too.
  19. Coach

    Badlands Monster Fanny Pack

    If More D doesn't take it, I will. I'm in Lakeside so can pick up locally.
  20. Coach


    Wow - how are they? I hadn't heard about this until just now.
  21. Coach

    Recent Success

    Two amazing bucks! Huge congrats to you and your wife on some outstanding deer.
  22. Coach

    WTB Triclawps

    Anyone have one they want to part with?
  23. Coach

    Free Tattoo...

    wow, i tend to be overtly hostile to bad folks but that is some serious pain. I hope he earned it.
  24. Coach

    What the heck is this?

    House cat