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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Simply awesome Javelina Youth hunt

    Hey, it's all good. My other two boys and I have the same hunt in a couple weeks, and you can bet I'll have a lion tag in my pocket this time. Just in case
  2. Coach

    Canyoneering with my Mini-me

    Dude, that is awesome. Hit me up on PM - my family loves canyoneering and have found some really amazing places you have to check out.
  3. Coach

    Simply awesome Javelina Youth hunt

    “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.” - John Wooden I would never teach my son that poaching is subjective, a whim to whatever circumstance arises. I'm proud of his choice.
  4. Coach

    Simply awesome Javelina Youth hunt

    Yeah, I know, always carry a lion tag. Man, it's tough these days. The expense of putting in 4 of us for pretty much everything gets up there - you can do the math but x4, everything plus college and sports and cars - it gets crazy expensive. Especially when you're putting in for out-of-state hunts for them as well. I just want to give these boys every opportunity I can, and unfortunately, this year an extra lion tag, given how rare that opportunity might present itself, was one of the things I had to skimp on. That said, Josh will remember that day forever, and I wouldn't change a second of it. Thanks for all of your responses.
  5. Not to derail this, but this is the first I've seen about IMR 4451. I've been using IMR 4350 in just about everything I reload for - it just seems to work out best for them. Is IMR 4451 a replacement for IMR 4350 as well as H 4350?
  6. Coach

    Javelina highway

    That's really cool!
  7. Coach

    CWT Feuds

    Be pretty funny to watch this play out cat fishin' on the river, hangin' around the fire with wayyyyy too much beer. It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye - as momma used to say.
  8. Coach

    Now What . . .

    Bickering aside, I did have to drag one out once. Not fun squirming into a little hole in the dark with it popping it's tusks at you. I've lost animals before when bow hunting, and I'll do whatever's necessary not to lose one if it's reasonably doable. That said, a wounded, cornered Javelina in defense mode is a force to be reckoned with and not to be taken lightly.
  9. Coach

    Simply awesome Javelina Youth hunt

    All the things that worked out so well on this hunt, to me, the biggest was seeing him make that choice himself. He knew where I stood, but I left it to him, intentionally - the apple dangling right there. One of my proudest moments as a father and a hunter teaching his sons, was his choice to "do the right thing".
  10. Coach

    Youth Javelina Double

    Man, that was awesome. Great job with the video and super nice shooting. Awesome seeing the kids out there doing such a great job. Thanks for taking the time to video and share it.
  11. Coach

    'Stink Pigs'

    I'm too lazy for words with four syllables.
  12. Didn't want to hijack the other youth javi hunt thread, but it got me looking at old pictures since I'm taking out my youngest and he's going to be 16 this weekend. Seems like yesterday I took my oldest son, Matt on his first javi hunt (technically mine, he was 5, lol). Finally at 10 he gets his own tag... Nick's first. Gotta love Josh with his stuffed tiger. Not too much longer the two oldest double up... Josh, my youngest gets his first at 10. About a zillion pigs later, Matt and I with our first archery double in 2016 You parents with younger kids, I'm sure you hear it all the time, but it's absolutely true - it goes by soooo fast. Cherish every moment of it.
  13. Perfect turkey gun for youth hunters. My kids have killed a bunch of turkeys with it. Looking for $275 but will consider offers. Better, after-market sights, turkey and improved full chokes included with standard Improved, modified and full.
  14. Heading out with my youngest to 28 - first time ever hunting there. I forgot to get the apps in this year so making the best of leftovers. Good luck to all those youth hunters. Have fun and STAY SAFE!
  15. Coach

    Now What . . .

    Been there!
  16. Coach

    Youth 870 with extra chokes

    Tannert, my son is in Scottsdale and we have friends that go down quite often, so I can get it down there fairly easily. Beaton, PM Sent.
  17. Coach

    Coach shotgun. External hammer sxs

    Pretty much has my name on it, lol. gotta sell 2 guns. If it's still for sale when I get that done, we'll talk.
  18. Coach

    Last of 2017 fish

    Just saw your elk backstap post. Very nice cooking on both. Looks amazing, what time should I show up for dinner? Lol
  19. Coach


    Sweet truck and stellar deal. Love my Tundra. Good luck with the sale.
  20. Coach

    My best ND whitetail!

    Man what a gorgeous buck! Congrats!
  21. Coach

    Bitter Sweet

    Great looking buck - congrats!
  22. Coach

    Find The Elk

    Yeah, can make out horns left of center, 1/2 way up the FOV (not the pic). Thanks for sharing.
  23. Coach

    Another NM Muley

    Got this guy Monday.
  24. Coach

    Abaco Island Bahamas (Pic Heavy)

    Man, that is so awesome - I'm officially jealous. Thanks for posting! Those big triggers are some of the best eating fish, IMO. Used to spear them with a Hawaiin sling in Rocky Point.
  25. Coach

    Determination Pays off

    Holy smokes! That pic from the back is incredible. Full basket and those g3s are amazing! Nice work.