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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Here we go

    I think Flatlander is spot on. This is kind of a "keep it in the family" subject, IMO. We who hunt know what's really going on. We know what needs to happen in regards to keeping predator levels in check. That doesn't mean we shove it in the face of those who are on the fence, or know little to nothing about real conservation. If the battle is about who is right and who is wrong, we must conduct ourselves as stewards. Because, as we all know, there are countless so-called activists that will use emotions over logic to combat us. Let's not give them ammo.
  2. Coach

    Lion unit?

    If anyone can find a way to shoot themselves in the foot, UofA (My alma mater) can.
  3. Coach

    Lion unit?

    27 too. Tons of cats in there. Like someone said, throw a dart at an AZ map and you'll probably have a good starting point. Unless it ends up in Tempe, the cats there tend to move back toward Tucson.
  4. Coach

    Top selling toy 1964

    Holy smokes I wish I had some of my old toy guns. Had some import types that looked like a PPK, shot strips of caps. They were really well made. I had one, it was a 1:1 scale .357 S&W police model - plastic model just like the planes and cars you had to glue together, only it was a working revolver with all the internals, and instead of hitting a firing pin there was a spring loaded primer and it actually shot .357 plastic bullets out of a casing. Sure with I had that thing now. My brother built a similar one but a P38. Functioned exactly like the original. Man, we had some good toys back then.
  5. Coach

    Here we go

    Not a badly written article, just omits a lot of facts. In the section "How to deal with too many predators" the author surmises, "That can be a legitimate concern, but the Arizona Game and Fish Department has trained biologists who can make a determination about whether predator populations need to be reduced. They can do it strategically." Well, they used to before like-thinking minds determined that taking out coyotes from a helicopter, and often G&F working with local hunters to do so, was also deemed unethical. So the author has posited a vague solution, with no actual practical alternatives. How exactly would they suggest to "do it strategically"? The article also fails to mention anything about low recruitment rates of antelope fawns in the spring are due primarily to coyote predation. If the people the author is trying to appeal to could see a pack of coyotes follow a pregnant pronghorn until she gives birth only to see the young fawn eaten, many times along with the mother in her vulnerable state, they might start to see the other side of the coin. As always we're in a propaganda war. Whoever appeals to people with rhetoric, usually ends up getting more people on their side. Hopefully, pro-hunting organizations can effectively provide a more compelling, accurate argument that will resonate with people as effectively as those like the author of this article.
  6. Hey guys, I really appreciate the input. I was leaning towards the Warnes, and will probably go that direction. Not sure what scope I'm going to put on it yet. All mine are in the 50mm variety, but this is going to be a light weight setup for mountain hunting and backpacking. It's in 6.5 creedmoore so it's not really meant to be a "long range" gun by today's standards.
  7. Coach

    .243 Handi Rifle Package - Price Drop

    Drop to $350 this weekend. I'll be in Payson tomorrow around noon (Sat, the 15th). Thanks for the plugs. It's a really nice setup. Might have to re-post it closer to the youth javi hunts.
  8. Just in time for Christmas! This was a hand-me-down, so I don't know much about it. Looks to be basically brand new. Package comes with the H&R Handi Rifle in .243, Burris Fullfield II 3-9x40 scope, Harris 12 - 23 bipod, Allen sling with bullet loops, Allen soft case, butt-stock bullet holder & 2 boxes of ammo. This is an ideal setup for youth hunters. Personally, I love the single shot for the kiddos - it's obvious when it's cocked, and they have to focus on making a good first shot. Asking $450OBO $400 OBO (reduced). The extras alone new would be around $400 new ($200 scope, $100 bipod, $30 case, $20 sling, $40 ammo, $8 ammo carrier), but I'm open to offers. I'm in Lakeside, but *might* be in the valley this weekend. If so, I can come through either Globe or Payson.
  9. Coach

    Lion unit?

    Tons of great advice here already. You might want to look at the San Carlos reservation too. I hunted it years ago and there were tons of cats. Not to mention the mountain lion tags were dirt cheap and you don't need an out-of-state hunting license - at least that's how it used to be.
  10. Hey guys, I was gifted this gun, and know very little about it. I'm looking to make a good deer/elk/javi gun out of it for one of my boys. Here's what I do know - It's a Carl Gustav 6.5 x 55 Swedish with a Mauser action. The scope appears to have come off an air soft sniper gun. That's all . Looking around online this looks like an aftermarket stock so I'm guessing this is a sporterized version. Are these good guns? Any info or experience you've had with them would be appreciated. Thanks!
  11. Coach

    .243 Handi Rifle Package - Price Drop

    Price Drop - $400.
  12. Coach

    2-way radios

    Just watch out for those Motorolla radios that have the stupid "roger beep" that you can't turn off. I've seen more than one stalk ruined because of that feature.
  13. Coach

    .243 Handi Rifle Package - Price Drop

    Thanks - I won't be in the valley this weekend. Keep in mind, price is OBO, so if you like it, feel free to make an offer.
  14. Coach

    Youth Unit 23 rifle bull tag

    That's really awesome. Great job!
  15. Coach

    Javelina carrying a rabbit?

    It looks like a sow (actual pig) carrying a piglet to me - do they do that? Could be a Javi, but I agree with it appearing to have teets and looking more pig-like.
  16. Coach

    Please define "desert units" in AZ

    I fur tree? Now that I gotta see.
  17. Coach

    CZ 452 .22LR Mannlicher SOLD

    I would have bought it by now if I weren't funding another project. Sweet rifle.
  18. Awesome buck! I'd have to sat at least 107
  19. Coach

    Stolen Model 70 Varmint 223

    Hope you recover it - I regard thieves among the lowest level of humanity. Sorry for your loss and I sure hope the dirt bag who took it gets some bad karma.
  20. Coach

    Rangefinder Recommendations?

    The Sig are, in my opinion, the best bang for the buck.
  21. Coach

    Globe Shooting

    Condolences to all.
  22. I know a lot of guys send their binos in to Swarovski for general maintenance/refurbishing. It seems some people pay nothing to have their glass fully inspected and reconditioned, while others have to pay. Can someone who has been through the process please explain A) how you go about it, and B - what to expect for charges? I've got a pair of 15x56's slc I bought probably 20 years ago. They are considered "gray market" since I bought them from a European shop back when internet sales were just getting started. They actually have the black rubber coating which I rarely see. It seems all the US models have green coating. Anyway, I would like to send them in, but I'm not really sure where to start, and what to expect for cost. Any info from those of you who have gone through the process would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Coach
  23. Coach

    Swaro refurbishing - need some info

    Thanks for the info guys - I'll get the ball rolling. Typically how long does it take to get them back?