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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    6A/B Headed Out

    A couple more pictures... The boys watching some mule deer. By the fire...
  2. Coach

    Prayers for Casey

    Lord, grant the academy the strength to handle a coues nut, the serenity to know that he's glassing deer instead of illegals and knowledge that it's not his fault - just something wrong in the genetics. All kidding aside - godspeed Casey!
  3. Coach

    Sedona- Bear Mountain

    Might have bumped into you - you in a silver toyota?
  4. Coach

    Another Mulie down

    Sweeeeeet! Great buck. Congrats!
  5. Coach

    '09 buck

    Awesome buck! Congrats - that had to be a huge rush seeing a buck like that come in to your rattle. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Coach

    6A/B Headed Out

    Hey guys, we are back. Unfortunately we didn't find the pigs but had a good hunt. I'm not sure if it was the wet cold weather or a lot of pressure from the archery season, but we just weren't able to find the piggies. There was plenty of good sign and we had a ton of fun - just couldn't find the little buggers this time. Enjoy the pix... Good sign... Glassing hard... Great scenery... Skylined buck... Bucks closer - this is over 600 yards away so a little blurry.... One last chance... Consolation... Matt worked really hard and despite the hunt turning out to be much harder than either of us expected, he kept a great attitude and got to learn about how some hunts are just about the experience and not the kill. Hope you enjoyed it. Next hunt is Nicholas's first ever big game hunt - a pig hunt in 22, just days after his 10th birthday. Wish us luck! Jason
  7. Coach

    Did my deer meat go bad?

    Use a lot of seasoning - now let's see some pictures!!! Congrats and good job tracking him.
  8. Coach

    Selling a few items

    I'll take the wisker biscuit. Sending a PM.
  9. Coach

    Help me pick a scope

    I've got Cabela's Alaskan Guide scopes on 2 rifles and they have been really good scopes for the $$. One is a 6-20 AO but I think those are sold out right now and they don't seem to offer them with mil dots anymore. You might call and ask though. Their 4.5-14 is currently on sale for $299.
  10. Coach


    What an amazing buck. I sure hope the hunter realizes what a rare trophy that really is. Congrats to all involved - freaking amazing. I can't help but think about how ironic it is that this might be a first time coues hunter, when the vast majority of guys and gals who dedicate themselves to coues hunting might NEVER see a buck like that in the field.
  11. Coach

    pig advise in 19A

    I'm glad to see some are willing to help point another hunter in the right direction. Let's face it, this is a HUGE state. No way any of us can become experts in all areas. Cody, best of luck to you - I've never hunted in 19A, so I don't have any advice for you - but asking here is a great start. Good luck and come back on here with some pictures. For the rest - if you don't want to share info - don't. If you don't want the whole world to hear your info but still want to help, that's what PMs are great for. We need to help eachother out in my opinion.
  12. Coach

    A few AZ.sheds !!

    How DARE you ask that?!?!?
  13. Coach

    so mad!!!

    Great job sticking with it Adam. Regardless of whatever else was said here, you did the right thing by A) coming to a forum like this for help, and keeping up the faith and continuing to look until you found him. You did a great job, and I'm very glad you found your buck. Once he was on the ground, what could you determine about the first hit?
  14. Coach

    Update on New G&F "Bait" Ban

    It won't just be hunters putting salt around water holes to keep other guys away - when the antis get wind of this they'll be able to make every known water hole in the state illegal to hunt. Sending my "input" again.
  15. Coach

    so mad!!!

    The last time I checked, NM allows the use of dogs to track a wounded big game animal but AZ does not. IMO we should. I know I would have paid for some dogs to track a lost bull a couple years back.
  16. Coach

    01/01/09 Archery Muley

    Great job, Brian! You're on fuego!
  17. Coach

    calling in bucks with does

    I was stalking some mulies in the snow on Sunday and my stalk mocs got packed with snow and were making lots of noise. I decided to pull them off and the velcro alerted one of the deer, so I thought I'd try a "can" bleat. As soon as I did that they snorted and headed for the hills. Sometimes they work and other times they send 'em packing. Knda like predator calls for pigs I guess.
  18. Coach


    Wow, what a hunt!!! Thanks for the story, and great job keeping your head when they were all about to BOLT!!!
  19. dang. I was hoping they would be introducing their first ever range finding binoculars that have the buttons placed for RIGHT handed people (unlike Leica). It's coming soon - or at least we can hope.
  20. Coach

    Are you kidding me?

    Ya know, I kinda have to agree with Maximus on this one. When you boil it down there are really two camps who hang out here - one wants to spread the word about their recent success, the other is here to learn. We are very blessed to live in a state like this that is mostly public land. We could all pick a certain unit and spend our entire lives learning about that one area - but given the recent changes politically for hunters, most of us find ourselves exploring new territory year after year. What's wrong with trying to get a little bit of information about an area we are unfamiliar with? It is like the old "TV" metaphor - if you don't like what's on, change the channel. If someone comes on board asking questions, no one is forcing any of us to anwer. We all have little hidden places that are sacred to us, so don't give that info out. We all also have places that we know are good starting places for new hunters that probably aren't on our top 3 list - so why not steer a newbie in the right direction? You might just put someone's son or daughter on their first AZ deer and make a friend for life. Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with someone asking for a little guidance. If you don't feel like answering - dont' - but don't blame them for asking. We have to remember that a huge part of what brings people to this site is the desire to learn about hunting in this state. I don't think we should bash eachother for asking for help. Just my $.02
  21. Coach

    Mule Deer Rut

    Dang - I'd be watching him! Sounds like you have him patterned. Hope you get a chance to draw back on that bad boy.
  22. Coach

    FOUND: Binoculars

    Good for you and your son. I hope you find the owner. Merry Christmas.
  23. Coach

    Tamales on the ground!!

    Great Buck!! Congratulations! Do you need my address so you can send me my tamales?
  24. Coach

    Christmas Muley

    Great Job! I just got humbled by a smallish 4x4 today. Any spot-n-stalk deer with a bow is a HUGE accomplishment. That buck is definately something to be proud of.
  25. Wow, one of the most sought after guides in the state is guiding for FREE. I think I'll book a hunt right now.