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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    A few AZ Grey Fox

    Very nice! I'd like to learn how to tan hides. Is it complicated?
  2. Coach

    Big Brother

    Yeah, Go to Zillow.com and type in your address. You get to see your home from above OR from the street, what you paid for it, what it is worth, how much your property taxes are, etc. Then you can just scoot on up the street and do the same to your neighbor's house. Pretty wild.
  3. Coach

    Nick's First Javelina

    Thanks! We were planning to do a shoulder mount just can't afford it right now, so he got added to the "Skull Collection".
  4. Coach

    Nick's First Javelina

    My middle son, Nick just turned ten this month and we've been working like crazy to get his Hunter's Education course finalized before his first ever big game hunt. I scouted the area during the HAM and found what I thought would be a honey hole, but never connected with Grandpa's old Hawkins. We headed to the range for a little "anotomically correct" target practice. A few flyers, but not bad considering he was shooting from a variety of field positions everywhere from 50 to 100 yards. So we head off but right out of town had a little trouble... the paneling started blowing off of the fifth wheel. With the help of a good Samaritan, we were back on the road in no time... We weren't going to let a little mechanical failure get int the way of Nick's first hunt, so we headed on down to our hunting area and set up camp. The following morning was opening morning of the general Javelina hunt. We headed to the area I had scouted previously, but the sign was all old. This was a major blow because I had really counted on them being in there based on the sign we had seen (and a few pigs) during the HAM hunt. We shifted our plans a little and hiked some steep ridges to get a better vantage point that evening... We glassed the country hard, but found no pigs... The following morning, it was up to Nick to decide where he wanted to go. We had seen some really good country near camp the previous day and he decided that was where we'd start day number 2. A short hike at daylight had us on a nice high point with tons of country to glass. Within less than 5 minutes, I had found a small group with one huge boar. They were about 700 yds off so we bailed down the ridge and followed a wash to a small knoll that would put us about 100 yds away, the max we had practiced. Thankfully, when we arrived, the herd was still there, feeding on the hillside. We got positioned for the shot and really took our time waiting for a good broadside shot on the big boar. I told Nick to hold the red-dot sight on the AR15 right on the shoulder and shoot when he was ready. As I was trying to get my bincos up and on the pig we had selected, BOOOOOM! I was hoping to have a better look when the shot fired, but as I finally got things into sight, I saw Nick's first Javelina rolling down the hill - he had obviously hit. It was a little further back than I would have liked, but it was enough. I didn't have a scale, but this was a HUGE boar. Ready to hike out... And finally, the celebration fire! Overall, a great first hunt for Nick. We have another lifer on our hands for sure. A big thank you to my friend Bryan Yorksmith who made this hunt possible and gave Nick the tools he needed via the Hunter's Education course to put all of the studying to practice. I hope you all enjoy the photo and story. Jason
  5. Coach

    Nick's First Javelina

    Once again, I'm the shameless dad sending this back TTT.
  6. Coach

    Great Idea

    Sorry but I'm skeptical. We're all feeling the crunch, but there is no easy way to make our voice heard. If we really want to be accounted for, we're going to have to make real sacrifices. That means taking time out of our daily lives and getting organized. I totally agree with what you are trying to do with your post, but we can't make change with small, subtle gestures. Only an organized effort made up of real people who are spitting mad will get the attention need to at least get a foot in the door of real change. Chain emails and that sort of nonsense aren't going to get the job done. We're going to have to stand tall to be heard.
  7. Coach

    Get ready, Again

    Hold on boys while I get some popcorn...The pot just called the kettle black!
  8. Coach

    San carlos

    I know some people who did fairly well Tuesday and Wednesday (before the wind picked up). The fish were still out in 17-20 ft of water. This cold front hitting will likely slow things down a bit though.
  9. Coach

    This is cool!

    If I had one, I'd stick one of my Magpul 30 rd PMAGs in the well and take it to a trad shoot just to see if I could get someone to blow a gasket. JK
  10. Coach

    Gunna buy a new pair of boots.... need advice.

    Hey Gino, go try on a pair of the Cabela's/Meindl Perfekt Hunters. I've worn out my share of boots and then some, and these are the best I've ever worn. They are tough, waterproof and VERY comfortable.
  11. Big O' on the economy... Assault Weapon Primer for Dummies... Our new Economy... Good bye taxpayer... Big O's DJIA... But if all that gets you down, don't worry. There IS relief... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cqr-OcJ_CI...S=79&FF=CMT
  12. Coach

    This is cool!

    That's pretty wild. They shoulda left the upper intact so you could shoot the deer with your AR and stick an arrow in the same hole before he hit the ground
  13. Coach


    Welcome to the forum! I hope you have a lot of free time on your hands.
  14. Coach

    San Carlos Crappie

    I fished Talkalai several time many years ago and caught quite a few big bass, crappie and cats. However, I'm pretty sure Talkalai is now either dry or has been recently.
  15. Coach

    San Carlos Crappie

    I fished Saturday. Two of us caught 25 total but it took about 9 hours - much slower than last week.
  16. Coach

    Youth Javelina

    Awesome - Congrats to Gabe! Gotta love these youth hunters!
  17. Coach

    AZ turkey hunts! Who's going?

    3C for me - lots of birds, and OTC tags for my sons. Gino, what was that awesome green chile recipe again?
  18. Uhhh - I don't recall typing "heck"....
  19. +1 We need to make sure we get absolutely everybody in this country who believes in the 2nd Ammendment to band together and collectively tell Obama and Holder, "heck NO!". Join the NRA, send emails and letters, call your representatives. Please, do whatever you can to get people active in the fight against this. They will NOT provide a "sunset" provision this time - If we sit back and watch these rights get stripped away, they will be gone forever.
  20. Coach

    Another Covert trail cam video

    Very cool! Great job.
  21. Coach

    Angie's 1st Big Game Success

    Awesome! Great story and pictures.
  22. Coach

    minimum caliber rifle for deer

    I could be wrong on this, but I think that any center-fire rifle is considered legal. Personally, I probably wouldn't hunt deer with less than a .243, but that's just me.
  23. Coach

    Hunting with Muzzle Brakes

    Maybe just me, but I'd rather have the reduced recoil and deal with the sound. Sure they're loud but can anyone tell us the actual decible increas of a .300 Mag with a brake vs. without? I guarantee you'll find plenty of sites showing the difference in foot pounds on the shoulder between the two. BTW, I've shot a .300 Wby Mag many times with a brake installed, and sustained more damage from stupid teen-induced amps in my car than from that gun. Just shoot at the range with proper hearing protection. In the field, they never seem to bark quite as loud. JMO. I only play a Dr. on TV.
  24. Coach

    This is insane...

    Ok, so lots of us are upset about this. The question now is, what can we do to help? I would be willing to help this rancher out in any way I can including sending emails, orgainzing people, contacting representatives or whatever. Let's get off our collective backsides and speak up. Anybody have a good idea where to start?
  25. Coach

    I need some good radios

    I have an older pair of Cobras. They are very clear and don't trasmit that weird, end-of-signal "bleep" that motoralas do. Also, you can set the call to a vibrate mode which is great for hunting.