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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    New to the forums

    Nice pix - thanks for sharing.
  2. Great job, and great story! Thanks for sharing it. Man that is one big turkey!!!
  3. Coach

    Lets See Them Kids

    Jones boys' Spring success! Nick's first pig...Feb 09 Nick's first turkey...April 09 Matt's first turkey...April '09 Matt's first pig (from '07)
  4. Coach

    Turkey video 6a

    Sweeeet! Vey nice footage - congrats!
  5. Coach

    Rosy avoidance

    Nice - too far for me though.
  6. Coach

    Got my first turkey

    Awesome job! Congratulations!
  7. Coach

    Another guessing game!

    Want me to come help you find the other side?
  8. Coach

    Bear rubbing in small opening

    Awesome pix! Sure looks green and healthy wherever that is.
  9. Coach

    Good Idea or Not

    I love the OTC youth tags. Like many here, I'd give up my tags altogether if that's what it took to get the kids out there. I've got a 3C tag this year but it's staying on the back burner until my boys get their chance (1 down, 1 to go ) From a management perspective, I totally agree that mandatory reporting is essential to make sure we don't over-harvest and that adjustments can be made if necessary.
  10. Coach

    Sam's Unit 27 Gobbler

    Awesome, Brian - Great job to Sam and you!
  11. Coach

    My son's first turkey!! VIDEO ADDED!!

    Great job and congratulations! That's a dandy looking Tom!
  12. Coach

    I need one of these

    Looks like it won't be ready for a few years. While we're waiting, I'll take one of
  13. Coach

    Here's Another Bull Video

    Very cool vid - thanks for sharing. Don't you wish the hunting TV shows were that cool???
  14. Coach

    Congo Reptile

    African copperhead
  15. That's awesome - I was just thinking what a cool mount that would make!!!
  16. Coach

    What is it?

    Based on the second photo I have to agree with the 'big black dog' comment.
  17. Coach

    draw results

    Goose egg for my boys and I.
  18. Coach

    They are up!!

    PM sent You a-holdin' out on us, boy?
  19. Coach

    They are up!!

    After 3 days I finally got through, but after entering my info it said they were having technical difficulties!!!! ARRRGGG! Anyone else getting this?
  20. Coach

    They are up!!

    Aaarrrg I can't get through!
  21. Coach

    Wider or taller? Which is better?

    I prefer them proportional. No wider than high or vice-versa. A good balanced rack slightly wider than the ears is just about right to me - oh yeah and drop in a split brow tine and a dropper or two.
  22. Coach

    Swarovski doubler

    +1. Don't bother.
  23. Coach


    Shoot me a PM, I've hunted it twice and it was extremely tough both times, but I did do a lot of research and scouting.
  24. Coach

    Jan Javelina Hunt

    Very cool write-up! Congrats to the boys!
  25. Coach

    Vortex vs Brunton

    Vortex, hands down.