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Everything posted by Coach

  1. please don't go there. yes I know them This your take? Pretty heartless.
  2. Coach

    Prayers needed

    We know these people, the kids it's just the worst.
  3. Coach

    My last Youth hunt

    I'm sure you will, Houston. As I'm sure you've seen already it happens really fast. One day they're just little, the next they're all grown up.
  4. Coach

    My last Youth hunt

    Thanks Singleshot - you were extremely helpful on a few of those hunts sharing your knowledge and getting us in good places. You're always welcome in my camp and I hope I can help out the way you have for us.
  5. Coach


    Dang, I hope you get out. Nothing worse than getting stuck. Lots of good folks out there willing to help - wish I was closer.
  6. Coach

    My 13A Muley

    That's an awesome buck! Glad you were able to do the hunt despite your surgery and and have such an amazing time.
  7. Coach

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    Honestly, I think this was a really great topic to bring up, and glad the original poster did. Tony did a great job digging into the regs. There's undoubtedly some ambiguity when it comes to the definition of "pursuit" or "pursue" and interpretations can vary. At the end of the day, this is one of those situations where you can roll the dice and see what happens. The smarter bet is to play it safe and avoid the gray areas, IMO. You never know what's going to happen in court. Be safe out there, have fun and take a kid hunting.
  8. Very nice pistol. Too many projects going on right now for me but good luck with the sale.
  9. Coach

    AZ back country

    I'm going backpacking into 33 in a couple of days. Like muledeerarea33 said, you really only have to get a mile or two off the road and you'll generally have the place to yourself. You don't have to really search out wilderness areas.
  10. Coach

    Kodiak Sitka Trip

    That's awesome. Looks like you had a great time - I'm officially jealous!
  11. Awesome buck - and a great shot! Congrats!
  12. Coach

    Wifes 1st coues

    What a great looking buck! Nice job!
  13. Coach

    Biggest draw tag buck killed this year?

    Great looking buck! Congrats!
  14. Coach

    Back to "New Topics"

    Before the upgrade, I had my placemark set up to show me the most recent topics across all boards. Now, I'm seeing "Unread Topics" but what I'd really like to see is the current conversation with each topic listed, and all the responses within that. Just like it used to be. Is that still possible?
  15. Coach

    Keep an eye out for stolen goods

    This ^^^^^^
  16. Coach

    Two Point Tuesday

    Nice and heavy!
  17. Coach

    Wife tagged out opening day

    Very nice! You guys are killin' it.
  18. Coach

    Tagged out

    Nice buck - especially for a "backup buck". Can't wait to see pix of your target buck - good luck getting on him in January.
  19. 121. When do we get to hear the story on that monster? Awesome buck!
  20. Coach

    Loren McReynolds Goes Down

    Based on some of the charges there, he could be in some seriously hot water. I hope justice is served.
  21. Coach

    first archery coues

    Nice buck! I enjoyed the story too.
  22. Coach

    Got her done.

    Stellar buck! Great job!
  23. Coach

    AGFD -- 2020 spring results now available

    Thanks Tony
  24. Coach

    Big Buck Down

    Awesome job, Dan. That's a gorgeous buck!