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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Effects of the virus scare?

    You check with they guy wearing them yet?
  2. Coach

    Biden, champion of the 2A

    Biden can't get the moderate/centrist left vote. Bernie was scary for a while because he got a lot of young voters thinking he was gonna give them a lot of free stuff, get rid of their college debt, etc. Crazy Joe doesn't even know what state he's in. His moments of lucidity have him getting into bar fights with the locals - at his best. LOL.
  3. Coach

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Biggest hoax ever perpetuated. It's a test to see how people react when given something to be scared of in turbulent times. The results are scary.
  4. Coach

    Biden, champion of the 2A

    I think it's hilarious that he's probably going to get the nomination. I can't imagine anyone easier for Trump to steamroll in November.
  5. The great thing about tag soup is, you get to go out there, hunt it like you had the tag and learn a little more as a hunter. Find someone who has the tag, help he/she out and it's almost like you had your own tag. Gotta look at the positive side of things.
  6. Coach

    For sale AR-15 Pistol

    Sweet setup. I'm going to build my own this spring, but bump for a lot of attention to detail. Somebody's gonna have fun with it.
  7. Coach


    Here's the important thing, yeah, we know it isn't going anywhere but 12 out of 13 Democratic Senators either sponsored or endorsed this bill. That means 12 people need to get voted out of their office in their districts. Only by voting these guys out can we send the clearest message. If you endorse or support these bills, we will remove you from office.
  8. Coach


    It's a warm snow, we've got 3-ish in the cold spots, and melting fast.
  9. Coach

    Hunt Draw issue

    Yeah, I've been saying this for decades, they couldn't get it more wrong. I'm a software engineer. The G&F application process would make perfect material for aspiring software developers of exactly what not to do. It's literally one of the worst public facing apps I've ever seen. Ironically, some state schools are just as bad, if not worse.
  10. Coach

    Arizona SB 1625

    I really think this is one of those "throw it up on the wall and see what sticks" measures. It smells of Bloomberg just seeing exactly how a state like AZ with some of the lightest gun ownership laws would respond to some of the most draconian bills would respond. This is your red flag folks. They are coming, and it won't be a Bill Clinton assault rifle ban with a built-in 10 sunset provision, or grandfather clause for existing weapons. I think it's going nowhere, and will be shut down before it gets any traction, but the writing is on the wall. This is what they want - they want you to register, turn over or make in-operable your guns. And they are going to be persistent. I'm buying more AR lowers, high cap magazines, and bulk ammo. Mine will be inoperable when the barrel melts. Then they can have it.
  11. Coach

    Prayer my son Enoch

    Prayers sent - hope it all goes smoothly.
  12. Dang - that's just awesome!
  13. Coach

    Big Coues Buck Hit! Need help....

    Yeah definitely looks like lung blood. Good luck finding him! I know from experience, they can go a LONG way and lose a lot of blood before they die. I sure hope we get to see some pictures of him on the ground.
  14. Coach

    So who’s air frying?

    That was my question - we're going to get one and I know very little about them. it looks like the countertop convection oven style has a lot of benefits over the internal basket style. Any experience of the pros and cons of both designs is much appreciated!
  15. Coach

    My 2020 Mexico DIY Hunt

    Man that looks fun! Congrats on an exiting hunt.
  16. No, but may be going down to Tonto Basin soon and could meet in Globe.
  17. For now I'd like to keep them as part of a package deal, but if that changes I'll let you know.
  18. Coach


    I know the number of wolves in the wild they are telling us is WAY under-inflated. There are more wolves right now in units 1 and 27 than I think they can even count.
  19. Nice buck - love the mass! Thanks for the write-up and pictures.
  20. In the picture, it appears that the gas block rail sits well below the upper receiver rail. I'd put a yard stick or any straight-edge on that back rail and see if it sits above the front gas block. That would certainly explain hitting high.
  21. Coach

    3rd time in 4 years - 3/3 opening am

    Very cool - look at those smiles!
  22. Coach

    1st Archery Kill.

    Great job - bet you're hooked for life now. This is the first year I haven't archery hunted javis in a very long time. Always a blast.
  23. Coach

    Late rifle coues

    Nicely Done! That's awesome - really nice bucks there.