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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Britt has done it again!!

    Nicely done! You guys are having a ball! Keep it up.
  2. Coach

    My sons got a double

    shameless BTT.
  3. Scary stuff for sure, and I agree with Bill that the Blue Range is one of the first to be at risk here in AZ for this kind of nonsense - however I think some of the areas around Phoenix and Tucson could be equally impacted, as well as the units around the Grand Canyon, and Aravaipa Canyon, Patagonia Lake, just to name some of the obvious. Any place that draws a lot of hikers, sightseers, birders etc. where we "ghastly, camo-clad, heavily armed hunters" overlap in a "shared resource" environment, we're going to see this kind of pressure. In addition to becoming more informed and politically active about these issues, we can all play a role by doing a few very simple things. Make sure you keep a clean campsite, pick up not only your own litter, but that left behind by others, be courteous, respectful and helpful when you do encounter non-hunters in the field. It's also a good idea to make sure if you have game hanging in camp or in transport to make sure it is well taken care of, and when appropriate, out of sight. I've had lots of people flag me down to look at an animal and even take pictures, when the rack sticks up past the bed of a truck. That doesn't mean we want to hang the head over the tailgate or other tasteless stuff. By-and-large, the non-hunting public seems to be OK sharing the woods with hunters as long as they don't feel threatened or don't see us doing things that are overtly disrespectful or "showy". It only takes one "bubba" for a lot of non-hunters to make a bad impression. However, by being conscientious hunters with a good sense of awareness and a little judgement we can show the non-hunting public that we don't fit the easy stereotype, and that we truly are stewards of the land and animals we hunt. I tell my sons what my mom told me. "When you leave this house, others will judge our entire family by the way you conduct yourself. What you do will not only reflect on you, but on all of us." That statement is true for any family, and I think it's very applicable to our "extended family" of hunters.
  4. Coach

    Good Buck

    Great looking buck. I'd say 105-108" for what it's worth. Definately a shooter any way you cut it. He's tall, not real wide but has great mass. He'll look great on the wall for sure.
  5. Coach

    Dillon's first Javelina

    That is awesome! Congrats, Dillon on a great looking Javi!
  6. Coach

    good buck

    Beautiful buck! I would definately say high 90's. I sure wouldn't hesitate to "burn" my tag in January on a buck like that!!!
  7. Wow - great buck, Shane. Congrats! I love the live footage.
  8. Coach

    Welcome to Golden Eagle Distributors!

    Awesome!!! Any other give-aways?
  9. Coach

    Archery buck

    Wow - can't believe I missed this post so long. Congrats on an amazing buck. Way to stick with it and stay patient! Just a truly outstanding buck!!!
  10. Coach

    My sons got a double

    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the responses, and the boys really enjoy reading all of them.
  11. Coach

    Chef does Mexico

    Congrats on an awesome hunt, and great write up! Man, I had decided I wouldn't ever hunt Mexico with all the stuff going on down there, but man, this post makes me rethink that! Definately something I'll have to experience at least once! Great deer, and great story.
  12. Coach

    Poachers beware

    Wow - that's a surprise. As much money as hunting and fishing generates in this state via license, tag and application fees, you would think we'd have more than enough money to effectively fight poaching.
  13. Coach

    2001 pig

    Holy Headshot, Batman! Did he drop right in his tracks? Congrats!!!
  14. Coach

    RJ's first coues buck

    Great Job Ryan! Way to go on your first coues buck!!! That rocks buddy.
  15. Coach

    Check out this beast

    Talk about a crazy huge Muley, this thing is awesome...
  16. Coach

    My 2011 Archery Buck

    Awesome buck and great story! Congrats! That's one heck of a way to start out the year for sure.
  17. Coach

    The only way to load an elk into a truck!

    Cool vid, I love the way it was put together. Nice.
  18. Coach

    Archery Muley!!

    That is just totally amazing. Great story, one of the best I've seen here! Congrats on a hunt you'll remember for a lifetime, and of course "Nicely done!!!" Thanks for sharing!
  19. Coach

    New Year's Resolutions

    One of mine is to meet some new hunting friends this year. I really don't have any family that hunts, and most of the guys that I used to hunt with and I aren't that close anymore. As a result, I've found I'm spending a lot less time out in the woods and desert than I used to. I work solo from a home office and none of the people I work with hunt. I still try to get jacked up for my kids' hunts but the passion isn't quite where it used to be. Hopefully 2011 will be the year that my passion for hunting, fishing and just being outdoors will return. For whatever reason, it's just a lot more fun when you have someone with similar interests, passions and backgrounds to share it with. Here's wishing all the CWT family a Happy New Year, with hopes that this year will bring blessings to you all.
  20. Coach

    No More Sunsets

    As always, you have a true knack for capturing incredible beauty with your camera. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Coach

    New Year's Resolutions

    Good responses by most. BML, I'm with ya buddy. Let's make some plans. And Bonecollector, I'd love to hook up and check those areas out - great unit with lots of potential, and some areas I think are almost never touched. I've got a good e-caller, and am willing to put lots more miles on the boots and my truck. Some trail cams too and some areas I've been dying to learn better- just need someone to say, "hey let's go check this out..." Thank you guys and I sincerely hope we get to know eachother this year. Best of wishes to all of the CWT family this year.
  22. Coach

    My son's first archery buck

    Sounds great, Scott. Thanks.
  23. Coach

    Sadie's Buffalo on Regs

    I think it's a great picture.
  24. Coach

    My son's first archery buck

    BTW, save a couple of those bristle pigs! Big Bry and I will be down there going all trad in a few weeks and we'll need some pigs left dumb enough to approach with cap-n-ball Hawkins and my 1858 Remington as backup when we miss!
  25. Coach

    My son's first archery buck

    That's a way cool buck, Scott. Congrats to Austin! Bet he won't forget that one any time soon!