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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Lifesize Black Bear Mount

    Great job! It really does look alive.
  2. Coach

    Indian Point

    Super photos. You sure know how to capture amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing those incredible images with us.
  3. Coach

    strip tag

    12A West - one day... I won't apply for anything else until I draw that tag, or 13B.
  4. Coach

    TRIPOD TREE STAND. Deer Killing Machine!

    Glad it sold, just bustin' your chops...
  5. Coach

    High Country Bugler (video)

    Wow - that is some crazy sick footage. Great job as always, Jed. Getting my blood boiling for September for sure!
  6. Coach

    DIY Security Box 2

    Now to the pivoting portion. Some more 3/8" black steel and a grade 8 bolt through the mounting section... Weld the box to the black pipe. Some more welding to the pivot piont, then almost there. Add a couple more 3/8" grade 8 bolts to the top (heads cut off) to give it the ability to tilt... Trim off the excess and weld any exposed bolts/nuts to the housing and all you need is some camo paint. Needs a little more paint, but it's a rock-hard box that swivels up and down. No easy pry points and keeps the lock protected. Fun to build for sure. I drilled a couple of smaller holes through the swivel/mounting bracket for lag bolts that are accessed from the 2 big holes in the camera box. Hope you enjoyed another DIY box recipe.
  7. Coach

    Trail Cam Videos

    Wow - some great video there! Nice job. What kind of camera are you using?
  8. Coach

    114 Archery Buck

    Great buck! Congrats to the hunter.
  9. Coach

    TRIPOD TREE STAND. Deer Killing Machine!

    So when the teacher makes you sit in it, do you have to wear a funny hat? LOL. Just kidding of course.
  10. Coach

    Antlers Restaurant in Young

    Looking forward to ordering an Apache Trout Stout and admiring the antlers on the wall. Great job on the rebuild.
  11. Coach

    Locked coues

    Looks like Mexico, did the live buck get untangled?
  12. Coach

    velvet bucks

  13. Coach

    What broadhead do you use?

    Ya its papper tuned so it must be my arrows. Everyone i talk to says they gave up on the muzzy's because they are too hard to tune. I've heard others say, that if you can get muzzy's to fly in your setup, they are great, but not everyone gets them to fly well. I've only tried them in a couple of bows, and they have always shot with every other quality broadhead - G5 Montecs, Strikers, Slick Tricks, Magnus Stingers and Buzz Cuts - In my last bow, all broadheads seemed to want to go left and low of my field points @ longer ranges - but at least it was consistent. In my new bow, all of these heads hit the same as my field points at 40 and 50 yards. My best guess is, if muzzy's are not flying true, most others aren't either. Make sure your bow is properly tuned, and any of the heads recommended here will do their job. If you can't shoot fixed heads, look at G3 or the new tekans. Rage seem to be good too, I'll be trying them out on antelope this year, but only as a back-up long range head.
  14. Coach

    antler growth

    I saw some 2 weeks ago on Hardscrabble Mesa while camping and hiking Fossil Creek that looked like they had a lot of growing left to do. One was a really nice buck - if someone gets him when he fills out, I hope they post some pix here.
  15. Brian, PM sent on the security box.
  16. Coach

    New to hunting. Any tips?

    Well, you have come to the right place. There's more knowledge about hunting everyting from spiders to big horn sheep in this forum. Welcome aboard. Unit-specific details are hard to come by, even if you've contributed a lot here. Lots of people show up, ask for directions to a honey-hole, and never appear again. If you are serious, want some mentoring, and want to share what you've found, I'm guessing you will find some mentors here, but it will probably come in the form of private messages. Personally, I know less than nothing about 36B. Good luck.
  17. Coach

    cowboys and aliens

    Can't wait to see it. Normally, I woulda thought it would be crap, but given the cast and producers, they've got to make it a fun show to watch.
  18. I've been playing around with the new Covert CA 3.0 (I've bought 2 now) and these are neat little camearas. They're a little "light" technologically, but they take very good pictures, and the trigger speed is very good. The range, well I'll say it's average. I've got a Covert II that has incredible range, and a Moultrie M-80 that appears to have about the same range as the CA 3.0. Overall, I like these cameras for the price. I paid a lot for my Covert II and it has been a great camera. The CA 3.0 has done pretty well in my tests, but it is limited to normal triggering. The moultrie M-80 is a lot more bulky, but has the "plot-watcher" feature, which the Covert Extreme has, but the M-80 is about $100 cheaper. About $10 more than the the CA 3.0, that doesn't have this capability. The way I'm setting up is to have 2 CA 3.0 cams where I can count on close proximity and triggering, a Moultrie M-80 set on larger areas that I can use the plot-watcher feature, and my old, standby Covert II on anything in between that needs long range and fast trigger speed. BTW, look for the DIY security box 2 thread coming soon. I built a box for my moultrie M-80 with an adjustable tilt. It's pretty tough.
  19. Coach

    Big Surprise for One Bighorn!

    Wow, what can I add? Great pix and great sequence. That's super cool for sure.
  20. Coach

    Married Man

    Congratulations! I hope you will share a beautiful life together, and it looks like you are off to a great start!
  21. Coach

    Bow season

    Wow - what a great buck! Can't wait to see the "ground" pictures. Good luck!
  22. Coach

    Couple Nice Bucks

    Nice bucks, Brian! Good luck getting them this fall.
  23. Coach

    Diamond Razor Edge

    My two oldest boys shoot that bow, and I've been really impressed with it. It's super adjustable, and seems to shoot very well.
  24. Coach

    Cabela's Tactical Scope

    That's a lot of scope for $80. I'm thinking this will sit really well on a varmint rig. Somebody's gonna get a real good deal on this one. If I had a bare rifle, I'd buy it.