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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Yikes, innocent until proven guilty, but it sounds like they've got a lot of evidence in this case. What are these guys thinking??? We've all seen "To Catch a Predator" and every time these guys act totally surprised. And of course they all say the same thing - "Really, this is the first time I've ever done something like this..."...Yeah, right...
  2. Coach

    Bill Armstrong's 131 1/8th October Coues

    Wow - what a GREAT buck! Just amazing! Great job to "Uncle Bill".
  3. Coach

    November 4th hunt

    That is a fantastic buck! And to take him in an area with so much pressure from other hunters shows you have some fine-honed coues hunting skills. Congrats on a great buck, and a great hunt. Thanks for sharing it.
  4. Coach

    SW Colorado Mule Deer hunt

    Wow, amazing photos! I would love to "pass" on muleys like that. Thanks for posting them! Great looking bull too, for CO, especially.
  5. Coach

    USMC birthday

    +1, Thank you for your service. You guys are the heart and soul of this country. I hope a lot of people spend Veteran's Day (tomorrow) not just thinking about those who have previously served, but also those who are still in harm's way. My dad just got back from a flyfishing trip on the San Juan in NM, and his club took out some disabled vets. Most were younger guys - just back from Afghanistan. He's kind of a "tough old bird" but he really got choked up talking about the experience. So many young Americans coming home missing limbs, eyes... And what are we even doing there??? I'll get off my political soap box - you guys don't even ask that question - just report for duty and do it to the best of your ability. My hat is off to all all of our current, past and future soldiers out there that are the true backbone of America. God bless you all.
  6. Coach

    2011 Rifle Coues

    That is a GREAT looking buck! I love the father-son hunt, and help from another CWT'er. Awesome job!
  7. 3 in the Mag (or 4 depending on gun), 4 in the sling. You guys are making me nervous.
  8. Coach

    A week from now...

    Good luck on your hunt, Flash. I hope you have a great time despite the injury. Let us know how it turns out.
  9. Coach

    Ever seen this before?

    Very cool pictures. Great looking buck, and those coati's are awesome. I've never seen the little ones like that.
  10. Coach

    Great WT Backpack Hunt

    Nice job! Way to get in the back country. Nice bucks and a great write up. I really enjoyed it.
  11. Coach


    I think you answered your own question with "they do it in Texas"....no offense but they also fence off all their deer and have turned hunting into a pastime for the uberrich. It's hard enough to get drawn for archery elk or kaibab deer without crossbows getting in the mix. Now if it just about a disabled guy getting a fair shot then that is a different story...same with small game - I am all for it, My sentiments, exactly. Well said.
  12. Coach

    92 Yard Archery Muley (video)

    Great job, Jed. Thanks for sharing the video. That's a really nice looking buck, and some great footage.
  13. To answer your question, yes. As a hand-loader for years, learning what I could from my dad, every *great* gun is fickle. On the one hand, there are so many great guns out there and so much incredible ammo available it's almost hard to not put something together that shoots really well. Weatherby, Howa, Savage and Sako all have rifles now with guranteed, sub MOA, with factory bullets. As a hand-loader, I can tell you that little things like the primer you use, the powder you choose, the bullet, the brass, whether you crimp or not, little things like "throat spacing" all make a huge difference. Some guns like the bullets right up in the lands, some do better with a little gap. Rifles are more fickle than girls, in my experience. These days you can buy a good rifle off the shelf, put a good scope on it, buy a box or two of ammo and start shooting groups. But if you really get downn and dirty, you'll find every really great rifle has a preferred load, and that's down to the primer, powder, brass and bullet.
  14. Coach

    Remington Screwing Me

    Sounds like pretty poor customer service to me. Usually a recall involves "making the customer whole", which means fixing or replacing the product free of charge to the customer. I can see why you are not happy with this.
  15. Coach

    young hunters first couse

    Excellent first buck! Great shooting there. Congrats on a great coues!
  16. Coach

    hearing some rumors of a

    Definitely an interesting post - others are right, we hear about these huge bucks every year and how somebody has them patterned and figured out. Sometimes they come though, more often than not, the ghost gives them the slip. Am anxious to see how this one turns out. Those of you who have photos of this monster buck - why not post them up? If you're worried the background might give away his location - send 'em to me for some photoshopping. I don't know any the southern units at all, so I won't know where this buck is based on pix or background. We've seen other pix of great bucks taken this year where all the background is intentionally blacked out. I don't blame those guys one bit. So many guys are intent on using other peoples' success photos as a scouting tool. But if this buck is legit, and so many of you guys have pictures of him, no harm in sharing some visuals. So let's see him.
  17. Coach

    Cold morning success

    Very cool! Great job Geneva!
  18. Coach

    Garrett scores a nice last day Mulie..

    Nice job! What a great buck. I bet Garrett was on cloud-nine for days! Congrats, and way to get another young hunter hooked for life!
  19. Coach

    Bagged a great one

    Nicely Done! I'd suggest a full-body mount over shoulder on this one. . What a beautiful little boy! You are in for the ride of your life, buddy.
  20. Coach

    Matthew or Hoyt

    As others have said, go shoot them all and see what is best for you. I've had Mathews, Bowtech and now own a Hoyt - All are good bows, as I'm sure PSE are too. Right now, I like the Hoyt CRX35 the best, but the Bowtech Destroyer and Mathews Z7 are great bows - just have to figure out what YOU like and what bow does it for you.
  21. Coach

    My first 100"+ buck

    +1 Nets are for fish.
  22. Coach

    A week from now...

    Hunting6, thanks, and WOW, that buck in your avatar is incredible! What's the story on that bruiser?
  23. Try this link... http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/adaptors.htm
  24. Coach

    A week from now...

    Thanks again guys! Just made up a batch of steaks for the family, and they were delicious.