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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach


    Awesome job! Love those family hunts together. Great write-up and pictures too! Thanks for sharing.
  2. Coach

    My new Tat

    Nice, I think I'd add an M4 at the bottom.
  3. Coach

    First Jr. Javi Hunt Coming up

    I would love that. My boys are now 14 (almost 15) 13 and 10. Please do shoot me a PM when you're going to be up here. My goal is to make it really fun, whether we get something or not. I want Josh to do some glassing, see some pigs through the binocs and go on a stalk or two. Beyond that, well, we'll just have to see if I can put him in the right place at the right time. Thanks for your reply.
  4. Coach

    First Jr. Javi Hunt Coming up

    Today, I took my youngest son, Josh, out for some target practice and final preparations for his first ever big game hunt in AZ. When applying, I really wasn't sure what hunt to put him in for. His 10th birthday fell on Jan 28th - right in the middle of the first weekend of the youth hunt. Not being sure when or how we'd get his hunter's education requirement filled, I put him in for the general hunt so we'd have a month to get his field day in. Well, now he's official. He watched his brothers and some family friends tag out a couple weeks ago, and now it's finally his turn. He shot very well at practice, and he and I know his "comfort zone". I'm pretty confident on where we'll find the pigs, but he's going to need a good, clear shot with time to set up. The pressure is now on dad to put him in position this weekend to do what he has watched his brothers do. I hope to follow this post up with some good pix of Josh's first hunt.
  5. Coach

    Just in case you

    krp - you couldn't be more spot on. If you're on the left, all sins are forgiven. If you're on the right, your morals and integrity are always under a microscope. That, to me is the indication that you're on the correct path. This is a subject I think about a lot as the hypocrisy of the left is the best illustration of the ongoing battle for truth. The very fact that they exploit every human weakness in their opponents and defend and downplay those same weaknesses in their constituents is a cornerstone in both politics and philosophy. Just look at the examples set. JFK, Bill Clinton, Edwards, Ted Kennedy, all were womanizers. But look at how the media has treated Gingrich and Herman Cain. The defense from the left is that their guys never made any pre-supposition of morals or emphasis on "family values". So it's OK for the dems to lie, cheat and steal because they never claimed to have morals in the first place. Those things are only bad if they are done by someone on the right. Bottom line, we all have to choose a side, and I'm confident in the side I've chosen.
  6. Coach

    Massive Boar attacked my Dad.

    Sounds like some exiting video - I can't wait to see it. Congrats on the archery javi!
  7. I bought a pair of Under Armour Speed Freaks for my elk hunt and I think they really fill the gap between "Serious Hunting" boots and the cheap, light stuff. I've gone through several pairs of Danner GTX, and still wear them, but mostly for my around-the-house work boot. The speed freaks will NEVER be in the same category as Meindl Perfekt Hunter, Kenetrek, etc. But realistically, they aren't supposed to. If you are hunting hard country, lots of hiking in steep, rocky terrain, you need a super solid boot. That's where Meindl, Kenetrek, Asolo and others really shine. If you're hiking around in the pines or stalking in the lower desert, sometimes you want a boot that's more like a good running shoe. The speed freaks do that really well for me as long as I know their limitations. One thing to think about with light or mid-weight boots in the desert. If you pay a lot for a waterproof boot that is half leather and half nylon/cordura with a Gore Tex or similar waterproof lining - forget it. The cactus will poke more holes in that lightweight upper than the fabric can make up for. Your boots will leak like a $20 pair of Big 5 boots from china after one day. If you're gonna walk through cactus, shin daggers and cat claw, and still need water-proofing, you have to pick a solid leather upper. Just my opinion, but I've bought lots of boots over the years - for myself, my kids and my wife. Some have been stellar, some have been dogs. As a final illustration - might be worth a laugh...Years back I hiked some nasty stuff to get to a good glassing point. As I cooked up a light lunch I noticed a black rubber "discard". It was the entire sole of a "Rocky" boot. I always wonder how in the heck that guy got back off that mountain with half of a boot. Kinda drove home the importance of having a boot that can keep up with you. Good hunting, Coach.
  8. That is just awesome. Huge congrats, and you know we're going to want the full story. I'm really happy for you! Think you can hit one? LOL
  9. Coach

    Check out these fat pigs

    Hey Bill, these guys are in the white mountains. Funny part is they only seem to come around late winter and early spring. Del, your post doesn't deserve a reply, since it's nothing but negativity. But I'll give you one anyway. While it may not have been made explicit in the original post, I don't feed them dog food. They roam around the neighborhood eating whatever is available - in some cases, dog food. I don't have outdoor dogs. I have a compost pile, which is legal and none of your business anyway. So the next time you feel inclined to post a negative comment, please do us all a favor and keep it to yourself.
  10. Coach

    Got Lucky

    Nicely done! That's a good cat - good and dead!
  11. Coach

    Coyote Pelts

    Now that's funny right there. I always skin coyotes after I shoot 'em. Got a couple of tan lamp shades to prove it - some have gold teeth dangling from them.
  12. Coach

    spring piggy's

    Great pix! Looks like you've got 'em found.
  13. Holy smokes! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time...Great post!!!
  14. Coach

    Great Youth Javelina Hunt

    Hey CWT family, I wanted to share some cool pictures and stories from our youth javelina hunt this year. It was a blast for everyone. To set the stage, we had 4 youth hunters - my two oldest sons, Matt and Nick, my buddy Mark's daughter, Alana, and my buddy Brian's daughter, Monica. So we had our work cut out for us. First day, we found pigs and went on a long stalk but no shots were fired. Mark and Alana had some pegged before me and my boys could show up (we forgot our tags back at camp) so dad kinda blew it on that one. Second day, we start glassing at first light and find a big herd not too far off. It's my turn to take the kiddos on a stalk while Mark keeps tabs on them. We got right into them and both Alana and Matt shoot. After the replay on video, it looks like Matt finished off the javi Alana had shot. While Matt and I took care of his pig, Mark took the rest of the kids looking for another herd. As they were glassing a jeep drove by, turned around and came back to tell them there was a huge herd just up ahead. Unfortunately, by the time the got there the herd had vanished. Day 3 - Our first glassing spot turned up nothing so we headed to another. While I was "otherwise occupied" Mark had already located some pigs on an open hillside. The stalk was on. With lots of young kids around, everyone wanted to see the pigs through the binocs, and somehow, the herd got away from us. I was taking the kids to where the pigs were last seen and Mark was trying to relocate them. The herd had moved downhill and was now directly across the canyon from us moving in the wrong direction. The wind was bad and we were right in the open. We tried to get ahead of them and both Alana and Nick got some long shots but couldn't connect. After a long hike back to the truck we started moving to the next glassing spot. Part way there, Mark gets out of the truck and motions to us to get ready. There is a pig standing 100 yards off the road. Nick and Alana get ready and we tell them we're going to say 1..2..3.. shoot. So they both get ready and we say 1..2..booom both of them shoot early and they both miss. Somehow, a second pig steps right into the same opening and looks up at us. Both Nick and Alana had re-chambered and were on him. Both Mark and I are saying, when you have a good shot take it, BOOOM - both kids shoot at exactly the same time and the pig drops. Alana felt comfortable with her shot and Nick thought he might have hit high so we all agreed that Alana had dropped this one... The kiddos get a gutting lesson from the dads... Anthony doesn't like the smell... Alana's new stylish purse... Day 4 came and went and it was Nick's turn but we just couldn't get it done... More in part 2....
  15. Coach

    What kind of animal is in this tree ..

    Man, I don't see anything there but tree. Give us something to go on at least.
  16. Coach

    Great Youth Javelina Hunt

    Thanks, Mike. I was really happy with the work they did for us. Now we just have to get Bill to chasing javis around again. IMO, one of the most fun hunts around.
  17. Coach

    Great Youth Javelina Hunt

    Hey Dan, great to see you are a member here. Pretty small world, eh? Thanks for coming back and telling us about those pigs. We never did get on those ones, but you know they're hanging around in there. Were you guys quail hunting or just jeeping around?
  18. Coach

    San Carlos Lake 2-11-2012

    Hey Brian, thanks for the update. Fishing slabs on the 'carlos has been part of my life since way back. The past few years, it's gotten harder and harder to fight the rising and falling lake levels. The fish just can't reproduce. This year a lot of big, older females will be caught, but I just don't think they'll be able to overcome the poor management. It's really sad to me, to see this lake so poorly managed. San Carlos is (or was???) the best fishery in the state, and one of the best in the South West. With decent management, it would continue to be the jewell of the desert. But unfortunately, I don't think the politics involved will do what needs to be done to preserve and protect it.
  19. Coach

    Great Youth Javelina Hunt

    Bill, there's a guy in Tucson, I only know him as the "sausage guy" who does great work with javelina. A couple years back a buddy of mine took both of our javi's to him to make snack sticks. They were very good. Nothing better while out on a hunt than snacking on the fruits of a previous one. I can try to find out exactly who this processor was, if you want.
  20. Coach

    Regrets of the Dying

    Thanks for the kind words, Chef, and for your reply to my PM. Take care, brother.
  21. Coach

    Regrets of the Dying

    I find some inspiration in the reported last words of Steve Jobs. He's a man who lead an amazing life, not just in being a success in business, but in really impacting the world we live in. It's reported that his last words were, "Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow"...makes you wonder what he was seeing as he made that final transition.
  22. Coach

    On A String (video)

    Great video, as always Jed. Thanks for sharing.
  23. That's a great rig. Most 85s with a solid front axle are carburated, which can lead to stalls on steep terrain or really high elevation. Usually you have to choose between 22RE OR solid front axle, or get one that's had the swap (most aren't done well). And 9 out of 10 have troubles with the A/C, which costs more than this truck is selling for to fix. I wish it weren't auto tranny - and I've already got another project yota waiting for work, or I'd be all over it. Someone is going to get a great deal on this truck.