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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Josh's First Turkey

    That's for sure, Shane. I wonder why they never come in to my calls when I have the tag, lol. Seems they always go the opposite direction when I'm hunting them, but come in on a string for the kiddos. I can live with that.
  2. Coach

    Josh's First Turkey

    Sorry for the delay, Brian. They were both taken in unit 1, very far apart.
  3. Coach

    Crappie Bonanza San Carlos

    Awesome video - I've never seen them eat crappie that big. How much do you think that cat weighed live? Looks huge! I'll be there at first light - hopefully they'll be going at least one more day!
  4. Coach

    nice bear

    Neat pictures and story. Was it spooky at all being that close? I've had a couple really close at the Black River and Bonito Creek but they weren't too manacing - not like the ones that hang around the camp grounds and are used to people. Thanks for posting those.
  5. Coach

    TJ's First bird

    Awesome! Congrats to TJ, and great job dad calling him right in like it's easy!
  6. Coach

    Gobble Fever!

    Awesome footage! Nice job.
  7. Coach

    San Juan River, New Mexico 2012

    Awesome TJ. That looks like a blast. My dad goes up there every year with his flyfishing club and they have a great time. Great pictures too! Thanks for taking us along!
  8. Coach

    Josh's First Turkey

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your kind words. I really have to give these young guys the credit. When I was that age, I couldn't "keep my cool" as well as they have been able to do.
  9. Coach

    Junior turkey success!

    Follow-up: Josh nailed his gobbler this morning. This kid's on a roll. Got his first big game kill during the javelina hunt in Feb, shortly after his 10th birthday, and today took his first turkey. It was awesome, but I'm going to start a new post tomorrow with pictures and details. Tonight I've got to get everything ready to get his big brothers out there so hopefully one or both of them will have some photos to add. They've been really patient as they have each taken two gobblers and wanted to let me focus on Josh first. The short-version of the story is, they were right were we left them yesterday. At first light, we called them in to the decoys and he put a good shot on a mature tom at 20 yards. He fell in his tracks. Hunting with kids is the most fun you can have in the woods, IMO, but it is definately work. I'm feeling it tonight having been up by 3 am scouting and hunting several days straight. I know of two other youth hunters that filled their tags this morning - one a friend we just happened on this morning. The other, a close friend that I was able to hunt with on the youth Javi hunt. His daughter also took her first Javelina this Spring and now her first turkey. With his permission, I'll try to post pix of her as well. Take care, Jason
  10. Coach

    Stop doing business with BofA

    That sounds like leverage.
  11. Coach

    Who's Getting Excited

    Thanks bonecollector. We had a decent morning with a slow start. Finally heard some gobbles and got close enough to see some birds, but no shot. Hopefully tomorrow they will cooperate.
  12. Coach

    Junior turkey success!

    Thanks Andrew - I really appreciate it. I think we've got our game plan set for tomorrow. We know where they were roosting this morning and where they were headed before we accidentally got right in the middle of them. The funny part was, once we set up the blind and decoys it was already much later than I like to be set up and as we called, we kept hearing the hens. We assumed someone else had heard the gobbler and got between us and was "way overcalling". I've got 3 boys with the Unit 1 youth tag, and given how many of the spots I usually find them are turning up nothing, I might want to touch base with you and compare notes. Good luck on your hunt in 27. I'll PM you with my contact info. I've got some spots in 27 you might be interested in too.
  13. Coach

    Checked the camera after months

    The good news is, they don't look to menacing. BTW, I like the looks of that spot. Does the lion activity affect the frequency of deer?
  14. Coach

    Stop doing business with BofA

    dang, I've been a BofA customer for a LONG time and no idea that they had anti-second-ammendment policies like this. Guess it's time for a change. Anybody have any good suggestions? BTW, if others decide to leave BofA over this, take the time to tell them why.
  15. Coach

    Long range accuracy from fixed blade heads???

    Lots of great heads mentioned already. Slick Tricks, Wac Em, G5 Striker are all excellent. I'll add the Magnus Stinger and Buzzcut. However my absolute favorite head is the standard Muzzy 3 blade, and I've shot a lot of differnt heads looking for the "right one" for me. Some people have trouble getting them to fly with field points, but in my current set-up they fly fantastic and they do amazing damage to whatever they hit.
  16. Coach

    Junior turkey success!

    Have you had much luck trying to catch them coming back to the roost at night?
  17. Coach

    Junior turkey success!

    Nice job, Shane! We had a little trouble finding them this morning, and when we finally did, the big boy had a full dance card. Maybe we can pull him away tomorrow.
  18. Coach

    Who's Getting Excited

    I went out this morning to one of my favorite turkey spots in unit 1. This place is always loaded with birds. After about 3 hours of walking logging roads and checking out a couple tanks I found absolutely zero turkey tracks, droppings, scratchings or feathers. The only bright part of the morning was finding 3 brown elk sheds within 15 yards of my "hidden" salt lick that is usually covered with bear, elk deer and turkey. My youngest son, Josh, has his first turkey hunt in less than 12 hours and my go-to spot has zero birds. Time to come up with a "plan B", and fast. I've heard from 3 different people that there are tons of birds up the Lake Hawley road (Ft. Apache Rez), and my spot is about the same elevation, so I can't figure if they are higher or lower. It's gonna be interesting come 4 AM tomorrow for sure. I'll go to a different area that has always been good in the past, but I haven't done any scouting in there at all. Kinds feels like a crap shoot at this point. I'll update tomorrow afternoon.
  19. Coach

    youth bow

    Diamond Razor Edge, you won't be disappointed.
  20. Coach

    Who's Getting Excited

    Headed out tomorrow morning to check out my favorite spots. Josh has his first turkey hunt on Friday, and I've been too busy to get out and scout. Hopefully I'll see some good sign. I've got 3 unit 1 youth hunters chomping at the bit. Hopefully we'll see at least a gobbler or two (or three) hit the dirt.
  21. Coach


    Good news - I'll have to look into those. Always seemed like such a waste. In past years, there has always been a Mexican family that camped next to us and wanted the carp we caught. They gave us the recipe for what they called "shrip coctail" that they made out of them, but it was essentially letting them sit in a tub of onions, tomatoes and orange soda - at room temperature...never tried it. LOL. This isn't the first time I've heard they are good smoked. The only times I've tried to cook them it seemed like there were bones everywhere.
  22. Coach

    Meat grinders

    I've got the cheapest Cabela's grinder too, and it has worked flawlessly with hundreds of pounds of meat now. BTW, it is on sale right now for $69.99, regularly $119.99. That's a smoking deal.
  23. Coach

    My Introduction

    Welcome! This is a really great site with a lot of good folks. Good luck on your hunting, and be sure to carry a camera with you!
  24. Coach

    Transferring tags to family members

    I hope that isn't the case. It's a good program at its core. I really think this is one of those situations where you really have to give G&F some kudos or high fives, because they are doing something you don't see in NM, UT, CO or NV to really put an emphasis on hunter recruitment. Godpseed and best wishes to you all. I love hunting, and the only thing I love more is seeing kids having a great time hunting with their family and friends.
  25. Coach


    They go back into the lake with a few extra openings. I actually shot one right through the lips and had to ventilate his swim bladder. If you fish San Carlos, and see how the carp hone in on the fresh crappie nests, eating every single egg...you just want to see them die.