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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    Who's going out Tuesday?

    Any news on the roads between Show Low ang Globe? I don't want to miss the opener but I heard the roads are wet and icy through the canyon.
  2. Coach

    Who's going out Tuesday?

    Just curious how many will be out chasing these little buggers opening day. I'll be out with my oldest son trying to get his first with a bow. He wanted nothing more last year than to get one with a bow, but his tag was in the youth hunt, and we just had too many other kids to spend the time needed to make it happen. This year, he's been shooting like crazy and he and I have the same tag for the first time. I won't even try to fill my tag until he's got his down. Should be a great time. Take your cameras, be safe and good luck to all you archery javi hunters.
  3. Coach

    Fixed blade Knife

    Get another buck 119. For one thing, it's just a great knife. But it's also iconic.
  4. Coach

    Unit 1 Archery Elk

    Yeah, G&F is upping the tags - I'm not a fan of this move.
  5. Coach

    Who's going out Tuesday?

    Awesome Brian, you guys both have my number. Looking at the weather, sleet and snow for a couple days, clearing up Tuesday morning - should be a lot of activity. Don't want to get greedy, but I'm guessing the coues and muley bucks will be out of their beds too. Best wishes to all out chasing pigs and deer at the start of the new year.
  6. Coach

    Desert muley with a little trash

    Super buck! Great job!
  7. Wow - what a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Huge congrats to the hunter and everyone involved. I sure hope he's able to do a full body mount.
  8. Coach

    4 for 4

    Nice Job!!! Those are some great looking bucks!
  9. Coach

    Got my first lion! 130lbs 7'0"

    Nice cat!!! You just saved a lot of deer. I really like that idea for a mount - is that an actual picture or a photoshop? Either way, it's super cool.
  10. Coach

    30 - tAR15's @ Sportmans Warehouse Mesa

    I have an order in for 4 AR lowers through a good freind. PMags at $50 each is close to 4x what they normally go for. It's kind of funny how right now in the wake of tragedy, anyone who ever even considered buying an AR ro AK platform, rushed out and bought EVERYTHING available. The ammo prices will fall, as will the lower parts kits. It's the currently registered lowers and hi-cap mags that willl keep bringing in huge $$. I wish I would have bought $10,000 worth of Pmags at $12 each. I could sell them all day at $70 each.
  11. Great question - I've spent many hours reading about the ongoing discussion about whether barrel "break-in" is really important. I've also read numerous ideas on how/when/if to really clean your gun. As for barrel break-in, the common approach is to fire a round, clean the bore, fire two or three more rounds, clean the bore, step up to 5 then 10 rounds. The idea is "conditioning the bore" kind of the way you soak oil into a cast iron skillet or wood stove. The contrary argument is that unless this routine somehow changes the molecular structure of the barrel, you are doing nothing besides burning a lot of powder, accomplishing nothing. Similarly, there are different thoughts about how to clean the bore. On one side you have one school of thought that it’s imperative to clean out all copper fouling. The other side contends that copper fouling is actually a good thing, in that it fills the imperfections of the rifling process. I used to scrub out my rifles based on the words of a retired Marine sniper. My own conclusions lead me to believe a little copper fouling is a good thing. A super clean barrel shot differently than the second and third shot. I’d love to hear 308 Nut chime in on this. He’s a true expert on these matters.
  12. I've still got a few sets of binoculars, and a video camera, free for the taking. The Pentax binos are spoken for, assuming they are picked up.
  13. Coach

    Free optics - still available

    I've got a pair of Nikon Sportstar 8x20, Pentax Gameseeker 10x42, Pentax DCF WP 8x32, a pair of crap wally-world 20MM, and a pair of Pentax 12x50 PCF with a tripod adapter. YoungHuntr has asked for the Pentax 12x50 and tripod adapter. I've also got a Sony HandyCam - I think it uses 8mm tapes - also free to the first person who wants it and can pick it up. It has batteries, charger, etc. Whoever shows up first can have them, but again, I ask that they go to youth hunters.
  14. Coach

    Free optics - still available

    I hope I've replied to all PMs. First come, first served.
  15. Coach


    Awesome. Go get 'em Gramps!
  16. Coach

    Feinstein proposal

    This is the same person who cherished her right to concealed carry and the ability to defend herself.... http://www.mrctv.org/videos/feinstein-1995-her-concealed-carry-permit-i-know-urge-arm-yourself-because-thats-what-i-did But that is OK for her, not OK for her serfs, you and I.
  17. Nice! Good shooting. I liked the video.
  18. Coach

    3 Bucks in 1 day!

    Nice pix! Ready to get my 2013 archery tag. You got my blood pumping!
  19. Coach

    2012 Recap

    What a great year. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to hunt this amazing state with friends and family. Here's the year in pictures... It started off Jan 1, with my oldest son Matt and I on an archery Javi hunt (my tag)... Next is the youth Javi hunt. We have my 3 sons, Matt, Nick and Josh, My frieind, Mark's daughter Alana, and my other friend Bryan's daughter Monica to find pigs for. First is Matt... then Alana... then Nick... ... and within minutes, Monica... My youngest son Josh gets a chance just after completing his AZ Hunter's ed course, but he's spent a lot of time shooting and learning from his older brothers. His first Javi... Now it's turkey time. Josh gets "first dibs" since he just turned 10. Then Nick, the next day... Now it's baseball, football time, fast-forward to the fall. Time for deer and elk. We have Deer tags in 27 and cow elk tags in unit 1. Matt draws first blood... Nick gets an elk... Matt gets an elk... The Jones Boys Meat Pole... Dad gets to hunt the strip... You just can't ask for a better year of hunting in Arizona.
  20. Coach

    2012 Recap

    Perkele! I am already counting the days when that toddler becomes your favorite side-kick. God bless you and you had better show us all some pictures of that boy following his father's footsteps!
  21. Coach

    trojan download

    Whoever you hired - what they did fixed the problem. Nicely done, and thank you.
  22. Coach

    trojan download

    Amanda, I commend you on your diligence. Looks like it's getting cleared up.
  23. Coach

    trojan download

    Still Hacked. Sorry Amanda, I'm still getting the redirects. I love this site, but every time I come here now my computer goes nuts. I've installed the malware software you recommended, but it fails to address the problem. Even typing is slow. I hit the site from my iPad and had to reset my routers. Even as I type this, I see the worm redirecting - I want to come back on to the forum, but I can't expose my computers to whatever is happening.
  24. Coach

    Happy Birthday Grong!

    I hope it was a great one.