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Everything posted by Coach

  1. This is probably a weird question, but I've always wanted to take a turkey with one of my black powder guns. Have any of you experimented with using a normal .50 cal muzzle loader shooting shot?
  2. Coach

    I found a GPS

    Nice job looking for the owner.
  3. Coach

    New Calls

    Nice looking calls - would love to hear them.
  4. Coach

    Happy Birthday Scott Adam's

    Happy Birthday, Scott!
  5. Coach

    Misc. Items (added ammo)

    I'll take the monopod - can you send it with Garrett's bow?
  6. Coach

    Spring Break

    Man that is awesome! I didn't know Havasu had smallies like that - those things are chunks! Best eatin' fish IMO. On the other hand, I do know what Havasu is famous for during Spring Break, and I'm surprised you got any fishing done at all! LOL. That's awesome that the guy helped out so much - I love it to hear stories like that. Really shows there are a lot of good folks out there.
  7. Coach

    Wish me luck...

    Best of luck to you, and congratulations on the promotion! Just do us all a favor and don't start talking like a Jersey native, lol. Give my regards to J-Wow and Snookie.
  8. Coach

    DHS - What are the up to?

    Anyone paying attention knows that DHS has placed huge orders for ammo and guns - estimates range from 750 million to 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, huge purchases of MP-40's and M4's (classified as Person Defense Weapons). Meanwhile, every Wal Mart or sporting goods store is completely out of ammo. So, who is DHS? Why do they need this kind of firepower? Are they fighting wars on foreign soil? This is how DHS defines themselves on dhs.gov: The vision of homeland security is to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards. There are five homeland security missions: 1.Prevent terrorism and enhancing security; 2.Secure and manage our borders; 3.Enforce and administer our immigration laws; 4.Safeguard and secure cyberspace; 5.Ensure resilience to disasters; So, it's pretty much all internal, right? We need to ask ourselves why DHS needs this to serve an arrest warrant: We also need to ask why DHS has specifically requested realistic targets depicting pregnant women, elderly citizens and children to teach "No More Hesitation" when shooting upon American civilians. http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/dhs-supplier-provides-shooting-targets-of-american-gun-owners_02192013 And if you're not convinced yet, watch this all the way... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tta1qhQZWSE&feature=youtu.be I could post additional links all day, but there is no need. Anyone with an internet connection, a keyboard and monitor (and a brain) can see exactly what is happening.
  9. Coach

    Getting Closer...

    Once again I've got 3 youth tags to fill. 1 in 3C and 2 in unit 1. Maybe they'll leave one for me on the late unit 1 hunt, lol. Good luck to all you turkey hunters out there.
  10. Coach

    125" Coues Buck mounted for forum member "azbow"!

    Wow, great buck and awesome taxidermy.
  11. Coach

    Who Said It Taste's Bad......

    +1. Javi meat is great eating if cared for properly.
  12. Coach

    Stag AR 5.56

    Nice AR, and very reasonable price. My local shop got some S&W AR's in selling for right about that price without the upgrades, ammo or mags.
  13. Coach


    Awesome job, Lance! I finally got a chance to watch the video - really well done!
  14. Coach

    Polaris Flat Proof tires

    It's a great idea, and I imagine for a while they will carry a premium price tag to recoup the R&D, but eventually they could be commonplace - even adapted for light trucks. I do hope they put a sidewall on them to keep 'em from filling up with mud.
  15. Coach

    How did you process your pig?

    I won't take my game anywhere. It takes some time but it's worth it. Trim everything white off the meat. Fat, sinew, that thin film between the muscles. Whether it's an elk, deer, Javi, bear or lion, the goal has to be spitting the red meat from everything else. If you server wild meat with fat and tissue, it tastes horrible. That's where the gamey flavor comes from. I've had buddies who bought a cow that was grazing wild, and when they butchered it, it smelled and tasted like what it was eating. You don't have to be smart to figure out that fat storage is the "garbage can" of ingested food. On cows (boline) , it's good that they build up fat storage, when they are on a feedlot eating corn with all its sugar. On game, that tat storage is what keeps them healthy through the winter, but it tastes really bad - whether it's elk or deer or javi's or turkey - wild game fat tastes BAD. I've made javi backtsrap that taste like good elk or deer, I've eaten elk that was full of fat an sinew that made me never want to eat elk again. You get that bad smell and taste, and it is hard to overcome. Bottom line, don't trust your meat to anyone. Take the time, get a good fillet knife that is super sharp, and separate your meat into nothing but the cleanest red meat you can produce. Clean little scraps go to snack sticks,.Big chunks you can do almost anything with. The "bad case scenario", is don't take care of the meat, toss a hunk on, and try to put a lot of dry seasonings on it to "save it"..You'll end up tossing it and eating some hotdogs or something.
  16. Coach

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    Craig's LIst has created a whole new basement industry. Sorry, it's not CL fault, they just mediate at a very far distance. I'm probably old school, but anything I buy or selll over $100 is in the presence of a notary public. I write a contract, no matter how simple, it has to have my name on it and the buyer/seller, terms - get familiar with "No Warranties Expressed of Implied" if selling "as-is". You would be surprised how many times you can be held liable if those words are left out, and if you buy something; You don't have to be a lawyer if you think it's shady, write down what you are buying and what your assumptions and agreements are - You'ld be surprised how much power a couple pieces of paper are worth. It's easy to think if you are buying or selling something, the random person you just met is going to be good for it. From what I've seen, anyone opposed to a written contract or bill of sale is hiding something. The "above board" crowd will thank you for taking the time to protect them and yourself by writing up a simple contract. All it needs is a simple description of the item, the terms, the date, and a place for 2 people to sign it. Solves a lot of headaches, IMO.
  17. Coach

    Fellowship of Christian Hunters

    Me too!
  18. Coach

    Four for Four

  19. Coach

    Kimber Montana 8400, 300WSM

    Wow, nice rifle. As always, I'm late to the party.
  20. Coach

    Have You Had Enough Yet?

    So the question is, who is YOUR leader - who, in all this political rhetoric, is speaking for you? I can't answer for anyone but myself, but for myself, I say it's nobody. The people I know as "We" are strong and motivated and informed. But we currently have no advocate - our voice carries no weight, our will doesn't translate into action. We've reached a breach - a point at which proposed Federal law is opposed to Constitutional Law. As you read this, individual states are weighing the prospect of challenging Federal Law. Just to add a back-drop, it is currently against federal law to own, possess or consume marijuana in any of our 50 states. That is federal law. But Colorado, has followed the lead of California, and now openly advocates criminal use and possession of pot. At the same time, the same states are advocating *federal* laws that prohibit law-abiding citizens from owning what they deem as assault rifles… If you’re not fed up with the fed taking more of your paycheck, taking away more of your rights, and ultimately trying to disarm you, you probably are asleep and not aware of what is going on around you. This is real, and it’s happening right now. Search Google, do your research, get informed. The truth is out there, and if you choose to ignore it, you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself.
  21. Coach

    Have You Had Enough Yet?

    Snapshot, sorry, but at this point, I think they are both on the same team...and you and I aren't on it.
  22. Scary stuff, and I'm glad no one was killed. I know when I hunt with my boys, they don't get to chamber until the get the go-ahead. When hunting alone, I used to always keep one in just in case something jumped - stopped doing that a while back too - just don't like the idea of
  23. Coach

    Good way to end the season

    Nicely done, sir!
  24. Yeah, with all the redundency and waste, they'll respond to calls for spending cuts in the same old predictable way - cut education funding, military, turn killers loose from jail - anything to make it hurt the taxpayer for daring to question their out of control spending.