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Everything posted by elkrack

  1. elkrack

    Spring Break Ventures

    Really? - amazing how narrow minded people can really be
  2. elkrack

    green outfitters

    ARIZONA SPORTSMEN FOR WILDLIFE AS OF 03/12/2012 12:17PM - Chris is still there! CHAIRMAN: Alan Hamberlin BOARD MEMBERS Chris Denham Brian Dolan Randy Gaskill Hays Gilstrap Floyd Green Todd Hulm Mark Nuessle Art Pearce LOBBYIST: Suzanne Gilstrap For information contact us at: Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife P. O. Box 13116 Phoenix, AZ 85002-3116 or email us at suzanne@capitolconsultingaz.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  3. Buzz dont divert the argument as it has nothing whatsoever to do with wolves, wolves were here before and they're back now. Thats all about a balancing of the available resources. What this argument is about is a few folks with a self-focused interest unlawfully diverting wildlife funds for their own benefit
  4. elkrack

    HB 2072 and AZSFW

    comment on opinion? really think that is necessary? One thing wrong with the poll it does not give you the opportunity to not have an opinion. That very fact can mislead the results of any opinion poll. I think not in this case but then, that's just my opinion.
  5. elkrack


    There are still a few sheep, taken Sept 5th south of Wildcat Bridge off the 25rd.
  6. elkrack

    trick tanks

    It generally depends on who owns the tank. Most tanks are either owned by the AZGFD or the federal land management agency (forest, BLM, etc). Most ranhers that own trick tanks keep them in working order as a general rule. The vasy majority of AZGFD trick tanks are kept in working order and are visited throughout the year once or twice in the wetter areas, Pinetop region, much more in the drier areas, Tucson and Yuma regions. Some tanks are maintained or filled weekly during the driest times. Tank maintenance is an enormous undertaking. That said if you find a tank that is not in operational order, make a couple of notes on the condition, get a GPS point in NAD 83 Datum and give that information to the local AZGFD office, Yuma, Mesa, Tucson, Kingman, Pinetop, Flagstaff.
  7. elkrack

    Unit 1 and 27

    the information available on the forest website is what is currently open which is everything north of roads 88b, 249 and 116. about August 15th the rest of the forest will be open except for those areas of very high burn severity, most of us don't want to be in there anyway. AZGFD is working with the forest to secure access as quickly as possible. The forest has been both cooperative and reacted favorably in this access issue. there are a lot of hazzards in this area they have to assess along the way to granting access to additional areas. they should actually be commended for how quickly they have been working through ALL of the significant issues. All of you with unit 1 and 27 tags will have access to most areas and certainly areas that contain elk. I personally doubt many elk will willing venture into those severely burned areas, once you get a chance to see them you will understand.