It generally depends on who owns the tank. Most tanks are either owned by the AZGFD or the federal land management agency (forest, BLM, etc). Most ranhers that own trick tanks keep them in working order as a general rule. The vasy majority of AZGFD trick tanks are kept in working order and are visited throughout the year once or twice in the wetter areas, Pinetop region, much more in the drier areas, Tucson and Yuma regions. Some tanks are maintained or filled weekly during the driest times. Tank maintenance is an enormous undertaking. That said if you find a tank that is not in operational order, make a couple of notes on the condition, get a GPS point in NAD 83 Datum and give that information to the local AZGFD office, Yuma, Mesa, Tucson, Kingman, Pinetop, Flagstaff.