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About elkrack

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  1. elkrack

    Lone Wolf Climbing Tree Stand

    TTT for archery season
  2. elkrack

    Lone Wolf Climbing Tree Stand

    Thanks Duck Hunter!
  3. elkrack

    2018 AZ Elk Deprivation Tag Archery Bull

    It is a population management hunt, not a depredation hunt.
  4. elkrack

    Lone Wolf Climbing Tree Stand

  5. elkrack

    WTB a Summit treestand

    FYI - just listed a Lone Wolf
  6. A nearly new condition Lone Wolf Alpha Sit and Climb Combo this stand climbs great and the design remains relatively unchanged and is still sold by Lone Wolf. $225.00 pick up show low area or buyer pays shipping.
  7. elkrack

    Anti-Hunting Article in the Republic

    May be a "typical liberal argument" but don't overlook the fact that her argument was just reviewed by thousands of non-hunters, was yours?
  8. elkrack

    I have to vent

    Hunting is legal on public lands within the Alpine valley provided the 1/4 mile rule is met. No it is not, Portions of Units 1 and 27 are closed to elk hunting during firearms seasons. Hunting is not permitted in the Alpine Valley in the following areas of Units 1 and 27: all lands in Section 12, Township 5 North, Range 30 East; all lands , other than USFS lands, in Sectio ns 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 13, and 14, Township 5 North, Range 30 East; and all lands, other than USFS lands, in Sections 7, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 2 0, Township 5 North, Range 31 East
  9. elkrack

    smoothest shooting bow??

    ANY well built longbow
  10. elkrack

    KUIU ICON PRO 5200 bag only - Verde 2.0

    sold to the first response thank you for your interest Wade
  11. This is a like new Kuiu Icon Pro bag in the Verde 2.0 camo pattern this bag was used for one hunt on the frame. Its a large bag and I went to the 3200 on this system. This bag new is $199.00. Asking $120.00 which includes shipping within US.