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Everything posted by azpredator@work

  1. azpredator@work

    Bull of a lifetime UPDATED with story

    You're right. Bull of a lifetime. Congratulations! A story is a must...
  2. azpredator@work


    Stopped the daily trip to Starbucks a few months ago when I heard their stance on politics. Wife is still struggling, but is committed!
  3. azpredator@work

    Spot&Stalk Mulie 2016

    Dandy buck. Congrats!
  4. azpredator@work

    Kaibab archery Cow Buffalo - aug 12th---25th

    Believe me guys, I thought long and hard about what I would post on the forum. It's a catch 22 anyway you look at it. I don't want anyone to think I'm bashing Russ, however I will never agree one man's tag is more important than another's. Once the paid hunter was found out for screwing things up the other folks should have had an opportunity at the active salt. I just hope this thread helps a guy deciding whether or not this hunt is for him in the future and provide a little insight that I didn't have until after drawing the tag. Thanks Jim...I definitely need the meat. Running a little low this year👎
  5. azpredator@work

    Kaibab archery Cow Buffalo - aug 12th---25th

    Contact the hunters who had the season before yours to find out what salt was being hit the most. Good luck!
  6. azpredator@work

    Kaibab archery Cow Buffalo - aug 12th---25th

    I’m glad to see all the successful hunters starting to post their trophies. Glad to see some good fortune out there. My hunt did not turn out so well and I will never apply again for Buffalo unless the hunt drastically changes. I just got a new computer and am having difficulty getting used to it. I'll upload pics as I can. Got a lot of video, but ain't gunna happen anytime soon so here's a recap on how my hunt went: Friday (Opening Day) – Had to finish work and then headed out. Arrived Saturday morning at 3:40am. Saturday – Met at Russ Jacoby’s camp and met the other hunters. I had driven all night so I was bushed, but I set up camp quickly and was in my blind by 7am. · I was assigned to a blind with Salt and was told it was “a hot salt that the previous hunter missed a buffalo on the prior hunt”. · It was hot and sunny I sat the blind 12.5 hrs and did not have any activity other than a muley doe. Here's an example of what you're looking at: Sunday – I was assigned the same blind and was set up for the day in the blind by 5:30am. Another hunter killed a buffalo that morning at another blind so we were all called on the radio to get to the main road ASAP! Russ picked me up and drove me to the other hunters who were all hurrying to the salt where the buffalo were at. 7 hunters all emerged on the buffalo. The wife of a guide killed one, a paid bull hunter killed one and a non-paid hunter shot one that was not recovered. · This was not how I wanted to harvest my buffalo so I stayed back a bit and watched the others. · It was hot and sunny I returned to my blind after the buffalo ran back into the park for the remainder of the day. *** Remember, I was asked not to scout and all info including game camera pics would be provided to me. I trusted that would be the case so I did not continue scouting and I only set up 2 cameras*** Monday – I requested the lock combo to the camera so I could check pics. I was told Russ no longer provides the hunters the locks due to damage. I was again assigned the same salt and luckily a fellow CWT member who has the hunt after mine set up a camera on that salt and gave me the key. The buffalo had not hit that salt for more than 3 weeks. I sat there for 14.5 hrs considering my options. I was furious that Russ told me a hunter the week prior missed a buffalo on that salt. It was time to move. · A 16yr old female hunter shot a cow buff at another salt. I was happy for her, but they were unable to recover the animal. · It was hot and sunny I shot every morning prior to the 4am meeting in the headlights of my truck. Nokturnals are awesome! Tuesday – I requested another salt location. It was clear at this time the hunters who paid were placed at the salt where the buffalo were active and the non-paid hunters were placed everywhere else. Wounded warriors, paid hunters and guide’s favorites got the active salt. Another 14.5 hr day in the blind. · Brian – the guide who stayed all week did a tremendous job keeping us informed where the buffalo were at on the park. When they would get close, he would call everyone on the radio and tell them to stay alert. · I believe the buffalo came to salt where the paid hunter was at this day, but this is where my hunt started to fall apart. The paid hunter was a dipshit and not “playing by the rules” which is bad news for the other hunters who are. · Was sunny, but rained a little that night. Wednesday – Sat the same blind as Tuesday. 14.5 hrs with nothing to report. · Overcast most of the day Thursday – Sat a different blind that nobody had sat before. I had a camera at this blind and wanted to check it anyways. No buffalo activity in several weeks…UGH! Then, we receive a call from Brian on the radios stating the buffalo have left the park and are huntable off HWY 64. I race to my truck and pick up another non-paid hunter. We park on the side of the road – the buffalo are easily visible. We crawl close to the herd. The bulls are rutting making noises and bumping heads. The other hunter and I agree to complete the legendary “1, 2, 3, Shoot” routine. I am filming with my hat cam. Unfortunately, the hunter completely disregards the agreement and shoots the first cow that comes out of the woods. It’s a bad hit in the flank. The guide scolds the hunter and says it’s just a flesh wound. Hunter does not locate his arrow or follow blood. All the buffalo take off running back into the park. No shot for me, but I got his shot on camera. We went back to different blinds. At 2pm it starts raining buckets so I left my blind and went to the park to see a buffalo and take a shower at the grand canyon campground. As I return, I locate Brian and hunter who are packing out his buffalo. Long story, but Brian was running back to his truck when it began raining and nearly stepped right on the dead cow buffalo. Dang LUCKY! Glad he scored. Here's a snapshot right before his shot: Here's one of the better bucks on trail cams: Here is a pic of a few buffalo on the park a few hundred yards from public land Friday – I hunted ‘til 9am, drove 7 hrs to Ft. Mohave to watch my son’s football game, drove back up the hill and made it to camp just in time for the 4am meeting. · Sunny morning, but rained in afternoon · Son’s team won 41-10. Not happy about letting them score 10, but my son played well and made the newspaper so I was content. Sorry, but I love HS football! Saturday – I changed blinds again. I desperately want to sit on the “corner salt”, but the paid hunter is sitting it everyday until he kills one. I am sensing the buffalo are there everyday, but am biding my time. Did I mention that fool is a jackass? Another 14.5 hr day. I took my first nap in the blind after being awake for approx. 35 hrs straight. · Sunny most of the day until afternoon rains, hail and snow! Sunday – Guess what? The paid hunter and his sidekick have been on buffalo everyday. They try spot and stalking them and entering from above rather than down wind from them and have been blowing them out everyday. Paid hunter’s buddy admits to this after shooting his cow that morning. What jerkoffs! Screwing up everyone else’s opportunity for harvest. In my youth I would have slashed their tires. Now, I just fantasize about gutting them alive…Another 14.5 hrs in blind with no activity. · Recap – partner of paid hunter kills cow buffalo · Sunny morning. Dark overcast most of day. · I had to attend a conference call for work and was forced to return home Tuesday and fly to Dallas on Wednesday. My hunt is down to the wire. Monday – I beg for the hot spot as I have 5 hrs to harvest my buffalo. No dice. Paid hunter gets it until he kills even though his buddy ratted him out and now all the guides know about his shenanigans. 5 hrs later, I took the lonely walk back to the truck empty handed. My hunt is DONE… · Sunny morning and overcast when leaving Tuesday – Jackass paid hunter leaves and 16 yr old girl gets to hunt good salt. She kills her buffalo that morning. Good for her! In the end, I would not “follow the unwritten” rules of the AZ game and Fish and Russ Jacoby if I was going to do this hunt again, however as I previously mentioned, I would not do this hunt ever again. If I did, I would scout as I normally do and put my ground blind where I found the most active sign. Russ and Brian were very friendly people, but they have their agenda and if you are not a paid hunter, wounded warrior, governor tag holder or a preferred hunter you simply will not get the active salt. Don’t get me wrong, the buffalo can hit any salt at any time, but during my hunt the buffalo hit 1 salt at least 7 times, another salt twice and a 3rd salt once. I came Key notes: · You need sunny days for the buffalo to venture off the park · Showers are available at the Grand Canyon campground, but you pay $30 to enter · Hundreds of Buffalo are just a few hundred yards away from salt throughout the day · It can get pretty chilly in the blinds all day out of the sunlight. Bring clothes to ensure comfort. · Archery deer begins the second week of the hunt · Large fire on the east side of the Kaibab might make it interesting next year
  7. azpredator@work

    2003 Dodge Ram 2500 Diesel

    Good looking truck👍
  8. azpredator@work

    Kaibab archery Cow Buffalo - aug 12th---25th

    I had to fly out to Texas yesterday due to an emergency. I'll finalize the post when I get back....
  9. azpredator@work

    VELVET BULLS Scouting #1 2016

    Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing!
  10. azpredator@work

    Zeiss HD5?

    Thanks for the heads up. I just bought one. I've had one the last few years and love it. Will try a kenton as well...
  11. azpredator@work

    Kaibab archery Cow Buffalo - aug 12th---25th

    Now the hunt is 1 week away. I won’t be able to make the 4 hr drive to Phoenix to be apart of the bison clinic with the Game and Fish, however I have watched every youtube bison hunt video and also have watched the game and fish clinic online while running on the treadmill each morning. I decided I need a heavier arrow to get the job done. I started with my deer arrows that weighed in at 372gr and added some weight to them, but they never tuned the way I like them so I went a different route to get the right set up. I love building new arrows. FMJ, Blazer vanes with specialty wraps & nocturnal nocks = 490gr I contacted a gentleman I know in Montana that has shot a lot of buffalo with archery gear. He recommended a longer length of broadhead blade than I typically shoot. His theory is the short stubby broadheads are less efficient going through the thicker hair on a bison’s kill zone. I have shot the G5 strikers on the last 5 bull elk and they have worked very well, however I purchased the broadhead he uses and will be using them for this hunt. Hunt starts Friday the 12th, but I won’t be able to start my hunt until Saturday the 13th. I plan on hunting from daylight to dark everyday except the 19th when I have to return home to watch my son’s high school football game. I’ll resupply at that time as well and be back in the blind Saturday morning. I’d love to harvest one in the first week of the hunt, but am mentally prepared to encounter a hunt a lot like Heat’s hunt from a couple weeks ago. The only thing I need now is my TAG from the Game and Fish! Not sure what they are thinking, but not receiving a permit tag until the same week the hunt starts is not cool. I have left 2 messages and no return phone call. I’m happy with my groups out to 45 yards with this combo. I assume the shot will be close so I will be shooting for a heart shot. After that, the plan is to get as many follow up shots as possible. They have massive lungs so I need to take out the heart.
  12. azpredator@work

    New Mexico land owner tag

    Gorgeous area, lots of elk, but tough to find good bulls. It's a lot like southern Colorado. What kinda price is he looking for?
  13. azpredator@work

    Heat's 2016 Kaibab Cow Bison Hunt

    Congrats Nick. I enjoyed the read!
  14. azpredator@work

    KUIU ICON PRO 5200 bag only - Verde 2.0

    I'll take it. Send me your payment info. Thanks, Wade
  15. azpredator@work

    Any missing

  16. azpredator@work

    Huntinfool magazine story

    Very nice Adam. I sent this to a couple buddies who will put their votes in for you guys. I recall the first time I made a magazine with a harvest. What a thrill! Ended up in 2nd place from the Huntin' Fool voters and got a highly depreciated compensation pkg. Was just a few votes from the rifle / bow. Good luck to you, Wade
  17. azpredator@work

    12x12 Alaknak II Tent - Sold

    I'll take it per our phone conversation. Thanks Patrick. Wade
  18. azpredator@work

    OTC Colorado Elk

    I WAS going to Co, but drew a buff tag so plans have changed. I'll send u a pm on your spot.... Wade
  19. azpredator@work

    Got A Hit!!

    Not only deer - I drew a buffalo tag!
  20. azpredator@work


    Ummm? Did I miss something?
  21. azpredator@work


    I'll take 'em pending pics and a couple questions. I pm'd you my number. Thanks, Wade
  22. azpredator@work

    Best way to meet hunting bros

    I like Knothead and BBrowns posts. Other things that I have personally experienced which makes it difficult to find a good partner is family obligations that get in the way, financial differences, dedication to the sport, type of weapon, points, etc...Most of mine developed from high school friendships or random conversations that led to hunting (my favorite topic). I met one of my closest friends at one of those "get rich quick" classes and I happened to be wearing a camo accented shirt which sparked the conversation. I've got a buddy that has no family and hires a guide for nearly every hunt - we talk hunting, but don't hunt together much. Another cannot do out of state hunts due to finances. Another buddy loves to talk hunting, but when hunting season comes around, he's nowhere to be found. Another buddy is 10 years ahead of me on nearly every state for points. Unfortunately, he's not willing to let me piggyback and hunt a "good" hunt. He's waiting for the "best" hunt and will do it alone when he draws the tag. Another one doesn't hunt anything but javelina now due to family obligations and I'm sure he's scared of his wife. One buddy will only hunt archery and won't hunt OTC tags. I love the rifle coues hunts in October. Tons of deer and great time with friends at camp. I hunted last year with a guy that is located in Vegas that works for the same company. I took him on his first coues hunt last year and he tagged out. It was a great hunt that developed our friendship even more. He put in for unit 22 nov archery bull and drew the tag. He and I are similar in our dedication to scouting so I don't mind taking a week's PTO to join him on his hunt after multiple weekends scouting and setting up cams. Just like with all the other buddies I've hunted with in the past, I'm sure he'll eventually change enough for me not to hunt with him any longer. Seems I only get a couple good years out of the hunting friends I've had in the past. Except for the dog, I agree with oneshot as well. I love hunting by myself as it's all on me. I only have myself to blame for any of my expectations not met. Don't have to hear any excuses either...
  23. azpredator@work

    Best trail cam these days?

    I've run Bushnell trophy cams since 2009 and never had an issue yet. I bought 16 in 2009, all of them stay out year round. I'm down to 4 because of theives. I get around 4-16k pics a year depending on area. My best camera was stolen last year and was clicking over 22k pics / year.
  24. azpredator@work


    I'll take the llano and chama in fusion per our conversation. Thanks, Wade
  25. azpredator@work

    Colorado Refund

    Elk always comes out a cpl weeks after deer. I have also received my deer lastweek and no elk yet.