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Everything posted by azpredator@work

  1. azpredator@work

    34a - help!

    This brought back some good memories. Sent you a pm on an area on the east side of the unit i went into a couple months ago that is holding a lot of deer. I thought we were going to draw this tag again, but pulled 23 instead. Another mystery unit to learn!
  2. azpredator@work

    2013/2014 Auction Bulls

    stud bulls. Congrats to the hunters and guides.
  3. azpredator@work

    bull elk last season unit 10

    +1. I have shot 4 350" bulls, all under 25 yards, that turned out to be 322"-337" when I got my hands around them My scoring ability goes to crap when I have a couple seconds to decide whether he's a shooter or not. Nice bull - congrats. A story would be appreciated since it's your first post.
  4. azpredator@work

    Optics: Swaro 12x50EL's or 15x56

    does the "pulling" effect / distortion of the edge when panning the 12's bother anyone else? Drives me insane...
  5. azpredator@work

    Optics: Swaro 12x50EL's or 15x56

    Not much info to go by, but if you're referring to glassing coues all day I'd stick with my 15's.
  6. Camoremi - don't worry about dl, its the length of arrow, broadhead weight, bow poundage and type of bow you shoot are the primary factors to look at for spine. There are so many factors you should take it to a shop. Not worth trying a bunch of things if you are unfamiliar.
  7. It's Az. You can pull it on your 1st try with no pts or you could wait 7-10 years. 10% science / 90% luck. Buddy's kid just drew it with 0 or 1 pt this year.
  8. azpredator@work

    Bino covers

    Another vote on the kuiu - best I've used.
  9. azpredator@work

    2003 Ford f350 cc sb 4x4

    Pm sent
  10. azpredator@work

    QAD customer service

    Hey Jim. I drew a wyoming archery elk tag. Will be hunting Sept 12th --- 28th. Other than that, I plan on shooting my AZ buck in August and taking the kids down south in October. Hopefully, I can get up to Wisconsin in November Wht-Mtn - I told them the same thing. Tell me what I owe, but they wouldn't have any of it. I'll send them some cookies or something for the next Holiday.
  11. azpredator@work

    QAD customer service

    Just wanted to share my experience with QAD's customer service. I shoot my bow year round a lot and after 6 years my fall away rest acted up a few weeks ago. I dropped a cpl oil drops and figured with the tag I have this year I'm not going to chance it. I contacted QAD, sent them my rest and they shipped me a brand new replacement 9 days later. I don't buy things for their warranty - rather the quality of the product so I don't have to mess with the warranty, but QAD is a winner in my book. I believe they make the best drop away rest on the market and clearly have superb service. Props to them!
  12. azpredator@work

    10X or 15X

    a good set of 8x or 10x binos will work great for the type of hunting you have described. If I'm hunting elk / deer in the timber I take my 8.5x42's. If I'm chasing them in the cedars where I'll get up high and glass on occassion I bring my 10x42's. When I hunt down south I leave both of those at home and strap my 15x56's onto my bino pouch knowing I will either be hiking or glassing from a tri-pod. I would not recommend freehand glassing with anything more than 10x.
  13. azpredator@work

    Shuttle T locs

    I have used them for deer and javelina the past 3 years. 5 javelina and 4 deer between my son and I and we still have 6 of the original 12 unfired. We like 'em.
  14. azpredator@work

    Mohave Lake 6/28/14

    nice job Jim!
  15. azpredator@work

    Unit 22 Success for my Brother and I.

    Nice story. Congrats!
  16. azpredator@work

    Playing God

    I have no issue with people breeding whitetails, elk, bison, etc. Furthermore, I see no issue "mutating" dog breeds to achieve a desired result either. No laws are being broken, they treat the deer like members of the family and there is a demand for their product. It disturbs me more to think some would consider "banning" another person's right to prosper in America than it does having a scientific breeding system to maximize antler size.
  17. azpredator@work


    Best bino rig I have used. Good luck with sale.
  18. azpredator@work

    WTB: s4 lockdown bino harness

    You can email the boys at campfire to see if they have any left. They were just selling a bunch for around $20.
  19. azpredator@work

    Vortex Razor HD vs Swaro els 10x42

    They are both extremely clear in the middle of the day, but when you set them up side x side on tripods the swaros have a noticeable difference. If you hand glass one weekend with swaros and the next week with the razors you wont notice much difference. The swaros I have are the older el model. The other difference you may find out is the vortex has a great warranty. With swaros you most likely will never need to find out. I've owned 3 swaros for 12 years without an issue. I've owned 3 vortex pcs and tested the warranty on all 3 pcs including my razors. Last difference is the lens coating. Seems the swaro coating is much less susceptible to minor scratches when cleaning.
  20. azpredator@work


  21. azpredator@work

    Santa Rita SurviverMan ???

    What is your current PSR? I love that show. If you do it keep it to yourself. Posting it on the web would expose any "questionable" rule breaking that could get you into hot water. I did a 7 day adventure Behind lake pleasant when I was young and it was really tough. Ended up with a month long stomach infection. Not sure what it was from other maybe eating bugs. Cant imagine 21 days...
  22. azpredator@work

    anyone guess what kind of snake this is??

    We have them up here where I live in ft. Mohave. Never looked them up, but the are fast!
  23. azpredator@work

    Eberlestock X2 Almost new!

  24. azpredator@work

    Broad heads for elk, 2014

    G5 striker
  25. azpredator@work


    m/t or a/t?