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Everything posted by azpredator@work

  1. azpredator@work

    300 WSM brass

    all spf
  2. azpredator@work

    2004 Rampage Toy hauler

    I have the exact same trailer, but a 2003. Want to answer the questions, but would hate it if they changed something.... Where is this guy? Randall - you ok? 😁
  3. azpredator@work

    Kuiu Icon vs Ultra

    I've had both and prefer the icon. I've also had their first and second Generation frame and they seem to constantly improve. The 2013 frame with the 1850 icon has been my favorite pack ever.
  4. azpredator@work

    small backpack purge

    All prices TYD. Call or text for more info or pics. Posting on multiple forums. Thanks, Wade 928-276-6 five five 4 #1 - Sitka ascent 14 optifade forest - used - $160 #2 - Sitka ascent 14 optifade open country - used. $100 #3 - Tenzing 1250 max 1 - used - $115 #4 - Catquiver 5 - used - $80 #5 - Catquiver mini - used - $40. Comes with quiver as well. grabbed some pics of the web to help show off packs.
  5. azpredator@work

    small backpack purge

    El pepe - sent you a pm with payment details. Thanks, Wade
  6. azpredator@work

    300 WSM brass

    I had 7 folks request the brass for my asking price so it must not have been out of line. I asked 2 people, much more knowledgeable than I am, for a fair price prior to posting as I do not reload and didn't know where to start. I'm glad you have the brass you need, but now it's time for you to run along to another post unless you are interested in the remaining brass I have available. Thanks, Wade
  7. azpredator@work

    small backpack purge

    It's yours. I sent you a pm with my address. Thanks,
  8. azpredator@work

    Tikka T3 parts

    Sent u a pm
  9. azpredator@work

    300 win mag brass

    yep, all once fired. I don't reload.
  10. azpredator@work

    300 WSM brass

    ok, brass type is SPF to cohofishing. Nickel is remaining and since these seem to be less popular with the reloading folks, I'll sell them for $.50 each + shipping.
  11. azpredator@work

    mathews drenalin, diamond edge & rascal

    yep! That was a looooong time ago
  12. azpredator@work

    300 WSM brass

    Thanks Lance. 6.5-284...I don't see "norma" stamped on them. The boxes indicate where the brass came from if you can determine from them.
  13. azpredator@work

    300 WSM brass

    Thanks Lance. 6.5-284...I don't see "norma" stamped on them. The boxes indicate where the brass came from if you can determine from them.
  14. azpredator@work

    25-06 brass

    55 total pcs of once fired brass. $50 Thanks, Wade 928-27six-6554
  15. azpredator@work

    mathews drenalin, diamond edge & rascal

    haha - yep. It's in a box on the top shelf in the closet. Out of sight = out of mind...
  16. azpredator@work

    mathews drenalin, diamond edge & rascal

    Realized I never sold this bow. Found it this morning while doing some spring cleaning. Diamond Rascal new price $120 shipped. Same package as listed above... Thanks, Wade 928-276-6 five 5 four
  17. azpredator@work

    small backpack purge

    ascent forest 14 - SPF
  18. azpredator@work

    Wyoming Shiras...

    Buddy if mine just drew wyo moose as well. This might change my plans...😵 What unit Ike?
  19. azpredator@work

    2004 Rampage Toy hauler

    I know its a weird question, but would you separate the generator?
  20. azpredator@work

    for sale: Eberlestock X-2 pack, Garmin 72h GPS

    I will take the pack if you'll ship it to me. Send me a pm for payment details.
  21. azpredator@work

    swarovski el 10x42 hd

    one more time...TTT
  22. azpredator@work

    4th Gen Dodge Owners? Let's see em'!

    Yeah, my '04 5.7 has 230k hard earned miles and still runs like a champ. They seem to be great engines. I'm undecided on engine choices....
  23. azpredator@work

    4th Gen Dodge Owners? Let's see em'!

    Sweet ride! What factors made you go with the 5.7 over the 6.4?
  24. azpredator@work

    4th Gen Dodge Owners? Let's see em'!

    What kind of mileage you get with that 6.4 and which rear end?
  25. azpredator@work

    Unit 10 Boquillas

    I had 2 phones with me on my hunt. Work and personal. Sprint and Verizon. Neither could keep calls cry long, but texting would work. I bought a flatline map for unit 10 and was very happy with it.