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Everything posted by tjwking

  1. tjwking

    Unit 9 Guide

    Mullins all the way!!!!
  2. tjwking

    Bow advice

    Hoyt, Mathews or PSE. I've been going to bear mountain and have received unbelievable service and the better prices than archery HQ.
  3. tjwking

    3A/3C Update & Traffic Jam

    My wife and i were also up there this past week. we never ran into another hunter in the areas we were hunting. but there was a ton of traffic on some of the roads.
  4. tjwking

    Draw results?

    Yes. They came out Nov 22nd last year.
  5. tjwking

    does anyone know this person? ;)

    Congratulations to the hunter and everybody involved on a great looking bull
  6. tjwking

    3A-3C Deer Hunts!

    The wife and I drew rifle tags for 3A/3C this year
  7. tjwking

    Need a new bow

    PM sent
  8. tjwking

    does anybody know this person?

    Does anybody know who's licenses plate reads DBLUNG? They also have bowtech stickers on the front and back of a white chevy pick up.
  9. i road in this truck last year on my hunt and it kicked a$$!!!! it is one heck of a truck!!! if i had the money i would buy it!!
  10. tjwking

    2004 Fleetwood Pioneer 18T6 Travel Trailer

    i have this trailer also, and it kicks butt. does everything we need and more. AWESOME trailer
  11. tjwking

    CC Hits

    I agree. Using Check / Money Order is better. Quicker, and less people applying! +++100000
  12. I have a few items i'm looking to sell Browning A-Bolt medallion 300win mag with a simmons atec scope. $700.00 Mathews Z7, 28in draw set at 65lbs, flash point 5 pin sights, whisker biscuit and tight spot quiver. $600.00 Black creeks canadian, used once, no blood or stains. $150.00 Badlands Diablo, no blood or stains. $100.00. SPF Badlands 2200, no blood or stains $150.00. SPF ill post the pictures tomorrow.
  13. tjwking

    Cleaning out the hunting room

    PM's answered
  14. tjwking

    Cleaning out the hunting room

    The 2200 is SPF
  15. tjwking

    Cleaning out the hunting room

    No, we used it to carry snacks and water for our daughter on yote hunts.
  16. tjwking

    Cleaning out the hunting room

    PM's answered the ignition is SPF.
  17. tjwking

    Cleaning out the hunting room

    CAN I GET MORE INFO ON THE 2200 The pack is about 4 years old. it has never been used.
  18. tjwking

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    April 2nd 3:30
  19. tjwking

    1987 GMC Jimmy 4x4 For Sale!!!

    Bump for a bad a$$ ride
  20. tjwking


    PM sent
  21. tjwking

    does anybody know this person?

    I have been. But what is the point? DL See's things his way and I see things my way. What has happened has happened, there's no going back. TRUST me, I wish I could take the shot back and do right and not panic.