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Everything posted by klrogers

  1. klrogers

    Lab Puppies for Sale

    Here are a couple of pictures of the female. I will post pictures of the male after this weekend.
  2. klrogers

    Lab Puppies for Sale

    Hi All, I have a 2 year old female chocolate lab that is registered with AKC. I am planning on breeding her sometime this month with another AKC registered chocolate lab and will be having puppies in February sometime. Puppies will be ready to go to a new home in April. I was wanting to send this out and just have people in mind for when the puppies are born. Please message me or reply to this post if you are interested and want more details. Thank you! KR
  3. klrogers

    Lab Puppies for Sale

    Sorry to hear about your girl! Yes, hoping that the breeding is successful this next week we should have puppies I will keep ya posted I have you down on my list. Thanks
  4. klrogers

    Lab Puppies for Sale

    ZJarcher, You should let her know! Everyone loves puppies! and... the parents are GREAT dogs.. Remi (my lab) is so stinkin smart and very calm! You should surprise your wife with one! She would love you forever! lol
  5. klrogers

    Lab Puppies for Sale

    PM Sent Diehard
  6. klrogers

    Fire in 24B

    I also am a firefighter and I agree with rogeti we are tired of the stupid people that have no idea what it is like to fight a forest fire. JUST SO YOU KNOW YOU CAN"T JUST RUN IN THERE AND SPRAY WATER ON IT! All these people think they are so smart and think that they can fight fires better than the skilled people that are doing the job. If you think so sign your a$$ up and you run into a VERY STEEP CANYON with the wind blowing 50-60mph. plus you have a slope that is making that fire move even faster. go right ahead and jump on it. GOOD LUCK LET ME KNOW HOW IT WORKS!!!!!! So let me ask you a question, how do you catch a forest fire that the wind is blowing so hard that the fire is spotting 3 MILES ahead of itself?? They tried to do back burns to slow it down but you get one road secure and you think you have it then little do you know that it is BLOWING UP a mile ahead of where you just secured it. HOW DO YOU STOP IT! Maybe you should do some research on what it is like to fight a fire before you make your self look like an idiot!!
  7. I have a 9 month old Chocolate lab pup and I need some advice for the one thing that she is bad for. She is really smart and really good otherwise. She sits, lays, rollsover, retrieves really well. I take her with me everywhere I go, she loves to go for rides. When I need to go somewhere I can't take her I have a 40'x20' kennel built for her that i put her in. I can't seem to catch her to put her in there, she thinks it is a game and won't even come close to me. Like yesterday I tried to take her for a ride with me and she wouldn't get in the truck. I can't just drive off and leave her home cause she follows the truck and I don't want her to get run over. She sometimes does this when we are out in the woods, she is impossible to catch, she gets down and wants to play. She has almost gotten run over twice now because she will NOT mind me and just runs away. She listens really well otherwise except for getting in the truck and into her kennel. I have tried putting her on a 50 ft rope hoping she will act up and I can teach her to mind me that way and she can't run away. but she doesn't act up on the rope, so that doesn't work. I have tried luring her over with treats, thrown toys, walking away and hoping she will follow me, but she doesn't when she is in this mood. I need some help with her, I'm gonna be starting work soon and she will need to go in the kennel everyday and I won't have time to chase her around and be late for work. Should I try a shock collar? Any advice would be great! Thanks! Here is a picture of her...
  8. hold off on the shocker... thats the easy last resort... it will do the trick.. but if u can avoid doing so.. by all means... the kennel is really all you need.. once they get the mentality that its their place.. sh!t really comes togethr..at 9 mos. shes right where she needs to be... the best thing is.. to run the pup hard.. all the time.. let em swim that wears em out best... and while their tired.. offer up the kennel.. coax em into it... let them choose to go in there.. lastly.. put an old shirt or something in the kennel that smells like you..or another dog from her litter also the size of the kennel is crucial.. its actually better to get one thats a wee too small then if it is too big... the first year is frustrating... but a well trained dog.. is priceless.. I take her swimming at least once a week and I play with her alot and make her VERY tired, I even take her on runs with me. She is a very calm dog and sleeps quite a bit. She is getting used to her kennel now, she will eat in there and has no fear of walking in there with me. I wanted to make her a pretty good sized kennel because starting in 2 weeks she will be in there from about 6am-4pm. She is a free ranging dog, we have 2 1/2 acres and she never leaves the yard. I am almost through the first year! Can't wait! haha
  9. Thanks everyone for the tips, I have started working with her today and she is improving already, I couldnt get her to even come in the kennel with me, and then i started playin with a ball in there just kicking it around and she got jealous and decided to come in and have some fun too. I hope she gets out of this little stage and we can move on to some more fun and exciting tricks and skills! Thanks Again!!
  10. klrogers

    This post is for the dogs

    This is Remi, she is a chocolate lab, she is now 8 months old. She was a cute pup and has grown to be a beautiful girl! She is a sweetheart and is super smart! We love her so much! She Liked to Chew on horns! She had beautiful blue eyes when she was a pup. She learned to bring everything back that you throw for her, even if that means 2 tennis balls! 4 months old 6 months old, she has matured a lot! 7 months, Remi and I Doin what she does best, SWIM in the river!
  11. klrogers

    Looking for Shock Collar

    I am looking for a shock collar for my pup, Wondering if anyone on here has one to sell. Thanks!
  12. klrogers

    360 Elk Sheds

    My brother (TIM), my boyfriend (TRINITY) and I and of course Remi and Sami (the labs) went out and did some hiking and found some good horns. Trinity glassed up a horn and we walked down to pick it up it was a nice white 6 point, then literally ten yards away Tim found another white horn, Trinity walked up the hill found another, Tim went down and found another. and there I was finding NOTHING!!! I was getting a little mad! We continued to walk on this hillside and again Trinity and Tim find another horn. I was so mad and determined to find me a horn! As I walked up the hillside I look to my left to see something really shiny and way to smooth to be a tree branch or stick. Turns out to be a nice brown 7 point shed! I was soo excited I got on the radio and told the boys, "I JUST FOUND A REALLY NICE BROWN!!!" They sounded a little jealous on the radio. We sat down to have some lunch and tied up the dogs to give them a break and we all split up to go look for the other side. I walked 50 yards up the hill and saw the other one leaning in a bush! I again got on the radio and told the boys "GUESS WHAT I FOUND THE OTHER SIDE!!" They all found the old white horns while im pickin up the nice brown ones! Thats what they brought me for to find the good ones!
  13. klrogers

    360 Elk Sheds

    Thanks Everyone.. It was a great day for horn hunting!
  14. Try getting 2 2x4 boards and hitting them together right above their head. That seems to work for my pup, she was scared at first but now it doesnt bother her.
  15. They did the last ignition of the control burn on the wednesday before that way it would be done burning before the bad weather came. If you are unaware, a fire can burn all through the winter in the roots, and the following spring the wind can cause it to ignite again. What they are doing is good, especially for the people who decide to build in the woods and have their houses burnt to the ground. You should be thankful for the fire program of the forest service. If you burn in the fall or spring, when summer lightening and drought comes it prevents the flame lengths from being 20ft. Believe it or not, burning benefits the wildlife and promotes new growth. Do a little research before you go and blame the forest service. Before the forest service can burn, it has to be approved by various organizations, (Rocky Moutain Elk Foundation, Arizona Elk Society, AZ Game and Fish, ect...) These groups also fund most of these projects, so if you hate one you hate them all, just think about that!
  16. klrogers

    Chocolate Lab Puppies

    I am looking for a female chocolate lab puppy. Is there anyone that knows of anyone who is selling or giving them away? If so let me know! Thanks!