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Everything posted by Traveler

  1. Traveler

    17 HMR

    It is a very fun gun. I love mine. Made a number of amazing shots on varmints. Amazingly accurate! I did some trigger work on mine and upgraded the scope because it was so accurate. Enjoy check out rimfirecentral.com for tons of info.
  2. Traveler

    My 2007 Archery Elk Hunt

    Christian, Great story and write up! Congrats on a great bull! Dan
  3. Traveler

    taxidermy panels

    I never ordered any but saw alot of nice ones when I looked online a few years back. I still have some out of date catalogs. Good luck Dan
  4. Traveler

    Mullies in 39

    I would love to try for them. Sent you a PM. Thanks Dan
  5. Traveler

    Leupold TBC range finders

    Bushnell now has the ARC in the Scout model. I bought one of the first ones and like it so far, but have done limited testing. Good Luck Dan
  6. Traveler


    These August monsoons always change things up for me. It is mentioned in some of the coues literature on how they prefer to drink out of a sauce sized puddle than a waterhole, this has been my experience as well. Good luck re-patterning. Dan
  7. Lance, Thanks for sharing the pics as well as the camera info! Good Hunting Dan
  8. Curt W on Bowsite confirmed that they are included on the DVD. I am ordering a set today. It will be very useful in helping out my kids and wife.
  9. Nice! Thanks for posting. Dan
  10. Here is the link for the 2005 video set. It does NOT say if the Dead On shooting tips are included? https://newstore.primediamags.com/shop/Item...em=1DBHTV5& I asked on Bowsite if anyone knew if they were included on the DVD.
  11. The Randy Ulmer ones are excellent. Only the current years tips are online. The first years were great for a beginner. I think they are available on the DVD if you buy them http://www.bowhunter.com/bowhuntermagtv/BHTV_DOdescriptions/ Enjoy Dan
  12. Traveler

    whitetail on unit 23 very low

    I keep seeing them where they are not suppose to be in 22, 23 and 24. I think the drought may be a factor since they have had to move to perm water alot over the last decade.
  13. Traveler

    STOLEN HEADS!! Please look

    That is sick. It is an awful feeling having your property violated like that. Obviously some very twisted individuals. Give our regards to the victims Dan
  14. Traveler

    Rain in unit 9

    Thanks for the update! Hopefully a little boost to finish of the 7th and 8ths on my bull
  15. Traveler

    This weeks Pic

    Nice spot. Hopefully we will get some more rain to fill it back up. Thanks for sharing Dan
  16. Traveler

    Not Bad

    Very Nice! Thanks for sharing. Good luck Dan
  17. Traveler

    coues hunts on tv

    Thanks for the heads up. Can I watch it at your house since I spend toooo much on hunting to afford cable and tivo?
  18. Traveler

    XL Elk shed

    Make sure you chase him into my unit this year. Those are awesome!!! Thanks for taking the time to post the pics Dan
  19. Traveler

    Good Elk pics

    Nice pics from both of you. WoodsAZ- What kind of camera did you get? Thanks for sharing
  20. Traveler

    Camera thieves SUCK!

    That is very unfortunate. I am heading up to your home unit this week to do some scouting. I guess I will have to be pretty sneaky on any camera placement if I use them up there. The fact they have bolt cutter means they are probably stealing tree stands as well.
  21. Traveler

    Bear baiting in Az

    My understanding was that baiting was done away with because one of the board members did not like it and proposed to do away with with it and it passed. ( I have no facts to back this up, just word of mouth) If people keep bringing up deer baiting I am sure a similar thing will happen and hunter will not be able to choose that option anymore. People need to quit discussing this in public forums.
  22. Jacob and I walked around whats left about 7:30 saturday morning. We saw no signs of life, it looked like the weeds were getting pretty high, but the water temp seemed fine. Later Dan
  23. Traveler

    07 Diamond Liberty

    Have not tried the new Liberty. Did you compare it to the Bowtech Guardian? I liked how the Guardian shot, but wanted something a little smoother draw.
  24. I figured breakfast would be over around 10. Figured most people would be gone by noon. ? I think you are right most people will be off shooting, fishing or whatever right after breakfast (or before). Dan
  25. Traveler

    bear spray video clip

    Cool video Thanks for taking the time to post it! We sure had lots of night visitors this year on our fishing trips out there. Dan