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Everything posted by Traveler

  1. Traveler

    White Mountains Road Situation

    Were you talking to a state roadsor Forest Service guy? Thanks for the info- We are fishing up there this weekend and hope to hit Big lake if it it opens up this week.
  2. Traveler

    Looking to buy a .17hmr

    I love this caliber. I bought the savage. That was before you could get the adj trigger in a stock gun. I Put a Rifle basix sear in and it has been awesome. I would not go with the sweet 17 scope. Check the reviews on it from hardcore .17 shooters and most quickly upgrade that have purchased it. I would look for something with higher power. At least 12 or 14x. It is so accurate I would not be limited by 9X power. I have bought a rimfire scope with good luck from https://www.airgunsofarizona.com/ Keeping the $$$ in the copper state We shoot small targets (shotgun hulls, .45 brass etc.) at 125yds+ without adequate magnification it is not nearly as fun. Good luck with whatever you end up with and have fun.
  3. Traveler


    Congrats that is sweet! I may draw one of those someday. It was not that long ago there was only one tag.
  4. Traveler

    **Draw Results**

    Unit 9 Archery Bull for my son and wife!!! Crazy luck on Archery bull elk tags in our house the last 5 of 6 years.
  5. Traveler

    New Hats and Tshirts

    My hats off to Gino for picking an awesome fabric!!!
  6. Traveler

    2000 polaris sportsman 500

    I have a 2000 and it is a great machine. No issues running it at 1200ft in the desert to over 12000ft in CO.
  7. Traveler

    Badlands Sacrifice Pack

    This is awesome. I am thrilled with the trend in making hunting packs lightweight. I always thought it was crazy to start out with a pack that weighed 8-12lbs empty. Badlands has always had a quality product and stand behind them. Now let's see them add another 2-300 cubic inches to the monster fanny pack again and shave some weight off at the same time.
  8. Traveler

    Michelle Obama

    Just wondering if you supported Obama and that is why you snoped it. If you did, do you still? Or have you been following Larks advise of punching yourself every morning in the mouth. I am not sure that not being able to serve a second term is a good idea. We may have a great one next time around and would make us proud to have him/Her serve us again. If this one gets re-elected I will have lost all faith in the American people. I did not support our president during his campaign, I am on the opposite side of the political spectrum. I just get sick of lies in the media regardless on which side of the issue they are lying about. Unfortunately there is a lot of slime on both side of the aisle and it oozes from most of the press as well. I concur Two terms may be fine for any office, it is the career politicians that make things worse. It should be public service, not live on the public. If they never got re-elected maybe they would spend the first half of their terms figuring stuff out then we would have half as many laws and taxes and the US would be twice as nice a place to live.
  9. Traveler

    Michelle Obama

    Unfortunately this apparently is not unprecedented: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/firstlady.asp Another good reason to never re-elect anyone
  10. Traveler

    texas hog hunting questions

    I like to hunt them with a bow. However on some ranches the morning hunt is like fifteen minutes long and the hogs are moving into cover fast so a gun is a good option for the morning hunt. Use heavy arrows with cut on contact broadheads. If you are going beyond the middle of march, night hunting may be the best option once it warms up. You will need some sort of sight light with a dimmer. They are one of my favorite animals to hunt. If you are not going to mount a boar I would just shoot sows and littles ones because they taste so good. Boars tend to be a little gamey once they get over a 100lbs. So they are all sausage. Have fun and let us know how you do
  11. As I recall the green is needed for for a vitamin that is tied to the amount of eggs in a clutch. (can't recall if it is A, E or Iron) I know the few years we get a good soak in late Oct or Early Nov, the early green up of filaree and grasses, I personally noticed a big difference in clutch sizes. Hopefully we will get a normal March. We have had some bone dry Marches in recent years.
  12. Traveler

    Three in December

    Congrats! I know you have been waiting to break the 100 mark in you backyard for a while. Dan
  13. Traveler

    roninflag's sheep pictures

    Congrats! That's a beauty. Sounds like you had the right team helping you out.
  14. Traveler


    Thanks for sharing this. very interesting. It has a similar pattern to botulism in ducks but much less visible.
  15. Traveler

    93 4RUNNER 4X4 for sale TRADES CONSIDERED!

    Bump for a Nice lookin runner I am selling my 92 this week. 205,000 on it. great rigs but my daughter can't handle the 5speed manual so it is going.
  16. Traveler

    Havalon Knives - Check these out!

    These are great. I picked up a pair of little pliers in the flytying dept of Sportsmans to change blades (they weighed less than forceps) I zipped through my elk this year in record time. I also used it to filet out quail breasts, skin rattlers etc. Awesome product.
  17. Traveler


    bump for a good deal
  18. I am mad as heck! More rules, nothing done to mark closed roads, you have to read the map to know which road you can go on. We need enforcement, not more rules or closures. I will chill before the meetings. Need to figure out how to rally the sportsman, Jeep clubs, motorcycle clubs etc and come up with a joint counter proposal I think the whole thing should be put on hold until they assess the impact of the AZGFD hiring their enforcement guys paid for by our $25 additional tax each year.
  19. Traveler

    22-250 vs 243

    If you go with the Vanguard make sure you check the range of the scope (up down) I tried to buy two different ones at two different retailers. The scope was a few clicks away from being topped out at both stores. Multiple hours, multiple sets of scope mounts and they still could not get it right. I finally bought a Remington Model Seven for my boy. In .243 . They now have the improved adjustable trigger available ( thanks to competition from Savage) I was in the same mode as you 22-250 vs .243 The thought of the regret if he wounded a deer shifted me to the .243 Good luck with your decision and purchase
  20. Traveler

    San Carlos Lake 9/28/09

    Thanks for the pics! That is amazing how they drain that poor lake. Dan
  21. Traveler

    Back From South Africa

    Very Cool Thanks for posting some pics and sharing your experiences. I am getting African fever again Dan
  22. Traveler

    Back from Alaska

    Very nice- I look forward to the Halibut BBQ so I can hear all about it! Tell your son congrats.
  23. Traveler

    Happy 21st Younghunter

    Happy B Day! Good luck this year
  24. Traveler

    East Valley Restaurant

    That is an awesome way to write off all of your North American hunts!!! Hopefully it is a great restaurant, I consider the east valley an area of culinary blight. Very few good eateries for the population and $$ in the area. Anxious to hear some reports when it opens
  25. Traveler


    I would buy (or make) a crawdad trap and have the boys bait it up and drop it of somewhere you can check it later. A bucket full of crawdads keeps kids entertained between bites. Good luck