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Everything posted by Traveler

  1. Traveler

    Had fun taking an 11 yr old out

    Nice report. Congrats to Annie for toughing it out and making the best of it.
  2. Wondered if anybody hunted with these guys before?
  3. Traveler

    More success

    Big Congrats! That is awesome. Way to go Forrest
  4. The tourist dollars are not the issue. It's the drug $ on this side of the border. Next time you see some of your buddies going to smoke a bowl or do a line of coke remember where their $$$s are going
  5. Traveler

    Madison River Float Trips

    Nice October is a great month to fish since most of us are hunting and fish are hungry Keep the pics coming
  6. Traveler

    Wyoming Speedgoat

    Now that is a good buck! Way to go. I am surprised you did not wait for Sage Grouse season to head up there Dan
  7. Congrats to the winners. Those are some great prizes! Dan
  8. Traveler

    new string break in

    Hopefully you get it all squared away quickly. Once you confirm it is all set up right those string should be stable. I usually have to do a 1/2 a twist 6-9 months after install. ( I think shooting in 100+ temps is the cause). WC have eliminated a lot of tuning headaches I had previously with stock matthews strings. The other thought I had is because the string is made from different material than your previous string it may be lighter and or slightly thinner or thicker and that may a source of the change in sound at the shot. Good luck Dan
  9. Traveler

    I-17 was busy on Monday afternoon

    There were several incidents on the 17 yesterday. the back up started with a car fire there by Sunset Point. The horse deal happened just shortly after the car fire cleared up. I was rolling by the horse trailer when the Highway patrol showed up there. It was a long afternoon drive from up North.
  10. Traveler

    Nothing Fancy

    Welcome to the world of Archery. Enjoy that bow. Dan
  11. Traveler

    Unit 22 Buck

    Great Phone pics! Congrats on getting close Hopefully you will close the deal soon and we will get some close up shots of you with the big one. Dan
  12. Traveler

    the harvesting site!!

    Nice Pics! Those should be some really nice bucks this year. Good luck with them and the culling a Lion.
  13. Traveler

    Bowhunter Happening

    I am heading up Friday. Hope to get some shooting in Friday afternoon. We are staying in Pinetop. Hope to see you up there. I was just asking Robert how you were doing today. Dan
  14. Traveler

    newly found water soursce

    very cool! Thanks for sharing your pics. Gives me hope of finding some new spots. I hope a few old springs are flowing this year with the better water year
  15. Traveler

    Question for those who have done it

    I would talk to Niel Summers at Bowhunting Safari Consultants he has been doing bow safaris across africa for as long as anyone. Very good reputation. I have booked two trips over there with him was very pleased. You will get straight, honest answers from him. Unlike many booking agents he spends many weeks a year on the ground over there looking at his existing and potential properties. There are a million guys advertising bowhunting but only a handfull that really specialize in it. Good luck, feel free to ping me with questions
  16. Traveler

    Wyoming draw results

    We drew plus a few doe tags. Looking forward to flinging some arrows in August and hope to find another good one
  17. Traveler

    Wyoming draw results

    tick tock tick tock..... Our group should draw this year but I am always nervous that some pp holders that have been on the sidelines will jump in and mess up the odds.
  18. Thanks for the heads up on the concert! Been a while since I have been to a real rock concert.
  19. Traveler

    Black Canyon Lake Bassin'

    Sounds like a great first time trip there! Glad you had a good day and thanks for the report! Dan
  20. Traveler

    Black River Trip

    Glad you had a good trip. Approximately what area were you having issues with bugs? Thanks Dan
  21. Traveler

    Puma De Mayo!

    Nice Punkin head Tom! That is tree that I fear if I went lion hunting . He was way up there.
  22. Thanks again for hosting this. Hope to make it for at least Saturday. Jacob will be at Scout camp but Stephanie and I are going to try and make it. This is always a fun outing. Dan
  23. Traveler

    7 deadlypins

    Yes!- I really like it. If $ is no object I would order it with 8 or 9pins , the micro adjust / 3 rd Axis and definitely you want the wrap.
  24. Traveler

    Decoys for Antelope

    Here it is and you won't have to go shopping for Halloween this year either http://bethedecoy.com/store/
  25. Traveler

    texas governor

    "He became mulch" That was my favorite line