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About Ironwolf

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  • Birthday 12/19/1969

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  • Location
    Bisbee, Arizona

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  1. Ironwolf

    gear for rifle Coues hunt

    Get those big plastic totes from Walmart or wherever, the kinds with the locking lid handles so they don't blow off in the back of your truck, mark each one with a sharpie...cooking gear, tent, sleeping bags, etc. then when it's time to go to camp, you just load the totes. Keeps your stuff organized, and dry if it rains or snows
  2. Ironwolf

    12 Year old Daughters first deer

    Nice buck, good job little one
  3. Ironwolf

    Big 2 point

    good one
  4. Ironwolf

    Leftover tag, meat buck

    meat in the freezer tastes better than any size of antlers on the wall, great deer
  5. Ironwolf

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    I would never take a shot that far, even if I were capable, which I'm not, there is just too much that can go wrong with that shot. Even if you've practiced at that distance a thousand times, up slope draft, cross wind between you and the animal, swirling wind patterns, the coriolis effect, too much can go wrong to insure a definite humane kill. I'm glad the shot was successful, but for myself, if I can't get closer, I don't fill my tag, period. Impressive shooting though.
  6. Ironwolf

    Chrystie's Buck

    Can't eat the antlers anyway, lol. Awesome. and I bet delicious, deer
  7. Ironwolf

    3 buck in two days

    Way to go!
  8. Ironwolf

    Meet Mr. Wide

    Wow, awesome buck, so wide!
  9. Ironwolf

    Great Coues Hunt

    alright MOM!
  10. Ironwolf

    Possibly my dads last hunt!

    Awesome story, awesome memories... I couldn't have put it better than tjhunt2 put it.
  11. I do a lot of videography for high school and middle school sports, have done it for years and am very calm, cool and collected at it, and the footage always turns out very well.... and have taken the video camera many times on hunts with friends and family, and STILL haven't got it on tape, lol. Seems like at the moment it's like "DEER!" and everything else leaves my head. Even from a thousand yards, you got it on tape and you have it forever now. Awesome job!
  12. Ironwolf

    2 Dec Tags filled

    The time spent with your dad would have made a couple of spikes worth it. Awesome job!
  13. Man, what an AWESOME Christmas gift! That's a huge buck, so much mass!
  14. Ironwolf

    4 for 4

    Awesome job! Down here on the border it seems so hard to get all our tags filled, gone 2 for 3 a few times, 3 for 4 once, and 3 for 3 a couple of times, but it's rare everyone fills their tags. Excellent work, and with pictures like those the story doesn't have to fill the entire page, it's true what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.